
True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds

the story talks about a 18 year old young adult, called "liran". liran lives in a special world where humans/mortals live together with gods in harmony and peace. however. liran had suffered from severe trauma and ecountered an accident that changed his life forever. the story talks about his journey to peace and enlightenment, yet liran and will do many things in the future

liran_1 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

im still alive


After the train crash, which happened near the woods.

The carriage that liran was in was upside down... and liran quickly wakes up after the impact.

                     LIRAN'S POV:

Upon regaining consciousness following the train's unfortunate derailment, I became aware that the compartment I occupied had been rendered completely inverted, defying the laws of gravity. Miraculously, however, I found myself among the living.

In a moment of bewildered disbelief, I uttered expletives, struggling to comprehend the calamity that had unfolded before me. It dawned on me that immediate escape from the wreckage was imperative.

Surveying my surroundings, I discerned a fractured window, its shattered fragments serving as a portal to freedom. Approaching it with caution, I proceeded to navigate my way through the jagged aperture.

Emerging from the confines of the train, I found myself in close proximity to the wreckage. As I took in my new environment, a sense of profound uncertainty enveloped me.

Me: Astonishing! What could have precipitated such a catastrophic event?

I persisted in my examination of the surroundings.

Me: It appears that the train met its unfortunate demise in close proximity to this wooded area. Familiarity dawned upon me, as I recognized these woods. Notably, my mother's abode lies not far from this very thicket.

Driven by determination, I ventured into the forest, realizing the necessity of acquiring a light source to illuminate my path through the darkness.

Subsequently, I retrieved my phone, which astonishingly remained unscathed despite the havoc that had unfolded.

Me: Indeed, this resilient phone has proven its mettle. Hehe.

I activated the flashlight feature, casting its luminous beam to guide my onward journey.

As minutes turned into moments, I traversed the woodland terrain with nimble leaps, deftly maneuvering around fallen trees and various impediments.

The passage of time continued, and my footsteps carried me deeper into the thicket until, from a considerable distance of hundreds of meters, a familiar sight caught my eye—a mental hospital, the very institution where I had previously resided under the care of Dr. Eric.

Contemplating the situation, a thought emerged within me—I could potentially find the much-needed medication within those walls.

With renewed purpose, I commenced my approach toward the mental hospital. However, an unsettling sensation washed over me when I spotted a figure near the entrance gate. This disquietude compelled me to seek refuge behind a nearby tree, concealing myself from view.

Me: Who could that possibly be...?

With a closer inspection, to my disbelief, I discerned that the figure was none other than Eric himself—the very individual responsible for my past treatment.

My mind raced with confusion. Why would he be present in this location? What could have prompted his presence here?

Maintaining my concealed position, I watched in disbelief as Eric proceeded to unlock the gate, brandishing a firearm before ruthlessly eliminating the unsuspecting guard who had been resting nearby.

Utter shock consumed me. I struggled to comprehend Eric's motives. This inexplicable behavior painted a picture of a man unhinged, further solidifying his classification as deranged.

Gathering my wits, I ceased my covert stance and cautiously approached the entrance of the mental hospital.

As I crossed the threshold of the gate, the lifeless body of the fallen guard met my eyes, invoking a profound sense of horror within me.

Overwhelmed by the gruesome sight, I uttered a curse under my breath, for this grisly scene unfolded before me as a testament to the depths of human depravity.

With caution, I proceeded to enter the mental hospital, gently swinging open its doors. I found myself now within the confines of the building.

Taking a moment to assess my surroundings, I surveyed the area with a thoughtful gaze.

Me: Hm...

Memories of the hospital's layout resurfaced in my mind, offering me a semblance of familiarity.

The mental hospital, if I recall correctly, consisted of four distinct floors. I currently found myself on the second floor, which also served as an entrance to the outside world, the same location through which I had entered earlier.

The first floor lay beneath, partially underground, housing the control and power room, where activating the electricity was a possibility.

Ascending further, the third floor awaited, positioned directly above my current location.

Lastly, the fourth floor constituted the rooftop, offering a vantage point elevated above the rest of the building.

Armed with this recollection, I prepared myself to navigate the labyrinthine structure, mindful of the challenges that awaited me on each subsequent floor.

Me: Hm...

In that moment, two objectives occupied my thoughts. The first, driven by filial concern, was to locate the much-needed depression medication for my mother. The second, fueled by a deep-seated determination, was to confront and engage the enigmatic figure that was Dr. Eric.

Inner dialogue resounded within me, highlighting the necessity of acquiring the pills while also acknowledging the suspicious nature of Eric's presence. Determined, I resolved to confront him and unravel the mysteries surrounding his actions.

Embarking on my search, I roamed the second floor, diligently scouring the area for any sign of Eric's presence. However, to my disappointment, no trace of him could be found. Undeterred, I ascended to the third floor, determined to press forward.

After a few moments of exploration, my attention was captured by a hallway branching in two distinct directions. The first path led to a series of rooms, marking the conclusion of the hallway. The second path, positioned prior to the rooms, veered towards a different set of corridors, presenting a potential route to follow.

I continued my stride, gradually making my way down the hallway, until I pivoted my gaze to the right direction, only to be greeted by an astonishing sight. Eric stood at the end, confined behind what seemed to be a barred gate or enclosure.

Filled with a mixture of shock and indignation, I approached him, unleashing my mounting frustration with piercing words.

Me: What in the actual fuck are you doing here? You're completely deranged!

Eric: I anticipated your arrival...

Me: What the hell do you mean by that? I demand answers! All the madness that has befallen me... did you have prior knowledge? Did you orchestrate that goddamn train crash that nearly took my life?

Eric remained silent, his expression inscrutable, only deepening my agitation.

Me: And what about those innocent lives you took? They were human beings! They weren't the abominations that suddenly emerged from nowhere! I demand answers!

Eric: Listen, I can explain everything that has transpired. But I need you to trust me, to believe that I have your best interests at heart.

Me: Trust you? Why on earth would I do that? After everything that has unfolded?

Eric: I understand that it's difficult to comprehend, but there is a complex web of circumstances surrounding us. If you allow me, I can shed light on the truth. Please, consider placing your trust in me.

I paused, contemplating my decision carefully.

Me: I'm sorry, but I cannot extend my trust to you. Not after the immense turmoil I've experienced. Open that gate.

Eric: i see... im dissapointed in you... liran. You could have done better.

But whatever...

Eric then pulled out a key from his pant's pocket, throwing it on the ground.

I then crouched down, approaching the key... and then...


I was shot by eric... the bullet hit my left shoulder.

Me: ughh!!.. fuck!...

I then quickly looked up at eric... eric then went to the door next to him, opening it, going through it completely closing it after.

Me: you crazy son of a bitch!... ill kill you!

My left shoulder was aflame with agony... I was compelled to extract the lodged projectile.

Subsequently, I grasped the key, rising to my feet and unlatching the gate.

At that juncture, I found myself at the terminus of the corridor... beholding two doors on either side.

The door to the left was the very one Eric traversed, meticulously shutting it in his wake,

While the door to the right beckoned towards an adjoining chamber.

Exclaiming in frustration, I proceeded towards the door on the right, unlatching it and crossing the threshold into an exceedingly diminutive room adorned with a window.

While surveying the room, diligently exploring for any potential resources, I fortuitously stumbled upon a document disclosing the numerical combination required to unlock the door leading to the rooftop. The inscription read as follows: "Code for accessing the rooftop door: 3, 8, 6, 4."

Taking note of this valuable information, I resolved to commit it to memory.

Continuing my expedition through the third level of the psychiatric facility, it wasn't long before I chanced upon another piece of paper delineating the locations of rooms housing pharmaceuticals, medical kits, and other indispensable items for maintaining one's well-being.

Exulting in this serendipitous discovery, I inwardly expressed my satisfaction at finding precisely what I required.

After proceeding to the designated rooms and successfully locating the essential medication required for my mother's treatment, as well as discovering magazines and ammunition to replenish my arsenal, alongside various implements to facilitate the extraction of the lodged bullet from my shoulder,

Having accomplished these tasks, I adeptly applied a bandage I stumbled upon, effectively alleviating a considerable portion of the discomfort I had previously endured.

Satisfied with the noticeable improvement in my condition, I couldn't help but acknowledge the lingering need to locate the elusive doctor. It seemed probable that he was concealing himself in some secluded corner, biding his time. If his intention truly was to terminate my existence, it would have been a straightforward task for him to achieve.

Recalling the paper containing the code for the roof, a thought sparked in my mind.

Internal monologue: "While I cannot be certain, there is a possibility that he might be on the roof."

Motivated by this notion, I ascended to the fourth floor, proceeding towards the roof. Along the way, I encountered a door adorned with a keypad. Opening this door would grant me access to the roof.

Approaching the door, I entered the numerical sequence I had discovered onto the keypad. The device emitted a confirming sound, indicating that the door was now ready to be opened. Acting upon this, I turned the doorknob and ventured inside, stepping onto the rooftop.

Once on the roof, I beheld its considerable expanse. While surveying the surroundings, my gaze fell upon a familiar figure — the detestable Eric.

With determination burning in my eyes, I confronted Eric.

Me: There you are...

Eric slowly turned around, locking eyes with me.

Me: Your demise is imminent... you are utterly and unequivocally finished!


