
Shocking Encounter

Three teens were walking through a busy street but wherever they went, people would always stop and stare, but they didn't seem to notice their looks as they were too busy talking between themselves.

The light skinned young man suddenly turned to look as he thought he saw someone familiar out of the corner of his eyes.

[How is that possible?! She shouldn't be here… This is impossible!]

As he stopped to stare, the person he was staring at seemed to sense his gaze and turned to look at him. A brief look of surprise could be seen on her face before she flashed a smile in his direction then returning to her prior conversation.

When they saw Orion stop, Shaya and Roman stopped and traced his line of sight.

"Do you know her?"

Hearing Shaya's voice Ori shook his head waking himself from his dazed state.

"I hope not!"

As he said that he carried on walking. Shaya and Roman knew that Ori had spent his whole life on a deserted island with only his family. Only leaving the island on two separate occasions before going to the land of D. So they were surprised to see that he might know someone that neither of them knew.

They both took a second look at the girl Ori was looking at. She was an extremely ordinary looking girl standing at 5" and looked to be about 16 years old. She had blonde hair tied in twin pony tails, smooth rosy skin and big light brown eyes. Her most prominent physical feature was the purple diamond in the centre of her forehead, which most would naturally assume was a unique birth mark.

She was wearing a white low cut short sleeve blouse that showed off her busty chest and finished above her navel, a red mini skirt and under neath she was wearing a tight fit netted undershirt that became shorts from her legs down, reaching the middle of her thighs and a pair of ordinary looking sandals. She was also wearing a blue haori with the Wano symbol printed on the back.

The thing that made people stop and stare when they looked at her wasn't her looks, nor was it how she dressed but the air of nobility that surrounded her.

Roman and Shaya looked at her but neither seemed to recognise her, they then turned around and walked to catch up with Ori.

The blonde girl was walking and talking with two males. On her left was a young man who looked to be about 19. He stood at 6" with long black hair tied in a top knot, piercing blue eyes and a birdlike nose. He was dressed in a sleeveless coat with dark shoulders and the Wano symbol printed on the back over a white samurai kimono and a pair of black bottoms that was held up by a red sash as were his two katanas. To most he gave off an air of elegance but to those with noteworthy senses he gave off a very cold and ruthless aura.

He glanced back in the direction of Ori as he said.

"Princess, that young man seemed to recognise you. We should leave, if he knows who you are, it could spell trouble. And from the presence of him and his companions, should they come after us I don't know if we're capable of escaping unscathed.

She smiled lightly as she replied.

"It probably wasn't me he recognised but my aura."

The male on the right who was a lean Caucasian looking about 13 and stood at 5" 5 with wild green hair gelled upwards with no eyebrows, was dressed in a long unbuttoned orange jacket that showed off his underdeveloped muscles and pair of yellow and blue checkered trousers tucked into a pair of shin high black boot.

When he heard what the female said, he looked at her in confusion as he asked.

"Your aura? Why would he recognise your aura?!"

Tsunade looked at the young 13 year old green haired boy as she replied.

"Because his is the same."

The samurai looked shock as he asked.

"He was…"

She nodded gently.

"So it seems."

The green haired youth looked as if he didn't understand but he didn't put too much thought into it.

Ori who was still walking beside Roman and Shaya was completely in his own world.

[That girl looked exactly like Tsunade! But is that possible?! I mean she's from the Naruto world… But then again I reincarnated into this world, so why can't someone from the Naruto world reincarnate here as well?]

Shaya and Roman could see Ori was lost in thought and didn't try to distract him.

Eventually they made it to a clothes shop. When they came out they were no longer dressed in their caveman like attire.

Roman was dressed in a beige undone jacket, a pair of white bottoms, the bottom of which were elastic and clung to his shins and held up by a golden sash and on his feet a pair of plain black sandals. He still had the spear like item wrapped in cloth strapped to his back and a golden halberd in his hand.

Shaya was dressed in a white one piece strapless dress that reached her thighs and had side splits that came right up to her hips. She was wearing a pair of black boots that came up to her knees. Her scarlet long bow still in her hand.

Ori was dressed in a long white shirt styled jacket that reached down to his knees which was left half open with the only point of contact being by his hips which was held in place by a silver sash beneath which the jacket would hang free. He was also wearing a pair of loose fitted light grey trousers that were tucked into a pair of black low shin high boots. On his back was his large rectangular sword and a large fully loaded pack.

Shaya looked at Ori as she asked.

"Where do you want to go now?"

"The execution stand."

When they arrived Ori was a little surprised to see that it was empty as he expected the place where the king of the pirates breathed his final breath to be quite the tourist attraction.

When they arrived Ori and Roman both lay a bunch of flowers down in order to pay their respects to their departed uncle. Shaya stood just behind them respectfully allowing them to say their goodbyes.

When Ori was done he noticed that behind him was the young blonde he was distracted by earlier. As he turned to face her she smiled as she walked towards him.

Shaya and Roman both noticed the group making their way over, but as they couldn't feel any malicious intent neither made any action to stop them. Even if they didn't try to stop them they didn't lower their guards as they could feel the aura of the three were anything but ordinary, especially the blonde and the samurai.

When both groups were only separated by a few meters the blonde looked at Ori and asked.

"Can we go somewhere and talk privately?"