
Next 2 Weeks

I'm sorry to say this, but I'm going to be busier than I expected over the next two weeks, so chapter releases will be limited to once a day until Mon 9th July where there will be no release until Thurs 12th as I will be completely away from all forms of technology.

Things will calm down with work from Sat 14th July. Over that weekend I will try and push out as many chapters as I can to make it up to you all.

Also, till now I haven't really had a set timetable for chapter releases, so after this busy two week period the time table will be as follows:

Mon - 2x Chapters

Tues - 1x Chapter

Wed - 2x Chapters

Thurs - 1x Chapter

Fri - 2x Chapters

Sat - 2x Chapters

Sun - 2x Chapters

Sorry for any inconveniences.