
True God Usopp

With a tragic past a once cowardly child swore to brave whatever dangers he encountered in the future. This is his revenge story and it starts with him meeting a happy-go-lucky boy with a straw hat. (I do not own One piece, nor do I own the cover photo.)

S1r1usG0ld · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Who’s your Daddy?

Days turned to weeks and Usopp and the boys grew closer and closer. They would hunt together, rob together, and sleep together. Usopp even swiped himself a pipe just like the other two. After the first day of robbing, Usopp spoke up, "Guys, I need a favor."

"Huh?" The three said in unison.

"When we go robbing be on the lookout for ammo, I'm running low on reserves and I want to improve my aim." Usopp explained.

"Sigh, you really have an expensive habit, bullets are hard to find around the grey terminal." Sabo sighed while saying before continuing, "People in the grey terminal mainly fight with swords or blunt objects, guns are only used by the top dogs and the rich."

"I'm not saying to go picking fights or anything, but if we find some then try and collect them along the way." Usopp said while trying to find a solution.

"Why do you want to use a gun anyways." Luffy asked.

"Well, my dad was a really good shot I think, I don't really know I only saw him when I was younger before he left to become a pirate." Usopp said while looking sad.

"SO COOL!" Luffy yelled. "What was his name, is he famous!"

"His name is Yasopp." Usopp said not thinking much of it.

"EHHHHH." Luffy yelled surprising everyone. "Your dad is in Shanks crew!?"

"You've met my dad!"Usopp said excitedly. Not knowing how to feel, on the one hand, he was his father, and on the other he left him with his sick mother all alone.

"Yea, when Shanks was in windmill village he would show me tricks by shooting things out of the sky." Luffy said with stars in his eyes.

"Maybe we will see the bastard one day in the future." Usopp said with a sigh.

Ace and Sabo could here the displeasure in his voice when he mentioned his father. Sabo had to ask, "You don't like your dad?"

"It's not that I hate or like him, I just don't know how to feel. I'm proud that he's living his and my dream, but I'm pissed that he left. You see, when I was young he left me and my Mom to go on his journey. At first everything was fine with mom just being sad, but then she became sick." Usopp said with an overbearing depression in his voice.

"She held on for a year, I tried to make her happy by doing whatever I could, lying to her and telling her that pirates were approaching the village seemed to cheer her up because it made her think of dad. Eventually, she died and I continued to shout about how pirates would come everyday to feel close or her." Usopp said with tears pooling in his eyes.

"Then, a couple moths ago, pirates had actually shown up on the island." Usopp said his a dark tone that caught the boys off guard. "Of course I ran through the village yelling that they were here, but who would believe a kid who's been lying about pirates for years, I had actually gotten a nickname, Usopp the Liar. Eventually I ran to see what there intentions were, when I overheard them planning to slaughter the women and children. I tried to scare them off to no avail. That's how I got this scar here." He said while moving to show his shoulder with a bullet hole scar on it.

"By fate or some miracle, I survived, but I knew it was because of how I ran like a coward. The whole island was either forced to work on his ship or killed like the women and children, only leaving 7 survivors." At this point Usopp's eyes held immense anger and fire. "The marines showed up after that and before I could even get my hopes up, a captain with an axe-hand ordered his subordinates to finish off the rest of the island because they were to injured to be bothered with."

"Soon after I took a boat and wandered through the sea before eventually passing out unconscious and being found by his grandpa." Usopp finished. He looked over to see Luffy crying, Sabo looking at him with a pitying glance, and Ace trembling with anger.

"How dare they do that to helpless people!" Ace shouted in fury.

"What did Garp say about this." Sabo asked.

"They arrested him, or at least that's what I'd heard, Garp handled it." Usopp said. "Even got an apology from Fleet Admiral Sengoku himself, like that means anything to me." He sighed.

"Alright it's time, let's go collect some money." Ace said. Luffy immediately cheered.

So time continued with Usopp practicing his marksmanship in between robberies. He also picked up the pipe and became infatuated with staff arts. The boys would spar amongst each other and if asked who made the most improvements it would be Usopp. His body was naturally lanky making him more flexible with the movements he can do with it. He was almost on par with Sabo currently but Ace rained supreme among the boys with Luffy being dead last because he can't even through a straight punch with his devil fruit, more often than not knocking himself out with it.

One day Sabo brought up an idea to eat at a restaurant and dine n dash. We all immediately agreed and set off.

They left for the walled off city, posing as a hunter and his child selling an alligator hide. Usopp Ace and Sabo were standing on one another's shoulders with a black cloak covering them, Ace on top, Sabo in the middle, and Usopp on the bottom, with Luffy acting as the child. They got through the gate and reached the restaurant. They were stopped by a waiter but Sabo took something out that made the waiter sweat as if a king was in the room. When asked about it he said he found it in the Grey Terminal. Usopp was doubtful but didn't say much. We ate as much as we could until the waiter figured us out. We booked it out the window but while running, a pompous man called out, "Is that you Sabo."

We all turned and Sabo froze while cold sweat dripped down his face.

"You know this guy Sabo." Ace asked.

"No he has me confused with someone else." Sabo said dismissively. "Let's go, we have to leave before the guards catch us."

After escaping from the pursuers, Ace pinned Sabo against a tree, "Spill it."

Sabo looked down and said, "I don't know what your talking about."

Ace looked him in the eyes and said, "Sabo there can be no secrets between us."

"Yea, tell us!" Luffy said.

"It is your turn for the heart to heart speech." Usopp laughed while continuing, "Don't worry Ace will get his soon enough." He said while eying Ace down who shivered and broke out in cold sweat.

Sabo looked over at everyone and sighed before saying, "That guy was my dad. Technically, I'm not an orphan."


Ace turned cold, Luffy looked confused, and Usopp was a little pissed. "Let's let him finish before saying anything. "Ace said before turning away from him."

Then Sabo began to explain why he left his parents. How they wanted to dictate his life, tell him who to marry, and didn't care for him in the slightest. All they seemed to care for was their position and who could help them maintain it. So he ran away and started visiting the grey terminal, eventually moving their. After hearing all of the pirates tales of adventure, he knew what he wanted to do. So he started saving money until he could buy a ship.

"Ace,Luffy,Usopp," Sabo paused after calling them, "I want all of us to sail away from this terrible place and be free on the open water."

By the time the story was over, Luffy was bawling on the ground, and the other two didn't say anything. Usopp and Ace looked at each other for a second before nodding. "Stay here." Ace said before running off for a second.

Sabo looked at Usopp who just shook his head and said, "Give him a second."

Ace came back with 4 cups and a bottle of alcohol. "Did you guys know? When pirates drink with each other, they become brothers. Maybe when we sail, we won't be on the same ship. But we will always have our brotherly bond. No matter what we do or where we are... No one will break that bond!"

They each took a cup smiles all around and Ace continued, "From now on, we are brothers!"


And they clunk there cups together before downing them. Now the four brothers looked at each other before laughing and talking about the future. Little did they know, someone was paid to find the young brothers and trouble would soon be on its way.