
True love - i meet my soul mate in dream.

this book true love- i meet my soul mate in my dream is about a girl named ember .she is a college girl in his nineteen . one day , she go to sleep and when she wake up she find her in different room and the person standing near her bed was a real gentle man his voice is sweet like honey.he asked me who are you why i found you fainted near my house ? his tensed face seeing me making me curious who is he , his soft attitude towards me make my heart beat fast . i don't know how to answer but i want to say something and reply him but i also don't know what to say .i asked him i don't know about what are you saying iam sleeping in my room and when I wake up i am here ... do you all want to know what happened to her and how she reached at different places ? who is that person? what is happening in her life ? just read this book and you will know about her life ... . .. i write this novel in easy way that you can understand what is happening.. . please give me comments about my writing.. . i want you to love my book as i love with this book.. . #sweetlove ,# love in dream, #real v/s dream, # romantic,# romcom, # pure love ....

The_Mahek_Khan · Fantasy
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Is he is blushing


self motivating" it's time to remove the rob ember you can do it it's just a little bit of shoot you don't need to be nervous but i know that i am really scared from this ember just take a deap breath Huff! Huff! now it time to..

i took off my rob .. and move towards dylan . i know that i am not looking good and while walking i am pulling my dress down . when i look to dylan he was just staring me and then he look up in my eyes when our eyes meet each other i can feel that spark, i just forget everything i just want to keep seeing him the whole time . when i get closer to him.


at the same time in dylan 's mind - "

she is look so hot today . i have never seen her in this attire she always like to wear full sleeve and full length dress in which she look cute and elegant. i can see in her eyes that she is feeling uncomfortable that brat how dare he force my girl to wear the dress in which she is uncomfortable I will make you pay but i am have to thank him for this that i can know that my girl figure is too good..."

me -" why ? i feel sudden change in his attitude he become calm to angry and now he is clam again ...is he is blushing or i see something wrong.."

emir said " hey, stop staring her and stop blushing in this shoot you don't have to blush .

dylan - " angry "make eye contact with emir .

emir - why i feel sudden chilly ? moved his eyes towards dylan see the coldness in his eye "

in thought emir Trimble with fear.



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[if you want to know how she get in another country only in night just see more chapters to find out .]