
Helping Carmina

In the middle of the forest, a wooden house with a beautiful flower garden can be seen as birds fly chirping and tree leaves rustling.

A young woman sat down in the flower garden, beside her is a man whose right hand is patting her head.

But if one looked closely, the woman was biting her cherry red lips as if she was struggling internally but cannot but moved from her place and the hand on top her head was somewhat releasing a terrifying pressure if one looks closely.

The young woman was Carmina whose cultivating diligently.

She was shaking and sweating, making her petite body quite charming.

"Jay, Jayvee, is it finish already?" Carmina opens her tiny little mouth while struggling to say those words.

Jayvee only smiled and shook his head: "Almost there. Just a little bit longer. You need to hold on since we need to increase your level. You're only at 1st Phase Warrior right now and we need to increase it to 3rd Phase." He paused for a moment before adding: "After this, we will need to help grandpa lock in hunting some animals." Jayvee started to increase the pressure his right hand was releasing.

Carmina could only persevere while gritting her teeth.

"Almost there." Jayvee started to whistle while looking at his left hand's nails. He also started to increase the pressure his hands releasing because he was imparting some of his true immortal qi so she can advance successfully.

Huge turbulence came from Carmina's body as her body started to give off a heavy aura.

Carmina looked at Jayvee and cannot help but cry: "Waaaaa!!! I, I really, I advanced~" She started to cry while holding Jayvee's legs like a little girl who lost her candy.

Jayvee only smiled resplendently while patting her head with gentleness: "There, there. Grandpa Lock said that Qi practitioners are weak? That they are slow when advancing in the warrior class phase? Heh! I'll show them the meaning of haste."

He looked up at the sky and suddenly remember as to why he is helping her right now.

It all started a day ago.

When Jayvee showed them how to fly by not using mana, it astounded them that it can pierce the heavens.

He cannot help but smile when he saw Grandpa Lock prostrating in front of him like a silly kid and most of all were Carmina who had faint while standing due to shock.

When Jayvee woke her up at that time, she suddenly cried in front of him, begging him to teach her and take her as his disciple.

However, Jayvee declined her and made a deal.

He will help her in her needs to increase her level while Jayvee will stay here until he finds a place to stay.

Carmina accepted the deal gleefully.

Jayvee looked at Carmina and patted her head: "Now now, stop crying. Shouldn't you be happy now you're in the 3rd Phase Warrior?"

"Sniff! Sniff! Yep. Brother Jayvee is right." She removed the stain tears in her eyes and smile beautifully.

Jayvee nodded his head in satisfaction. He was after all older than her when he got to know her when they made the deal.

He looked towards Carmina and saw her that she was looking at him in the eye seriously.

I know this looked.

He was about to get away when Carmina holds his hands and say: "When can I fly brother Jayvee?" Her face was somewhat blushing when he holds his hands and her eyes were sparkling, waiting for Jayvee's answer.

"You cannot fly right now since you are weak in using qi. Until you reach a certain level." Jayvee patter her hand and looked up in the sky.

Seeing the sky was somewhat turning grey, as ash clouds accumulate in heaven.

Carmina was shocked when he looked at the sky: "Not good. It's about to rain. Grandpa Lock is still outside."

She stands up from the ground and patted her perky butt to remove the dust and flower petals. She was about to go find Grandpa Lock when Jayvee holds her hand.

Jayvee shook his head and smile: "Go inside. I will search for Grandpa Lock. It's dangerous for a woman to go out since it's about to rain." He pushed her back forcefully so she will go inside the house.

He smiled at her before closing the door, leaving Carmina awestruck inside.

He looked up in the sky and said: "This rain... It will be hard to find Grandpa Lock with this thing in the way."


Rumble! Rumble!

When the grey clouds are formed, the lightning rumbles and randomly strikes the ground and the raindrops will pour like water streams.

Seeing that the rain was about to start, he cannot help but open his mouth and an instrument with a big head and long handle with six strings on it appeared on his hands.


When he plucked the first string, it resonated throughout the forest and it sounds that it releases was beautiful and harmonious.

He slightly opens his mouth and started to sing while plucking the six strings on the object that he is holding on his hands.

I've been a liar, been a thief

Been a lover, been a cheat

All my sins need holy water, feel it washing over me

Well, little one, I don't want to admit to something

If all it's gonna cause is pain

Truth and my lies right now are falling like the rain

So let...

He paused for a moment before looking up in the sky and coldly said: "The rain begone."

The object in his hands disappeared instantly and he punches up towards the grey clouds.


As if something was hit, the grey clouds totally vanished like it was not in the sky in the first place.

After the grey clouds vanished, a clear sky enters his view and nodded in satisfaction: "That should do it." He looked in front of the mud path in front of him and started to walk while whistling as if something that he just did was only normal.

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