
True Inherithor Of The Rinnegan

First time Writing a fanfic, so if you find some errors in the chapter, please don't hesitate to tell me. Read the prologue first , and then read the Auxiliary chapter (volume 0) to knows what you're getting into and not waste your time if it's not to your liking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis A boy with suicidal agenda get saved by a dying entity ( you'll probably be surprised ;D) and got a chance to live in Another world. What he didn't know though, was how his fate will bring him to face unimaginable circumstances. ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ This is a two worlds fanfic Meaning that the mc will go to two worlds kind of like a multiverse fanfic. The first World is MHA (My hero academia) and the second one will be revealed only when i'm almost finished with the first. This is for me to concentrate more on the first world. This is a Fanfic with an actual Plot . Read the prologue, it's important. disclaimer : i don't own My hero Academia and it's characters. I only own my Mc and my original plots.

I_Am_L_72 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 3 : Discoveries

A/N: This chapter will show you that this fanfic's title is an understatement ;D


A few days in the hospital were enough to completely heal Yahiko of his injuries. Being fed and taken care of by the beautiful nurses was not that bad of an experience. But now , it was time to leave.

Wearing a gray shirt along with matching pants, he was in the company of his new parent figure in front of the hospital, saying their goodbye and thanking the nurses for their hard work.

" They seemed to like you a lot , kid. At your age, this Old man wasn't that loved by the ladies."

" I'm very sorry for that." answered Yahiko with a somewhat sad face.

" Oi.. Don't pity me.. Anyway, Even though it's pretty far from here, let's go to my house while running. Since you'll be living with me from now on, you'll also have to be strong."

'Strong ? That's a good thing I guess.. ' " Yes, gramps."

" Oh? No complaining? Good. But tell me if you can't run anymore, ok? You just got dispensed from the hospital after all."

" Understood.. ..but gramps , will you be okay ? " Said Yahiko while looking at the old man and his cane.

" Hahaha, you're worrying about me? That's a funny thought! But don't worry, just be careful yourself."

" Uhh.. Ok, if you say so." ' Will he really be okay though?'

50 minutes later…

In a more populated street, far away from the hospital , civilians were carrying on with their lives as usual. Their boring routine had been completed long enough for it to be second nature at this point. But today, an odd incident happened and added more color to their daily routine, even if only for a moment.

If one looked hard enough towards one point of the street, the figure of a man could be seen rapidly approaching. Or rather an old man. It wasn't much longer until he was already in front of the people who noticed him from afar, and left them in the dust with his speed.

Not-So-Bored-Anymore citizen A " Damn! Look at that!! That old man is running like nobody's business!"

Impressed citizen A " I swear! Isn't he faster than me and my colleagues? We've tried a small marathon between us once, and we never ever approached that speed!"

Theorist citizen A " Maybe that's his quirk at work here? It doesn't really surprise me that he can run that fast if he have quirk"

Straightforward Citizen A " Hah! You gotta have at least the stamina to run that fast and for that long! A strength or speed related quirk won't give you that! Look at where he is already!"

Theorist citizen A " hmm, maybe his quirk is general physical improvement? But still, that kid is working hard and is not too bad either"

As one citizen had remarked, a young kid was following the Old man's trail, albeit at a much slower pace. His whole body was drenched in sweat , making his shirt stick to his skin, and showing his underdeveloped muscles.

But the kid's breathing wasn't as erratic as his appearance may have suggested. And while his speed was slower than the Old man, it was definitely faster than the average boys of his age.

Far away from him was the Old man who, judging by his pose, was seemingly waiting for him to catch up at an intersection.

'*Huff* *huff*... Damn this Old man.. I knew he wasn't an average person. It wouldn't surprise me that he also possesses some powers like those guys I saw in the middle of those explosions..*Huff* ' Complained Yahiko while thinking about his arrival in this reality.

'*Huff* Now that I think about it, Why did I even jump to save him at that time..? *Huff* .. I was sure that I was in the middle of retreating.. .. Was something wrong with my body? ' The memory of that event truly unsettled him. The idea that his body didn't listen to him in such a dangerous situation wasn't that appealing. Yahiko/Akira wasn't that kind hearted a person to the point where he'll risk his life to save someone he didn't even know.

' Ah.. ..I've read something similar in transmigration Xianxia novels in my past life…'

It wasn't all that uncommon in those novels that he remembered to have the protagonist transmigrate into the body of someone, generally a trashy young master or a waste, and have his memories and personality merge with those of the previous owner of the body, giving birth to someone with the personality of both individuals.

' Was that the personality or some vestige of Yahiko moving my body… ? I really hope it was just a one time thing, and if not , i have to find a way to get rid of it…' (A/N : Don't worry , it was indeed a one time thing. There's nothing/nobody that can control his body against his will anymore. Akira is just being cautious since he doesn't know about that).

While thinking about all kind of things, he was already in front of the Old man.

" Ohhh! Not bad, kid. We've been running for a while now and you don't seem to be having too hard a time. This Old man is impressed. Is it your quirk at work? Most people would have dropped on the road by now" said the Old man, with a refreshed smile, looking as if he didn't run for almost an hour himself.

"*Huff* *Huff*... ..Quirk..*Huff*?"

"Hmmm? You don't know your quirk yet? Hahaha, that's even more impressive! I may have found a diamond in the rough! Come on, let's go! This time I'll stay close to you since I'm in a good mood, hahaha!"

"*Huff* .. Yes!!"

' Did he say a "quirk"? Is that what those strange powers are called?' The fact that his abnormal stamina and resilience were mentioned by the Old man made Yahiko suspicious about his own power. ' Do I have something similar too ? Or is my body just that strong?'

" What are you thinking so hard about? You're way too young to be making these kinds of expressions." remarked the Old man while running at about the same pace as Yahiko.

" Ah.. hahaha… I was just thinking about how you're still fine even after running all this time, gramps. Is that your "quirk" ? "

" Hmmm… Well, I guess it's not completely unrelated so you could see it that way? Don't worry! When your quirk awaken, you might be able to do it too."

' That's way too vague..'

Finally, after half an hour more of running, their destination was now in front of them.

" *Huff* … I can finally rest! *Huff* *huff* *huff* !!" Said Yahiko while panting on the ground. After running for that much time with his 5 years olds body, he was finally feeling completely exhausted.

Lifting his head to see how his new home looked like, what appeared in his field of view was a martial art dojo that seemed to be connected to a somewhat large traditional Japanese house.

" Now now. Get up and follow me. Our house is the one directly connected to the Dojo."

" Is the dojo yours too, gramps? "

" Of course. It's also where I'll train you. Don't you want to be strong ? "

" huh ? How do you-"

" Ho Ho Ho! You should have seen your own face while sleeping in the hospital This old man has enough experience to know what you were thinking about in your sleep"

They quickly entered the house, and Yahiko began admiring its inside. Most of his new home was made of solid woods and bricks. The first room that one could see after entering the house was the tea room (" chashitsu") . With a large enough size for four people to casually partake in the art of tea, it was a perfect spot to treat your guests in.

The Old man then proceeded to give Yahiko a complete tour of his new home : From the living room, dining room , and everything he needed to know before finally showing him his room.

" That's where you will live. So, You like it? "

Yahiko's room looked a lot like that of a student's. Everything was there from the working space with a desktop computer, to the bed and the space available. Seeing his expression, the Old man began laughing " Ha! What are you so surprised about? This is a room you'll use for a long time. I've arranged and bought everything for you while you were hospitalized. Aren't I a good grandfather?" Bragged Yahiko's new parent figure while stroking his chin.

" Yeah.. You're the best, gramps.." A natural smile appeared on Yahiko's face. One that he hadn't made since he left Haruka Watanabe in his past reality.

Seeing such a Yahiko , the Old man couldn't stop grinning " hahaha! For a kid, you're oddly emotional! Take your time to get everything right in your room, take a shower , and meet me in the living room later. There are things you should know."


Now all alone in his room, the first thing Yahiko did was to open his computer And search " Quirk" for any related information that might help him understand this new reality better.

15 minutes later ..

" Ouff.. ..hmmm, this is an interesting world."

A long time ago in Qing Qing City of China, a newborn baby manifested an ability that radiated light from his whole body. That was the birth of the first quirk user. Gradually, people all around the world began displaying different supernatural abilities. It expanded to the point where now , more than 80% of the population were quirk users. This rise also brought with it more problems as more and more criminals with supernatural abilities that were too difficult to handle for the police appeared.

To better fight off these criminals, a new profession took the mantle, the named Pro Heroes.

" If I want to be safe and protect myself in this world, I have to be strong. I think it's time to see what my personal ability is. If I remember correctly what Haruka-san told me , I should strongly think about it in my heart ?"

Closing his eyes and concentrating as much as possible on his ability , Yahiko suddenly found himself in a dark empty space.

" hmmm? Where is this? My mind space maybe?"

Then all of a sudden, A bright round pearl appeared and started strongly radiating light in the unfamiliar dark space. It didn't take long for it to completely illuminate the entire space, including Yahiko. And as the light quickly went out, Yahiko found himself in his chair, in front of his computer with information about his abilities filling his head.

And after a few seconds.." I thought it was only one ability but it seems to be more like two…" said Yahiko as he analyzed his powers.

The first ability gives him the possibility to learn any technique or jutsu that he remembers from the narutoverse. As long as he remembers the name of the jutsu and its basic application, a mental formula would appear in his head teaching him how he should mold his chakra to create the desired effect, and he would be able to use said jutsu. Most kekkei genkai aren't an exception.

Based on the information he received , it was basically a passive ability of Kaguya's core, which contains the chakra and memories of every being she absorbed, merging with him. But he could only use it to learn jutsu that he remembers, rather than all the jutsus contained in the core's jutsus record.

' And the second ability is apparently a dojutsu unique to me. Let's quickly check this out!" As a fan of dojutsu, Yahiko excitedly got down from his chair and went in front of his room's mirror to get a view of his ability.

And as he activated his second ability, various new information filled his head while he stared agape at the appearance of his dojutsu.

His eyes took a shape that he recognized but at the same time, seemed unfamiliar. His normally white sclera ( the white of the eye) was now light purple with multiple concentric circles all around the eyeball. A feature normally seen within the greatest of the "Three Great Doujutsu" of the NarutoVerse, the Rinnegan.

If that was all there was to his dojutsu, Yahiko may not have been as surprised as he currently is. The weird and unexpected occurrence was the appearance of his iris and pupil. While a normal pupil was generally a round black dot in the middle of the iris, Yahiko's pupil had the form of an incomplete circle. His iris was almost totally white and only had a small teint of light purple , while around said iris were two tomoes. His body also began producing chakra, and while his total reserves were pathetically small, this could be improved.

" … This is really unexpected.." After finally digesting the information that he received from Kaguya's core, and seeing the unusual appearance of his eyes, Yahiko fully understood the capabilities of his dojutsu.

His's was a combination of the "Three Great Dojutsu", whether be it in terms of appearance or capabilities, into one. And similar abilities of the three separated eyes were enhanced in this new dojutsu, while some of the handicap of one particular dojutsu no longer existed.

Looking clearly in front of him, Yahiko noticed that he could see a full 360 degrees all around him.

" Amazing, even the Byakugan blind spot no longer exists..Hahaha!! this such a Grea- huh?"


Assaulted with sudden dizziness, he collapsed, and his eyes reverted back to normal.

" "*Huff* Shit… I forgot that the Sharingan consumes a lot of chakra to maintain. Since my dojutsu is a fusion of three dojutsu, it takes even more chakra, huh? *sigh*... What should I even call these eyes? Damn.. I can't think straight.. Let's just call it Rinnegan. My unique Rinnegan "

' With the Rinnegan's abilities, I should be able to master the jutsus I'll learn from Kaguya's core a lot faster than I would without it, Hahaha!'

Thinking of all the awesome jutsus he might be able to use, Yahiko prepared himself to take a bath and join his new parent figure in the living room.

I hope you liked the chapter! The next one would be chapter 3.5 and will be completly dedicated to explaining yahiko's Rinnegan (his unique dojutsu) abilities as there is a lot to talk about. It's not a chapter that's happening in the story itself but more like me explaining to you his abilities. I would also release an auxiliary chapter for new and current readers to knows what this story is and will be about so that you don't waste your time reading something that may not be what you want.

I_Am_L_72creators' thoughts