
True love - i meet my soul mate in dream.

this book true love- i meet my soul mate in my dream is about a girl named ember .she is a college girl in his nineteen . one day , she go to sleep and when she wake up she find her in different room and the person standing near her bed was a real gentle man his voice is sweet like honey.he asked me who are you why i found you fainted near my house ? his tensed face seeing me making me curious who is he , his soft attitude towards me make my heart beat fast . i don't know how to answer but i want to say something and reply him but i also don't know what to say .i asked him i don't know about what are you saying iam sleeping in my room and when I wake up i am here ... do you all want to know what happened to her and how she reached at different places ? who is that person? what is happening in her life ? just read this book and you will know about her life ... . .. i write this novel in easy way that you can understand what is happening.. . please give me comments about my writing.. . i want you to love my book as i love with this book.. . #sweetlove ,# love in dream, #real v/s dream, # romantic,# romcom, # pure love ....

The_Mahek_Khan · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Confessions: A Surprising Moment.

Ember tried to calm herself as she asked, "What happened, Emir?"

"There's something I need to tell you... Come, sit, let's talk," Emir said. She sat on the bed, and Emir turned his face toward the door.

"Tell me?" Ember asked, anticipation building.

Emir slowly walked towards her with a bashful look on his face. He looked deeply into her eyes and, sitting beside her, gently took her hands in his. "I like you, Ember."

Ember was taken aback by the sudden confession. She jumped from the bed, blurting out, "What?" She couldn't understand why he was saying this.

"Don't panic," Emir tried to reassure her, but her anxiety persisted.

"I wanted to tell you about my feelings towards you, make it special for you, but..." Emir didn't finish his sentence.

Ember interjected, "When did you start feeling this way about me?" She searched his eyes for answers.

"Just when I saw you in my garden," Emir admitted.

"Isn't that the first day we met?" Ember asked to confirm.

"Yes, you're right," Emir confirmed.

Ember's legs went numb, and she fell back onto the bed. "Are you alright?" Emir asked, concerned.

"Yes, I am," Ember replied, her heart racing with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

Seeing that Ember was not saying anything, Emir continued, "I know this is sudden, but what happened today in the restroom made me more scared that you would leave me... I don't have patience, so I'm telling you that I like you."

Ember tried to explain, "What happened in the restroom today was shocking for me too, but I don't plan to leave you just because of what they said." Emir asked, "So, what do you think of me?"

"I see you as a friend, but this is too sudden for me," Ember admitted, lowering her head.

"It's okay. You have time to decide. I'm not forcing you to answer now," Emir said, forcing a smile.

"So, I'm going to my room..." Ember began to leave, but Emir gently pushed her back onto the bed, positioning himself on top of her. "I like you," he whispered, placing a tender kiss on her cheek. Then, he captured her lips in a soft, brief kiss.

For Ember, time seemed to stand still, and she felt her heart skip a beat. Emir released her and hugged her, saying, "When you feel ready, you can give me an answer." His voice was filled with both longing and patience.

Ember was in shock, including the unexpected kiss. When Emir finally let go of her hand, she hurriedly ran towards the door and returned to her room without looking back, leaving behind a whirlwind of emotions.

she denies it.

but the truth is, she's falling in love with him

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