
True heavenly primordial inferno dragon emperor

mc form normal world gets reincarnated in dxd this will be multiversal maybe omniversal novel

omnioutergod · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

class of omniverses

c++ omniverses are very normal primitive omniverses they place during time when the dinosaurs

d ++ place during the Medieval times normal omniverses well normal for that

e ++ modern omniverses with universes like ours

f++ abnormal primitive omniverse with small magic abnormal animals and people they have strength of 6 people or can run 150 mph can survive with sleep then us and can eat less then us

g ++ supernatural primitive omniverse

Takes place during the dinosaur high magic

And super powers and low rank supernatural beings

h++ abnormally supernatural primitive omniverses

Still take place. During the time of dinosaur walk the earth massive superpowers and massive magic and very high rank supernatural races and mythical races and gods

I+ abnormal Medieval with small magic abnormal animals and people they have strength of 6 people or can run 150 mph can survive with sleep then us and can eat less then us .

j++ supernatural Medieval omniverses Takes place during the Medieval times with high magic and super powers and low rank supernatural beings

k ++ abnormal supernatural Medieval

Takes place during the Medieval

massive magical power and high superpowers and high supernatural races and gods.

l ++ abnormal modern omniverses small take placd in the 21 century with small amount of magic abnormal animals and people they can have strength of 6 people or can run 150 mph or both can survive with less sleep then us and can eat less then us.

M ++ supernatural modern omniverses take place during the 21 century with high magic and super powers and low rank supernatural beings.

N++ abnormal supernatural omniverses take place during the 21 century beings with massive magical power and high superpowers and high supernatural races and gods and God's can rank form lowest of low universal to high multiversal.

O++ normal futuristic omniverses take place to normal futuristic universes and muitivereses and megaverses well as normal of a universe that take place a five hundred year's in the future and beyond that.

P++ abnormal futuristic omniverses the universes and muitivereses and megaverses

That take place 500 year's in the future and beyond that and with beings with small amount of magic abnormal animals and people they can have strength of 6 people or can run 150 mph or both can survive with less sleep then us and can eat less then us.

Q++ supernatural futuristic omniverses take place in the future five hundred years and beyond with beings and animals with high magic and super powers and low rank supernatural beings.

R++ abnormal supernatural omniverses take place during five hundred year's and beyond that with beings with massive magical power and high superpowers and high supernatural races and gods and God's can rank form lowest of low universal to high multiversal.

S++ this scp omniverse

T++ marvel omniverse & dc omniverse

Z++ Cthulhu mythos

ZZ++ hoomiverses/ this will be revealed later.

Low ZZZ++ omniverse god relem

Mid ZZZ+++ omniversal primordial god relem

HIGH ZZZ+++ omniverseal primordial god relem

PEAK ZZZ+++ omniverseal dragon god relem

LOW ZZZZ+++ multiple omniversal primordial dragon god archduke king relem

Middle ZZZZ+++ Multiple omniversal

primordial dragon god prince king relem

High ZZZZ+ Hundreds if trillions of omniverses big primordial dragon god king emperor relem

(Author here I'm be editing this chapter later these are huge relems like Olympus but massively bigger you can't compear them to eachother so when you see relem it's not a omniverse but a relem that size of one or many pick together. Author out.)