
True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds

the story talks about a 18 year old young adult, called "liran". liran lives in a special world where humans/mortals live together with gods in harmony and peace. however. liran had suffered from severe trauma and ecountered an accident that changed his life forever. the story talks about his journey to peace and enlightenment, yet liran and will do many things in the future

liran_1 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

colorless demons

After several hours of peaceful slumber, both of us stirred awake in the morning. As we roused from our sleep, Eve embraced me even tighter.

Eve: Good morning...

I reciprocated the hug, savoring the warmth of her presence.

Me: Good morning to you as well. You're so comforting...

Eve giggled softly before speaking:

Eve: Thank you. I enjoy seeing you relaxed and at ease... Let's take a few moments to stay like this, alright?

Me: Of course...

We continued to embrace each other, reveling in the tranquility of the moment. It was truly a soothing experience.

After a few minutes, Eve broke the silence:

Eve: Alright, I have some tasks to attend to...

Upon uttering those words, she teleported to a spot near the bed where I had been lying. As I glanced at her, I noticed she was now fully dressed, adorned in beautiful attire, prepared for her work.

Eve: If you'd like, I can create a clone of myself for your entertainment. You can have a lot of fun with the clone. What do you think?

Me: I'm content as I am. I have some matters to attend to as well...

Eve: I see. Well, would you like me to teleport you somewhere?

Me: Teleport me to the vicinity of my house, please...

Eve: Very well...

With a snap of her fingers, I found myself instantaneously transported to the entrance of my own house.

Inner Dialogue: Hm... Perhaps I should seek out more of these entities...

I began walking through the streets, eventually reaching the alley that led to the Foundation.


I now found myself traversing one of the hallways within the Foundation's base.

Inner Dialogue: I should reconnect with Epsilon...

I proceeded toward the path that led to the council.


Entering the council chamber, I observed Epsilon and the other council members looking down at me.

Epsilon: You've returned once again. Is there something you require?

Me: Are there more of these servants out there? I managed to eliminate one of them...

Epsilon: We have received reports of numerous "anomalous" entities that appear devoid of color and emanate unsettling energies...

Me: Indeed? Please provide me with detailed information regarding the specific whereabouts of this structure within the forest.

Epsilon: Are you intending to proceed there directly, without further preparation?

Me: Yes, I believe they pose no imminent threat...

Epsilon: Very well...

Epsilon, in a swift motion, exerted pressure upon "his" digits, conjuring forth a parchment. Inscribed upon said paper are the comprehensive directives and coordinates delineating the exact positioning of the structure nestled within the verdant expanse of the forest.

And that paper was on the air for couple moments before it approached me, and when its close enough to me, i then grabbed it and folded it... and then i put it into one of my pockets.

Me: Very well, please teleport me to the vicinity of that forest...

Epsilon: As you wish...

Once again, Epsilon snapped "his" fingers, and I found myself standing near the edge of the forest.

Inner Dialogue: Here I am...

I retrieved a folded piece of paper from one of my pockets, carefully unfolding it to examine its contents.

Me: Hm...

After a brief moment of contemplation, I proceeded into the forest. With each step I took, the unsettling sensation intensified, as if I were drawing nearer to something of great significance.

Inner Dialogue: Ah, so that explains the peculiar feeling I experienced earlier this morning. It appears I have a connection to this place, albeit unknown...

As I continued to navigate through the dense forest, the distressing aura grew stronger and more palpable.

And after a few minutes of walking, I finally laid eyes upon the dilapidated building.

Inner Dialogue: Here I am...

I carefully folded the paper and returned it to my pocket. As I did so, I retrieved a Glock handgun from another pocket, preparing myself to confront these colorless entities.

With resolute determination, I approached the building, step by step, until I crossed its threshold.

Inside the building, unfamiliar sounds reverberated through the air, as if voices conversing in an incomprehensible language echoed from the shadows.

As I ventured deeper into the building, fully aware that my presence could not be perceived, I came face to face with four of these entities.

They existed in an ethereal state, devoid of physical form, their essence shrouded in darkness. It became clear to me that they were the ones I sought.

Without hesitation, I unleashed a hail of gunfire upon them, eliminating one of the servants. The remaining entities turned their attention towards me, their non-existent "eyes" filled with a mix of astonishment and terror.

Desperate to escape, they attempted to flee, but their efforts were futile.

One by one, I dispatched the second, third, and final servant, their "speed" and "agility" rendered inconsequential in the face of my determined resolve.

I stood in solemn silence, contemplating the lingering presence of evil within the confines of that building.

Inner Dialogue: I must obliterate this wretched abode...

With unwavering determination, I retraced my steps towards the building's exit. However, before departing, I hurled the firearm with an immense display of force against one of its walls, triggering a cataclysmic explosion.

The resulting blast consumed the entire structure, obliterating both the building itself and the malevolent servants that had resided within its darkened halls.

Unscathed by the destructive force unleashed, I calmly stepped out into the open, resolutely moving forward, refusing to cast a glance back upon the devastation left in my wake.

Victory was mine.


