
True love - i meet my soul mate in dream.

this book true love- i meet my soul mate in my dream is about a girl named ember .she is a college girl in his nineteen . one day , she go to sleep and when she wake up she find her in different room and the person standing near her bed was a real gentle man his voice is sweet like honey.he asked me who are you why i found you fainted near my house ? his tensed face seeing me making me curious who is he , his soft attitude towards me make my heart beat fast . i don't know how to answer but i want to say something and reply him but i also don't know what to say .i asked him i don't know about what are you saying iam sleeping in my room and when I wake up i am here ... do you all want to know what happened to her and how she reached at different places ? who is that person? what is happening in her life ? just read this book and you will know about her life ... . .. i write this novel in easy way that you can understand what is happening.. . please give me comments about my writing.. . i want you to love my book as i love with this book.. . #sweetlove ,# love in dream, #real v/s dream, # romantic,# romcom, # pure love ....

The_Mahek_Khan · Fantasy
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138 Chs

"A Surprise in Pink: The Morning Ember Couldn't Forget"

The sun was shining beautifully, its rays gently falling on her eyes as Emir entered her room. "Wake up, it's morning, baby," Emir said.

Ember replied with a sleepy voice, "Hmm..."

Emir planted a soft kiss on her forehead to wake her up and said, "So, do you accept, dear?"

ember was not fully awake yet, so she asked, "Accept what?"

Emir replied with a smile on his face, "To be my girlfriend."

"No," Ember said and quickly rushed to wake up from her bed.

Emir was taken aback and found himself asking, "Okay, how much time do you need to reply?"

Ember replied, "Hey, let me think about it..."

Seeing her expression, Emir decided to give her a week to reply, saying, "I am giving you one week."

"That fast?" Ember said in shock, finding the time frame surprisingly short.

Emir responded, "Go get changed; we are going outside," in an orderly manner.

Ember inquired, "Is it for college?"

Emir replied, "No, I will tell you at breakfast where I'm taking you."

She agreed and said, "Okay."

Ember wondered what to wear since she didn't know where they were going.

There was a knock on the door, and Nanna was outside, saying, "Ember, come eat breakfast."

Ember replied, "Coming."

Another knock on the door...

"Who?" Ember asked.

Without waiting for a reply, someone entered the room. She turned and saw Emir. "What are you doing here? Don't you know that when you knock, you need to wait for 'yes, come in' words?"

She grew irritated and said, "What if I'm changing now?"

Emir replied, "So what? You are my girl."

"You are such a pest. Don't you feel any shame while saying this?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "Why are you here?" She asked, wondering why he was so shameless.

"I am here to give you this." Emir extended his hand and handed over the package to Ember.

"What is it?" She checked it curiously.

"Get changed and come downstairs. I will be waiting," he said as he moved closer to her and whispered in her ear, "Do you mind if I help you get changed?"

"What?" Ember blushed and felt embarrassed. She hastily reached out to close the door, but he stopped her and suddenly kissed her forehead. "I will be waiting," he said and closed the door. Ember was left standing in shock.

After a moment, she finally realized he had left. "Oh, finally, he's gone. I don't know why he's acting weird today. Is it because of what happened last night? I shouldn't think about this anymore. She opened the package he gave her and found a soft pink jumpsuit inside. So, he knows what I want to wear. How cute! I have to admit, his choice is good." these thoughts are wandering in her mind. She got dressed and headed downstairs.

" i love you .. when i saw you and you smiled because you knew"

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