
True God of the New World

A fan of Death note finds himself in the body of Light after acquiring the Death Note. "If light wasn't arrogant then he wouldn't have died in such a pathetic way." Deciding to create a new and better world, Light began to reform the world for the better.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 5 - The start of the Apocalypse

I am considering Adding Balalaika as War horsemen. I haven't watched black Lagoon therefore it will solely be a Alternative version but I'll try to keep her character if I add her.

Which leaves Pestilence and Death.

Also, please Listen to the song "Me and the devil" by soap&skin slowed version.


'I need to think. Fast.'

My mind raced, but I forced myself to stay calm. Kira was standing there, not making a move, but his presence was enough to suffocate me. I had to find a way out, but I couldn't be reckless. My fiancée was still here, and one wrong move could put her in danger.

'I can't let him kill me. Not here. Not now.'

My phone—where was my phone? If I could just alert someone without drawing attention, there might be a chance. But even reaching for it could be risky.

'I have to distract him. Buy time.' I took a slow breath, forcing myself to sound steady.

"I know who you are," I said, trying to sound calm but firm.

"You can't just kill me here. Not without exposing yourself. If I go missing, the entire task force will be on you. L will know."

The figure stayed still, unreadable beneath the helmet, but I had to hope my words were sinking in. I shifted slightly, edging toward the table, toward my phone.

'Think. Think.' There had to be a way. If I could just stall him long enough, maybe I could find an opening. Maybe I could get us both out of here alive.

'The door. No, he'd block it. The window—could I break it?'

My mind scanned every option, every possibility. But the clock was ticking, and I had to make my move soon, or Kira would make his.

"Don't bother, this place is isolated," Kira said, his voice cold, almost detached. It was as if he could read my thoughts, every escape plan I considered shut down before I could even act on it. A fresh wave of dread washed over me. My mind went blank for a moment, paralyzed by the realization that I was trapped. He had planned for everything.

I couldn't deny it anymore—this wasn't just a human adversary. This was something else, something beyond what I could comprehend. I hadn't even noticed when or how he had arrived. No sound, no sign, as if he had materialized out of thin air. It defied logic, everything I knew about investigations and the real world. But Kira wasn't bound by those rules, was he? He was something more.

I felt my chest tighten, my breaths shallow. I wanted to deny the possibility, but how else could he be doing this? Controlling life and death, appearing out of nowhere? There was something supernatural at play, something beyond reason.

The room felt colder, more oppressive. My fiancée was still asleep, completely unaware of the danger. I couldn't let her get caught in this.

'I have to stay calm,' I thought, my mind racing for some way out. But if Kira had already anticipated every move, what could I do? Was there any option left?

I watched him move, fluid and silent, like a shadow slipping through the room. He crossed the space effortlessly, as if he owned it, before sitting on the couch in front of our bed. The way he settled in, calm and confident, made my stomach turn. It was like he already knew how this would end—as if everything was unfolding exactly as he'd planned.

Does he have something that will prevent L from learning the truth about our deaths?

The thought shot through me, sending a cold chill down my spine. Kira had outmaneuvered everyone so far, staying ten steps ahead, leaving no trace of his crimes beyond lifeless bodies.

If he could appear here, without a sound, and knew every move I might make before I made it, then maybe…maybe he had already figured out how to cover up everything. He had to have some method, some way to ensure that whatever happens tonight will go unnoticed, buried with me and my fiancée.

I clenched my fists, feeling my heart pound in my chest. The idea that our deaths might be hidden, that L would never even know what happened, made my blood run cold. If Kira could kill without leaving any evidence, he'd wipe us out without a second thought. And there would be nothing left—no trail, no clue, nothing for L to follow.

I needed to stall, to figure out his plan, but my options were running out. My mind raced, every second feeling like an eternity as I tried to figure out what to do. Was there any way to escape this nightmare? Or had Kira already decided how this would end?

"I won't kill you, nor your sleeping beauty, if you cooperate. I don't like shedding blood from someone who also aims for justice," he said calmly, his voice cold but disturbingly sincere.

Hearing his words, I felt an ironic laugh bubble up inside me, barely contained. Justice? This was coming from the same man who had slaughtered countless lives in his twisted crusade? A serial murderer trying to lecture me about justice?

"Tsk! Don't make me laugh," I spat, my voice dripping with contempt.

"A person willing to kill an ungodly amount—for what? Your version of justice? What makes you think you're right?"

I expected him to react, for my defiance to shake that calm facade. But instead, he paused, tilting his head slightly, as if he were amused. Then, to my surprise, he chuckled. The sound was unsettling—low, dark, and full of amusement. He found humor in my words, like I was a child failing to grasp a concept that only he could understand.

"You think what I'm doing is wrong?" he said, leaning forward slightly, his voice still maddeningly calm.

"In this world, justice has always been flawed, twisted by politics, greed, and fear. I'm simply correcting the imbalance. Every death serves a purpose, bringing us closer to a world without crime, without suffering."

His words were laced with delusion, but I could see he truly believed it. He wasn't just a murderer—he was something far more dangerous. He saw himself as a savior, and nothing I said would break that conviction.

"You're killing innocent people, too," I growled, trying to break through the madness.

"You've become exactly what you claim to hate—a monster who decides who lives and dies." He chuckled again, but this time, it was colder.

"You see it that way now, but in time, you'll understand. You've spent your life chasing criminals, seeking justice. You're not so different from me. You just lack the conviction to do what needs to be done."

I gritted my teeth. He was playing a twisted game, and if I wasn't careful, he'd manipulate the situation in ways I couldn't predict. I can't give in. I won't give him what he wants.

"Murder is still murder!" I snapped, hoping to cut through his twisted logic, to make him see that no matter how he dressed it up, he was still a killer.

But he didn't flinch. He didn't even try to refute me. Instead, he just sat there, silent, letting the weight of my words hang in the air. For a moment, I thought maybe—just maybe—I'd gotten through to him. That I'd hit a nerve.

But then he leaned back slightly, as if completely unbothered by what I'd said.

"You're right," he finally said, his voice as calm as ever.

"Murder is murder. I've never denied that. But the difference between you and me is that I've accepted it. I'm willing to carry that burden if it means creating a better world. A world without fear, without crime."

I stared at him, the sheer audacity of his words making my blood boil. How can he be so calm? He knew exactly what he was doing, and yet he felt no shame, no regret. His logic wasn't just twisted—it was terrifying in its simplicity. He had accepted his role as judge, jury, and executioner, and nothing I said would make him question that.

"You think you can decide who deserves to live and who deserves to die?" I asked, my voice low and full of disgust.

"That's not justice—that's playing God."

Kira's helmeted face tilted slightly, and I could feel his cold gaze behind the visor.

"Someone has to do it. The world is rotting, and I'm simply the one with the power to fix it."

His words sent a chill down my spine. He wasn't just justifying his actions—he genuinely believed that he was saving the world, that his hands weren't stained with blood, but with righteousness.

This isn't just a criminal I'm dealing with, I realized. This is someone who's convinced he's the HERO of his own story. And that made him more dangerous than anything I had ever faced.

His words hit me like a tidal wave, heavy and oppressive, filled with an almost biblical certainty.

"I am neither hero nor villain," he said, his voice resonating with an eerie calm.

"I am a force, one that cannot be swayed by the judgments of mortals. I am retribution itself. The balance long sought after, and the reckoning long avoided. I am the trumpet, a signal of what is to come—a sound that heralds the breaking of a world steeped in corruption."

I froze, my mind racing. It wasn't just his words, but the way he spoke them—like he could see right through me, predicting my every thought. It was unnerving, like he was inside my head, knowing how I would react before I even had a chance to speak.

"This is the start of the apocalypse," he continued, his voice unwavering, as if he believed this with every fiber of his being.

"A time where the horsemen shall rise from the depths and ride their mighty steeds across the land. They will not be stopped. They will not be reasoned with. They will bring forth a justice no one can escape—swift, fierce, and unyielding. The wicked shall fall, their reigns of terror crumbling to dust beneath their feet. No longer will the innocent suffer at the hands of the corrupt."

He was delusional, but not in the typical way. No, Kira didn't see himself as just a man anymore. He had elevated himself to something far beyond human, something elemental, inevitable. This wasn't just about power—this was about destiny. And it terrified me to my core.

"I will be there, standing at the crossroads," he said, his voice dropping to a near whisper,

"Watching as the righteous are chosen, and the undeserving are cast aside. For in this purge, the world will find its truth—a truth I alone have the strength to deliver."

He paused, his gaze piercing through me like a predator eyeing its prey. I sat there, paralyzed, not by fear, but by the sheer weight of his conviction. He believed every word he was saying, and I realized that was the most dangerous part. There was no reasoning with him, no appeal to morality or justice. To him, this was justice.

"So fear not what is to come—unless you stand on the wrong side of history," he finished, his voice cool, almost gentle.

"For I am not just the end. I am the beginning of something greater."

I sat there, listening, the room suddenly feeling far too small, far too quiet. Kira wasn't just threatening me; he was declaring that the world as I knew it was already over. His voice lingered in the air, and I couldn't shake the feeling that, in his mind, this was already done. He wasn't here to kill me—not yet. He was here to let me know that my time was running out, and when the moment came, there would be no escape.

What am I supposed to do against this? Against someone who doesn't see themselves as human anymore?

It was no longer just about catching a killer. It was about stopping a force that believed itself to be beyond judgment.

Kira's sudden movement caught me off guard. He stood up with an unsettling calmness, as if this encounter had been nothing more than a casual conversation. My heart raced, my mind struggling to grasp what was happening. Was I being spared?

"Why?" I blurted out, almost instinctively.

"I can inform everyone about this. You have no way of knowing if I'll act on it."

Kira paused, a brief flicker of amusement—or perhaps something darker—crossing his hidden face.

"You can try," he said, beginning to walk away, his back turned to me.

"But I'll warn you."

I watched him, every muscle in my body tense, ready for whatever might come next. He stopped and looked back one last time, his voice carrying a weight that made the room feel even colder.

"The reason I didn't kill you is because I know you understand," he said.

"You know that my plans will change the world for the better. You face a choice: either you blindly follow a path that lets the corrupt and unjust roam freely, or you join me in removing them from history, creating a new world where your family could live in paradise."

His words hung in the air like a dark promise. I was left staring at the space where he had been, grappling with the implications of what he had said. Kira's logic was twisted, but his belief in his mission was unwavering. He saw himself as a necessary force for good, and he was trying to coerce me into accepting his vision.

I wanted to scream, to fight back, but the weight of his words made me hesitate. He was giving me an ultimatum, one that was as much a psychological manipulation as it was a physical threat.

I knew what he wanted—compliance, fear, or maybe even admiration. But I couldn't give him that. I had to remain resolute, not just for myself but for the values I stood for. Kira's vision was a dystopia masquerading as salvation, and I had to find a way to stop him, no matter the cost.

As he left, a chilling silence filled the room. I was alone with my thoughts, the enormity of what had just happened sinking in. The task before me was clear: I had to warn others, to gather evidence, and to fight against a force that saw itself as a savior but was, in reality, a harbinger of destruction.


Light POV.

I've let Raye Penber go. It's almost amusing how he doesn't realize the full scope of what's happening. His confusion, his anger—it all plays into my hands. I needed him to experience that despair, to confront the darkness of his own beliefs, and now he's ripe for transformation.

Raye was already on the brink. His stress and sleepless nights have eroded his resolve, making him more susceptible to my influence. This psychological attack was deliberate. I wanted him to question his principles, to feel the crushing weight of the corruption and injustice he's been fighting against. It was a calculated move to make him reconsider his position.

Letting him go was part of the plan. He's not just a pawn; he's a potential ally. When people like Raye see the world crumbling and realize their efforts are futile, they're more likely to embrace a new order. He's seen the beginning of what I've set in motion—a world where the corrupt are purged and only those worthy remain.

His decision now lies with him. He can try to expose me, but I've ensured that my actions will remain shrouded in mystery. He doesn't know everything, and even if he tries to warn others, it won't stop the wheels I've set in motion. The world will continue to shift, and Raye will either join me or be swept aside by the coming tide.

The key is to let him come to me, to make him see the undeniable truth that my vision offers. The world I'm creating is one where the righteous will thrive, where the innocent will be protected from the chaos that once ruled. He'll either see the logic in that or be left behind as the old world crumbles.

In time, he will understand. And when he does, he will realize that joining me was the only choice that made sense. I've prepared for this moment, and every step I've taken has been to ensure that the path to my new world is unstoppable. The revolution is underway, and those who cling to the old ways will be left to watch from the sidelines as history is rewritten.

Raye Penber's fate is now intertwined with mine. He's part of the grand design, and whether he chooses to resist or align himself with me, the outcome remains the same. The world will change, and I will be the architect of that change.

Naomi Misora is the last piece of this puzzle. Her role is crucial, both as a potential ally and as a vulnerability that could be exploited. Raye's attachment to her is a weakness I can leverage. If I can sway Naomi to my side, it will not only solidify Raye's eventual transformation but also ensure that my influence extends to those closest to him.

I must approach this delicately. To turn Naomi, I need to appeal to her sense of justice, her values, and her fears. She will see the chaos and corruption that I'm fighting against and might find the idea of a new world compelling. But I can't force her; she must come to this realization on her own. This approach will make her loyalty more genuine and more useful.

Keeping my center is vital. I must avoid killing indiscriminately. Each action must be measured, every death justified by its contribution to the greater plan. Random violence would only undermine my goal and turn potential allies into enemies. The key is to act with purpose, ensuring that each step I take is calculated and aligned with the vision of the new world I'm creating.

Naomi's transformation will be a gradual process, one where I show her the undeniable truth of my vision. I'll let her witness the crumbling of the old order and present my plan as the only viable alternative. In time, she will come to see the necessity of my actions, and her alignment with my goals will be the final piece in this grand design.

As for Raye, his journey is just beginning. I've set the stage for his shift in perspective, and now I must be patient. The changes I've initiated will unfold naturally, and with Naomi eventually joining the fold, he'll find himself increasingly isolated from his former beliefs. The path to the new world is being paved, and with each step, my vision becomes clearer.

The balance of power is shifting. I will maintain control and ensure that every move I make brings me closer to the realization of my ultimate goal. In this new world, my judgment will be the final arbiter of justice, and all who stand in my way will be swept aside.

"Was it a smart idea to let him live? Do you intend to recruit the rest of the FBI to join you?"

I stood on top of a building looking at the city below. Ryuk had always been with me but I told him to get away when I needed privacy in exchange for apples.

"No. I like them. Their skills are subpar at best. Raye penber is a lot more useful. But they'll be kept alive because I intended for Raye's to face reality against his colleagues. I've reviewed their files and history allowing me to make a plan for it."

Raye will come to understand eventually. The corrupt, those who cling desperately to their power, will always sacrifice the expendable, using fear to maintain their grip on the brainwashed masses. It's the way they've always operated—keep people in line with fear, strip them of their autonomy, and throw them away the moment they're no longer useful. Everything they do is to protect their own control, to keep society on a leash, held by the government and its puppet masters.

I'm not claiming I can handle every affair perfectly. I'm no saint, and I won't pretend to be. But what I do know is that the current system is beyond repair. To tear down the corruption, we need to raise a new banner—one that stands for true justice, one that people will follow not out of fear, but out of genuine belief in the change we are creating.

That's why I don't act alone. This isn't about my ego or my power. It's about finding those who are suited to lead alongside me. People like Raye, who, though blinded by the rules of the old world, have the potential to see the truth. He's been suffocated by a system that doesn't care about him, that uses him and others like him as pawns. If he realizes that, if he sees what I see, he'll become a force for this new world, and others will follow.

The key is to identify those who can help build this new order, who can carry the vision I've set in motion. I don't need followers—I need allies, people who can embody the ideals of the new world and help spread them. With the right banner, with the right people, it's possible to turn this world into a place where the masses aren't just manipulated but empowered. They'll finally understand what it means to live without the chains of fear, to be free from the tyranny of the corrupt.

This is why I must choose wisely. Each person, each pawn, has a role to play in the bigger picture. And when the time comes, the old world will fall, and from its ashes, the new one will rise.

I won't deny it—I am using the same tactics as the corrupt people I seek to overthrow. I manipulate, I plan, and I control, just as they do. But the difference lies in my intention. Where they act out of greed, fear, and a desire to maintain their power, I act out of necessity. I'm not simply destroying the old world to sit atop the ashes; I'm creating something better. I'm guiding humanity toward a future where true justice reigns. A future where I, as its ruler, can ensure the world is no longer driven by corruption.

To change the world, sometimes you have to use the very tools you despise. The corrupt have perfected their methods—fear, control, and manipulation—but unlike them, I am not blinded by self-interest. My goal is clear: I intend to help humanity rise, not fall further into chaos. My hand may be heavy, but it is firm, and it is necessary. I am building a future where the corrupt no longer exploit the masses, where the innocent are no longer victims of greed and power. A world that can finally thrive.

Being a ruler in this new world is not just about power—it's about responsibility. I understand the weight of this path I've chosen. The corrupt leaders cling to their positions to maintain control over a system that benefits only themselves. But under my rule, the system itself will be rewritten, and humanity will flourish because I will ensure it does. Sacrifices will be made, yes, but those sacrifices will be for the greater good.

I won't shy away from the reality of what I'm doing. This world is broken, and fixing it requires drastic action. I'm willing to be the force that others fear, the one who takes on the burden of making decisions that others won't. Because in the end, when the dust settles, humanity will look back and see that what I did was necessary for its survival—and for its evolution.

To rule is to accept that the path to a better world is paved with difficult choices, but I am ready to make them.