
True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds

the story talks about a 18 year old young adult, called "liran". liran lives in a special world where humans/mortals live together with gods in harmony and peace. however. liran had suffered from severe trauma and ecountered an accident that changed his life forever. the story talks about his journey to peace and enlightenment, yet liran and will do many things in the future

liran_1 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

the desert

As I made my way towards Brock's school, my mind was once again filled with curiosity about the experiences he had with Rythmeus. I couldn't help but wonder if Brock truly had the fortune of accompanying Rythmeus to realms beyond our known universe. The thought intrigued me greatly.

After a few minutes, I found myself standing in front of the school gate, eagerly awaiting Brock's appearance. And just as I hoped, a few moments later, I saw him exiting the school grounds. He approached the gate, opened it, and made his way through.

Upon noticing me, Brock's face lit up with a gentle smile.

Brock: Hey, Liran! It's been a couple of days. How have you been?

Me: I'm doing well. How about you? I was thinking we could have a chat about some things.

Brock: Sure! What's on your mind? Do you want to go somewhere?

Me: Yeah, actually... How about we go to the desert? It's not too far from here, and it feels peaceful in its own way. Just the two of us, having a conversation about our lives. What do you think?

Brock seemed a bit surprised by my suggestion.

Brock: The desert? Why there?

Me: Well, it's relatively close, and there's a certain tranquility that comes with being surrounded by nature. It would be a serene setting for our conversation, just you and me, talking about our experiences. Hehe.

Brock giggled for a moment before responding.

Brock: That sounds interesting! I don't mind. Let's go to the desert then.

As we embarked on our journey towards the desert, it didn't take long before we arrived. The desert was just a short walk away, a mere tens of minutes from the city limits.


After walking and engaging in conversation for a while, we reached the desert. The tranquility of the surroundings was evident as we stood there, just the two of us. We took the opportunity to delve into discussions about our perspectives on life and share our personal experiences.

Continuing our stroll through the desert, we eventually came across a large rock that provided a perfect spot to sit and converse. Without hesitation, we settled onto the rock, ready to delve deeper into our conversation.

Me: Thus, that was quite an enjoyable experience, wouldn't you agree?

Brock: Indeed, it was a mere indulgence in physical activities, I presume, haha.

Me: Well then, regardless, I have a few inquiries to present to you. Would you mind?

Brock: Not at all, please feel free to proceed.

Me: I have been informed by Rythmeus that "he" escorted you to a realm transcending our known universe. Is this claim veracious?

Brock: Yes, indeed, that statement holds truth. I embarked upon a solitary journey to Rythmeus's grand abode out of sheer curiosity about the realities that lie beyond.

Me: So, pray tell, how was the experience? What transpired during your encounter with Rythmeus?

Brock: I must express candidly that it was undeniably one of the most remarkable and awe-inspiring experiences I have encountered thus far in my existence. The sheer magnificence of it surpasses any verbal depiction.

Rythmeus, with his extraordinary abilities, extracted the essence of my being, commonly referred to as my "concept," from my corporeal form. He then infused it with his own formidable power, fortifying its essence.

Subsequently, we embarked on an unprecedented journey, transcending not only the confines of this known universe but traversing the vast expanses of countless multiverses and beyond.

Our odyssey ultimately led us to the realms of chaos, where the very fabric of reality pulsates with unfathomable unpredictability.

Me: What exactly did you encounter within the lands of chaos?

Brock: The lands of chaos exist beyond the scope of what is commonly referred to as the "true omniverse." The true omniverse encompasses all aspects of the physical realm and its contents.

Upon our arrival in the lands of chaos, the very fabric of reality became perplexing and nonsensical. Concepts became intricate and lost their conventional relevance, confounding our comprehension.

Furthermore, Rythmeus revealed to me a fascinating insight. He explained that when we enter the realm of slumber, the denizens of the lands of chaos descend upon us, seizing hold of our subconscious or any remnants of our being, transporting them to their domain.

This phenomenon results in our experiences of vivid imaginings known as "dreams" or, at times, distressing manifestations referred to as "nightmares."

Needless to say, this revelation left me profoundly astonished.

Me: Indubitably?... I have recently come to a profound realization and comprehension of various matters... I express my utmost gratitude for your contribution to this enlightenment.

Brock: It was my pleasure to assist.

Me: Furthermore, having traversed this arduous journey, I am inclined to inquire about your perception of existence. Does life possess a grandiose purpose or perhaps an inherent significance?

Brock pondered momentarily before responding:

Brock: Verily, I find myself in a state of uncertainty. You perceive, there exist myriad perspectives on the essence of life, yet we remain oblivious to the ultimate reason for our existence... Philosophy, religion, and similar constructs merely serve as coping mechanisms in our quest to fathom the profound mysteries that lie beyond...

For apprehension lingers, apprehension that, ultimately, naught awaits us in the abyss.

After a brief pause, I resumed the conversation:

Me: Ah, I comprehend... What is your perspective on the outcome of our mortal demise? Might there exist an afterlife, or is it plausible that nothingness awaits us?

Brock engaged in deep contemplation before providing his response:

Brock: Well... I find myself unable to provide a definitive answer. There are those who assert the existence of a tangible afterlife, while others proclaim that absolute nothingness follows our earthly departure... The latter notion, to be candid, evokes a sense of profound sorrow.

Me: Pray tell, why does it elicit such melancholy sentiments?

Brock: You perceive, the sheer existence of all the tribulations, anguish, and torment we endure with every passing moment begs the question: For what purpose? What was the underlying motivation behind our creation?

Moreover, one aspect that eludes my grasp, defying comprehension, is the concept of absolute nothingness after death.

Me: I implore you to expound upon this notion. Could you elaborate?

Brock: When we breathe our last and cease to exist, if indeed there is nothing that follows, how shall we experience it? How will our consciousness perceive this void? Will we even be aware of our own demise? And even if we are cognizant...

We shall remain in that state... perpetually, for an eternity.

And I find myself unable to fathom, for some inexplicable reason, the prospect that we shall amount to naught... or perchance even less than naught, in perpetuity... ad infinitum. The mere notion evokes a sense of desolation, for I vehemently wish to avert such an outcome.

Furthermore, the idea of eternal existence itself is profoundly disconcerting to me. The very concept of 'forever' elicits a sense of dread that our human intellects are ill-equipped to grasp.

When shall this interminable duration cease? Might we eventually transition to another realm thereafter? Alas, such matters remain shrouded in uncertainty.

As I gazed upon Brock, his countenance appeared markedly somber, intermingled with an undeniable tinge of melancholy.

Me: Hmm, I understand your skepticism, but let's delve into your viewpoint. What specifically leads you to consider the notion of a heavenly or hellish existence after death as being invalid?

Brock: Well, it's simply the idea that upon our demise, we are subjected to the judgment of capricious deities who determine our eternal fate, be it perpetual suffering or everlasting bliss. This concept, in and of itself, strikes me as inherently fallacious and devoid of credibility.

Me: I'm curious to know why you perceive it in that manner. Could you elaborate on the reasons behind your skepticism?

Brock: Indeed, pondering our ultimate purpose within such a framework raises perplexing questions. Are we simply destined to exist, endure suffering, perish, and then face judgment, subsequently being consigned to an eternal realm? It seems rather peculiar, does it not?

Moreover, if this were indeed the case, why were we brought into existence in the first place? What grand design or intention lies behind our creation?

Allow me to recount an experience I shared with Rythmeus, when we ascended to the pinnacle of this singular universe. We encountered beings known as "judges" who wielded authority over the events transpiring within their own realm, determining the lives and deaths of its inhabitants.

When I inquired whether these judges pass judgment upon our very souls or engage in similar proceedings, Rythmeus, for reasons unknown, expressed an inability to answer definitively. Instead, "he" alluded to it being a surprise that I must patiently await and eventually witness firsthand.

Me: Hmm... I perceive your perspective. Do you believe that these entities may potentially pass judgment upon our souls?

Brock: I am uncertain about that matter... However, simultaneously, it appears utterly absurd to me. I have no desire to be subjected to judgment, and these entities do not possess the right to do so to me. Even if my words may come across as unabashedly arrogant, I simply couldn't care less...

Me: Why does it trouble you if these beings hypothetically, potentially, or inevitably pass judgment on you in the future?

Brock: Because it concerns my existence; we have all endured enough hardship... Is this truly the fate that awaits us? What was our purpose in the first place, then?

I denounce these deities; it is my life, and I possess the autonomy to live it according to my own free will.

Me: Hmm... I understand your point. However, I believe that these deities are also responsible for judging individuals based on their actions and character, distinguishing between those who have behaved virtuously and those who have acted wrongly. What are your thoughts on that? Don't you think it's a positive aspect?

Brock: That's a valid argument, but for now, let's focus on our current "reality" rather than what comes after it. It's true that these beings may pass judgment on those who have been good or bad, but in the end, it doesn't really matter because the individuals who have died... well, they're already deceased. We, on the other hand, are still alive, striving to enhance our lives.

Me: And what about Hitler? He caused the deaths of millions of people due to his deeply flawed ideology. Wouldn't he deserve to face consequences for his actions?

Brock: That's an interesting question. However, at this point, he is no longer alive... and that alone brings some semblance of solace or resolution.

But the primary essence lies in... is the subsequent course of action following his demise, after his passing, we apprehended that assuming the role of a despot yields abominable consequences. Consequently, we transcended beyond that and ushered in a positive transformation in our existence.

Me: I comprehend your perspective. Could you please elaborate further?

Brock: Essentially, none of us can claim flawlessness, as it remains an irrefutable reality. We all commit the most absurd and irrational blunders... Nevertheless, the crucial aspect is that we derive valuable lessons from these missteps, thereby enhancing our lives within this realm.

How can we ameliorate our existence if adversities never befell us in the initial stages?

I experienced a profound sense of pride upon hearing Brock's profound words. Every statement he made resonated deeply with me. I had already contemplated and pondered over each concept he articulated, and I couldn't contain my smile.

Me: Brock, that was genuinely one of the most remarkable things I have ever heard from you. You are absolutely correct. Undoubtedly, unfortunate circumstances arise in life. However, what truly enriches our existence is our ability to glean wisdom from these events. It is through this process of learning and growing that we have the opportunity to make our lives remarkable and captivating.

We can all savor the joys of life while concurrently extending a helping hand to those who surround us, thereby enhancing existence as a whole. And as we approach the inevitable end of our earthly journey, venturing into the realm of uncertainty beyond, no one truly knows what awaits us there...

Upon hearing my words, Brock's face lit up with a radiant smile.

Brock: That's right, I completely agree with you.

Liran... may I ask you something?

Me: Sure, what is it?

Brock: Perhaps you could come over to my house and have a meal with me and my family? I would genuinely appreciate that.

Me: Of course, I would love to!

Brock: Oh, and before that... I must inform you that my father can be... challenging at times. He indulges in drinking and occasionally behaves rudely towards both me and my mother. So, please be aware of that.

Me: I understand, and before we leave this desert, I want to express how delightful it has been to converse with you and ask these questions. You are truly an exceptional individual, and I feel privileged to have engaged in a discussion with someone like you.

Brock: Hehe, thank you for your kind words. The feeling is mutual. Now, let's make our way out of here.

Me: Of course.

We then descended from the rock, stood up, and commenced our journey toward the city.

After a few hours, we arrived back in the city. Brock headed home, and I found myself lying on my bed, deep in thought, reflecting on everything that had transpired.

Me (in my mind): What an intelligent young person. I wonder what the situation is like with his parents. It will undoubtedly be quite intriguing to find out.


