
True love - i meet my soul mate in dream.

this book true love- i meet my soul mate in my dream is about a girl named ember .she is a college girl in his nineteen . one day , she go to sleep and when she wake up she find her in different room and the person standing near her bed was a real gentle man his voice is sweet like honey.he asked me who are you why i found you fainted near my house ? his tensed face seeing me making me curious who is he , his soft attitude towards me make my heart beat fast . i don't know how to answer but i want to say something and reply him but i also don't know what to say .i asked him i don't know about what are you saying iam sleeping in my room and when I wake up i am here ... do you all want to know what happened to her and how she reached at different places ? who is that person? what is happening in her life ? just read this book and you will know about her life ... . .. i write this novel in easy way that you can understand what is happening.. . please give me comments about my writing.. . i want you to love my book as i love with this book.. . #sweetlove ,# love in dream, #real v/s dream, # romantic,# romcom, # pure love ....

The_Mahek_Khan · Fantasy
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why my girl look beautiful in every dress .

dylan - let's do shopping.

me - you are only one man who like shopping.

dylan - If my girlfriend not like to do shopping so need to take care of this that she look adorable at the party .

me - hm(liking , relaxed ,☺️)

dylan - let eat first .we don't eat breakfast you are hungry.

me - okay .

(at restaurant)

dylan - here you go .

eat first (pat on my head)

me - okay .

taking with eating

dylan can i tell you something.

dylan - what happened.

me - nothing .

it is just.. it is just ...

that this is first time someone is treating me like this .( tackles)

dylan - you are looking too cute

i will treat you as a queen .so do you want to be my queen .

me - i love you dylan . thankyou for treating me like this.

dylan - i love you tooo.

me - let's go shopping


me - come dylan .

dylan - coming .

me - so tell me what should I buy .this is my first time going on a party .

dylan - what first ? do you never go on a party ? in real word to ?

me - yes it is not that my parent restricted but i don't like party .

dylan - now after attending this party you will love to go on party.

me - okay let see



after sometime strolling in shop.

dylan why don't you select.

dylan - why are you saying this .

me - because you don't like any thing which i select.

dylan - okay .

you are selected on casual it is not suitable of party .

me - which type of dress you prefer..

dylan - let's change the shop ...

me - okay .

( enter in another shop )

consumer attendent - welcome sir ,

dylan - miss, show my girlfriend the newest collection of this year .

consumer attendent- okay sir .

dylan - you choose . i have to make a call.

me - okay .

consumer attendent- miss this side ...


.sometime later ..

me - where is he ? it too late ? from whom he is taking to?

(pat at my back )

me - who ?

dylan you scared me to death .

dylan - who else you expect.

me - no one ..

dylan - so what you choose.

me - this one

this one

and this one

dylan -did you try any

me - actually i am waiting for you ?

dylan - really ! ahho! do you really miss me ?

me - who miss you ? i just need a opinion so that is why i am waiting for you.

dylan - oh ! ( pout )

me - ( going close to his ear )

(whisper) actually what you say is true .

i miss you .

(smile )

(turn back )

i am going to change..

wait for me ...




some time later .

curtain open ..

me - so tell me how is this

dylan ( in thought)- she is looking too hot in this dress .if anyone see him in this dress they will fall in love with her .

dylan -.(shout )no ! just go and change .

me - why are you shouting ? if you don't like it just say .

i am going to change .



one hour later

me - dylan i am going back to home .

you don't like any dress.

dylan - (in thought 💭)- she look hot in every dress .

dylan - let me select some .

me - okay .


after sometime

dylan - wear this ..

me - okay .


so how is this .

consumer attendent- in think this dress is covering your all body .

me - yes, you are right i

dylan - i think this is the dress.

pack it .

dylan ( in thought 💭) she is looking beautiful in all dress and even the dress is fully covering her .

me - dylan what are you thinking?

dylan - let's go . you go and sit in the car . i will pay the bill

me - okay . come fast .

consumer attendent - sir , this is the bill

dylan - pack all the clothes she try .

dylan (in thought 💭) - she can where these dress for me .

consumer attendent- okay sir

dylan - send it to this address.

consumer attendent - okay thankyou sir , can you give me your autograph.

dylan - okay ..

give me this dress.

consumer attendent - okay sir .

(me peeking from the gate )

dylan - ahem ! what happened?why are you peeking.

me - oh ! i am just waiting for you ..

dylan - i said that you go and sit in the car .

me - okay okay you are here let's go okay .

(moving to the parking lot )

(dylan - on phone )

me ( in thought 💭) - he is always busy on his phone.

(me stop ..) suddenly i see a dress made in heaven .

oh my my so beautiful 😍

dylan - hey why you stoped ?

me making puppy eye.dylan ..

dylan - what happened why are you looking to much attractive now then before.

me - can you just buy me this dress please 🥺. i want it too badly please 🥺

dylan - a dress attract you that is why you are making puppy eye .

so what can you give me in behave of this dress.

(me without thinking kiss him )


so know can you ..

dylan - speechless.

me - baby please.

dylan - let's go ..

me - yes .


.after buying this dress.

me really happy exited to were that ..

me - dylan i will wear this dress for you at home okay .

dylan - okay

dylan (in thought 💭) she is too cute when she please me .

me excited 😁 at whole time

reached at the parking lot.