
True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds

the story talks about a 18 year old young adult, called "liran". liran lives in a special world where humans/mortals live together with gods in harmony and peace. however. liran had suffered from severe trauma and ecountered an accident that changed his life forever. the story talks about his journey to peace and enlightenment, yet liran and will do many things in the future

liran_1 · Fantasy
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82 Chs


As I surveyed the expressions on the faces of those around me, Astralux appeared stunned and rendered speechless. "Despair" exuded an air of shock and horror, undoubtedly affected by the demise of "Death."

In contrast, Liran's countenance reflected a sense of pride. He approached me, acknowledging my victory.

Liran: You've done it... You've succeeded in defeating "Death" once and for all. I'm proud of you.

A smile crept across my face, grateful for Liran's support and the collective effort of everyone involved.

Me: Thank you, Liran. It's because of you, Rythmeus, and all the others that I was able to achieve this. I'm grateful to have friends like all of you.

Liran: I'm glad to hear that. However, we still have the other entity to contend with.

Together, Liran and I turned our attention toward "Despair," who remained in a state of complete shock and horror. It was clear that "he" was deeply affected by the downfall of "Death."

Despair's voice trembled with disbelief and incredulity as "he" questioned the feasibility of my victory over Death.

Despair: How... How could you achieve such a feat? It defies all logic! A mere human like you defeating Death "himself" is simply impossible!

I held my ground, unyielding in my resolve.

Me: It may defy conventional beliefs, but I assure you, it is not only possible but already accomplished. And now, I will prove to you just how possible it is by defeating you and erasing your presence from this reality!

Despair's tone grew defiant, refusing to acknowledge the magnitude of the challenge ahead.

Despair: Do not let arrogance cloud your judgment. I will make you retract those words, and you will regret ever defying me!


I diligently observed their actions, engulfed in a state of profound bewilderment, as the realization of recent events eluded my comprehension. Thus, the individual adorned in ebony gloves, who shares a familiar bond with Liran, materialized before my eyes.

Astoundingly, Liran's associate single-handedly triumphed over a celestial being, an extraordinary and unparalleled spectacle to behold. Yet, amidst this spectacle, a moment of contemplation seized me.

Reflecting upon the magnitude of transgressions I committed against Liran, the extensive array of actions I perpetrated upon him, an overwhelming sense of obligation to rectify my past deeds emerged within me. Merely embracing him and expressing my remorse seemed insufficient.

Indeed, that is the course of action I yearn to pursue. Liran stands as the sole catalyst who orchestrated a profound metamorphosis within my life, instilling within me an unprecedented state of contentment and serenity, despite the egregiousness of my transgressions.

That is my determination; I shall overcome that malevolent entity, a grave threat to our world. That is the task I am resolved to undertake...

Inner thoughts: Liran... I am profoundly grateful to you.

I proceeded towards Liran and his companion, now positioning myself directly in front of his friend...

Me: Greetings... might you kindly grant me possession of that glove?

Derek: Pray tell, for what purpose?...

Me: I beseech you, for I require it. Liran has brought me joy, and bestowed upon me a sense of tranquility... and in turn, I aspire to bring happiness and serenity to him and all inhabitants of this world.

As I glanced down at Liran and his friend, Liran then uttered:

Liran: Yes... offer her one of your gloves; she is in need of it.

Derek: Very well.

Derek then removed one of his gloves, and proceeded to bestow it upon me. As I took hold of the glove, I adorned it upon my right hand.

Despite its seemingly diminutive size, the glove miraculously conformed itself to the exact dimensions of my hand... as if by enchantment.

Upon donning the glove, an overwhelming sense of potency and might surged through me. I felt capable of achieving anything, yet I vowed to employ this power solely for benevolent purposes. I resolved to confront the perilous entity and address "his" menace unaided...

I pivoted, positioning myself to face the enigmatic figure known as "Despair."

Me: So, you are "Despair"?

Despair: Indeed, I am the embodiment of "Despair," and I shall end your life and that of your companions!

Me: Face me then!

Despair lunged towards me, managing to land a blow. However, it had no effect on me whatsoever...

In response, I retaliated with a forceful punch, propelling "him" backward. "His" astonishment was palpable as "he" experienced a fraction of my true power, an infinitesimal taste of what I am truly capable of!





I witnessed as Eve battled against despair, engaging in a relentless exchange of strikes, utilizing punches, kicks, and a plethora of other techniques...

Despite the appearance of an evenly matched confrontation, Eve's prowess grew with each passing moment, transcending the mere concept of 'despair'...

With an indomitable spirit, Eve delivered a devastating blow to the embodiment of 'despair,' causing such a forceful impact that it nearly shattered and obliterated its entire essence.

Yet, Eve's determination knew no bounds... seizing hold of the very essence of her adversary, she launched it skyward, causing its complete annihilation in the process... And yet, in an astonishing display, Eve swiftly positioned herself in front of the vanquished entity, effortlessly catching it...

She threw "him" back to the ground, causing "fire" to appear out of "him"...

She then slowly descended to the ground, and when shes already standing on the ground, staring "despair" down...

"despair" then stood up, and "he" launched at her, and just like what derek did... eve was already ready, and when "despair" was close enough, she then punches "him", destroying "him" from reality and non reality, existence and non existenxe...

She destroyed "him" and "his" entire being, causing a bright flash of light to appear, and after that bright flash light disappeared, theres no "despair" anymore...

Before us stood neither a trace of 'despair' nor any remnants of its presence within the palace of the Black King...

He couldnt heal from absolute nothingness and he couldnt heal by manipulating the plot... his powers were nullified...

'Despair' had ceased to exist.

Eve remained motionless, emanating an aura of tranquility, inner peace, and a sense of profound accomplishment.

Eve: I have achieved it...

I have vanquished that malevolent entity...

Eve then approached us, standing directly in front of our presence.

However, just as Eve was about to remove her glove and return it to Derek, he spoke:

Derek: Keep it!... You deserve it...

Eve appeared taken aback, refraining from touching her glove as she expressed surprise.

Eve: Truly?... Why?

Derek: You are deserving of it. Consider it a gift from me, a token of recognition for your exceptional performance... I am filled with pride for you.

Eve's face lit up with a warm smile upon hearing the gratitude expressed towards her.

Eve: Thank you. I will cherish this remarkable gift. I am truly grateful to be among all of you. You are all extraordinary individuals.

Derek: Thank you for saying that. We have triumphed over and eliminated those malevolent beings... and I am grateful that we accomplished this together.

I turned my attention towards Astralux, and after a brief pause, I approached him, now standing directly in front of him.

Astralux appeared utterly astonished by the events that had transpired. He then spoke, his voice filled with awe:

Astralux: This is truly beyond words. We have eradicated one of the most formidable beings to have ever existed... It is a magnificent achievement. I must report this to Epsilon. He will be exceedingly satisfied and proud! I must inform him immediately!

Me: Go ahead, inform him... Bring joy to his heart.

Astralux: Thank you, Liran! Thank you, Derek!

Astralux then turned his attention to Eve...

Astralux: May I inquire about your name?

Eve: My name is Eve. We are delighted to have been of assistance to you.

Astralux: Eve, what a splendid name. I am genuinely grateful for the assistance you and your friends have provided. We truly appreciate it...

It is now time for me to depart. You may have some private moments amongst yourselves...

Astralux then vanished from sight.

I turned to face Derek and Eve, contemplating our next course of action.

Derek: So... What shall we do now?

Me: Let us return to my friend's palace. We will share with "him" everything that has occurred.

Eve: Who is this friend that you and Derek are referring to?

Me: You will soon find out. "He" is a remarkable deity.

Eve: Very well...

Together, we began our journey back to Rythmeus's palace...


