
True God Against The Universe

In the beginning of time, a point not bound by concepts such as space and time, a being stood. He was fettered by neither space nor time as they were nothing but a thought away for him. Feeling bored at the lackluster appearance that was the void, he created a sword out nothing and slashed. With each slash, profound meaning of all known laws were evoked and galaxies were born. In each galaxy, billions of stars came into existence and around these stars floated tens of large planetary bodies. Three Thousand slashes later, this being felt he had made the void more beautiful, but after a while, he felt it was still lackluster. Why this was so, he had no idea. Suddenly, he was struck by a thought. "Why don't I create beings that will facilitate the evolution of this great Universe?" And From him, came the many Celestial Bodies. These beings were the embodiments of The Supreme laws from which all other laws were born. Still, this being found them to be singular. Hence he decided to create a less powerful species with the potential to grow and reach the point he was standing, and from then, the human race were born. This being passed on his knowledge to these Celestial Beings and tasked them with the Divine Task of creating the Ten Thousand living beings that are known in this day and age. ... In a Library, a young boy looking not more than nine years old read from a parchment. "What an interesting person." He muttered to himself. "I wonder if what is written here is true. To be able to create all that is know throughout the Universe. To be unfettered by space and time, life and death. What an admirable position he must have stood in." This young man had nothing but praise for this being as he festered the thought of one day reaching such height. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/jrJBVc7u

Josh_Richie · Action
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22 Chs

Shadows of Decisions

The Celestial Academy was a local powerhouse on its own, but only those in higher places actually know that this academy was nothing but a branch of the Main Academy located in the Central Domain.

In the Spirit Forge Domain, there were three major Empires with other smaller Kingdoms under them. Prince Alaric Thorne held the position of Crown Prince, not due to his merits but due to birthright.

As the first son of his father, the emperor of Thorne Empire, he knew full well that the position he held was only temporary, so following the advice of his mother, he came to this academy to lay a solid foundation ahead of time.

By poaching all the young talents graduating with him, he would be sure to have a force that solely belongs to him. As for the woman who followed him, she was both his guard and prospective Fiancé, but considering her background, she held enough power to annul said marriage.

Whether it be in Cultivation strength or Family strength she trumped both Alaric and the Royal family.

"You're all young and filled with potential. I won't claim to be able to provide the best cultivation resources for you all, but the few that show promise and are hardworking. I promise to do everything in my power to bring out their potential and allow them to stand tall amongst the masses." Alaric continued his speech passionately causing the crowd to look at him in awe.

The hall echoed with Prince Alaric Thorne's resounding speech, and a ripple of reactions spread through the assembled students. Whispers and murmurs rang out as the crowd processed the prince's words.

"I must say, he's quite charismatic. I wouldn't mind being part of the force he's talking about," remarked a young man with keen eyes, his fellow students nodding in agreement. The promise of support and recognition was alluring, especially coming from the Crown Prince himself.

On the contrary, a skeptical voice rose from another corner of the hall. "This all sounds too good to be true. What does he really gain from helping us?" questioned a discerning student, casting a skeptical glance at the platform where Prince Alaric stood.

"He's just securing his future," whispered a girl to her friend. "Think about it, he's here to cherry-pick the most talented cultivators for his personal force. We're pawns in a political game."

A more optimistic voice chimed in, "But if he helps us grow stronger, isn't that a win-win? We get support, and he gets a formidable force loyal to him."

As the debate continued among the students, Alaric's gaze fell upon a group engaged in fervent discussion. Among them was a young woman named Liana, known for her exceptional talent in elemental manipulation.

"I've heard Liana can control multiple elements simultaneously. If anyone deserves the prince's attention, it's her," remarked one student.

Another, however, expressed doubt, "But didn't she clash with one of the instructors last week? Not sure the prince would want someone with a rebellious streak."

Meanwhile, the prince continued his speech, emphasizing the importance of hard work and dedication. The words resonated with a diligent student named Elias, who harbored dreams of reaching the pinnacle of cultivation.

"I'm going to give my all," Elias declared to his friends, determination gleaming in his eyes. "If the prince sees my potential, I might just have a chance."

While the crowd remained divided in their opinions, the prince's words stirred a sense of unity among them. The prospect of standing tall among the masses and gaining recognition fueled their enthusiasm.

Unbeknownst to the students, a watchful figure observed the entire scene from the shadows. Advisor Varian, an astute strategist in the Thorne Empire, assessed the reactions and interactions within the academy. His allegiance to the throne made him a key player in the unfolding events, and he anticipated the impact of the prince's calculated move.

"Wow. How awe inspiring your speech was Alaric." A sarcastic voice rang out from the same stand the crown prince stood.

"What is that supposed to mean Adrian?" Alaric asked the young man who just spoke.

Adrian was a Direct student similar to Alaric, Zenith and Ayumi, however, unlike others who focused on Energy Cultivation, he was focused mainly on physical strength.

"It's nothing, but I couldn't help but wonder. Is that invitation also extended to us?" Adrian asked with a grin that made Alaric frown.

"Of course. If you can give up the amenities promised to you by the academy, I promise I'll make it up to you." Alaric said while hinting to the others.

The academy already promised them a lot of benefits should they choose to remain after graduating. The ones with potential would then be giving opportunities to visit the other academies and learn from there.

Various Cultivation resources would be made available to them coupled with the lectures that will be given to them by experts at the Chakra Integration Realm.

"That is to say that your empire is stronger than the Celestial Academy then?" Another direct student asked. This time a woman who sat lazily at the edge of the long table.

"I wouldn't say it is stronger than them, but I can say for sure that we'll be able to get a Transformation Realm experts soon, and unlike lectures given by Integration Realm experts, Transformation Realm experts have more insight into the Heavenly Way." Alaric answered with a proud smile.

The sarcasm in Adrian's grin deepened. "So, you're offering us a chance to join your 'soon-to-have' force, but we need to give up all the perks the academy provides? Doesn't sound like a great deal."

Sasha, the woman who had been seated lazily, spoke up. "And what if we refuse your generous offer? Will you still ensure we stand tall among the masses?"

Alaric's eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of irritation crossing his features. "Refusing is your choice, of course. But you won't have the privilege of being under my wing. The academy's benefits are significant, but my offer stands for those who are willing to look beyond immediate comforts."

Adrian chuckled. "Are you sure it's not just a ploy to get the cream of the crop to serve the Thorne Empire? Seems like you're recruiting soldiers more than nurturing talents."

Alaric's guard and prospective fiancée, who had been silent until now, stepped forward. Seraphina was known for her keen insights and sharp observations. "Prince Alaric's motives may be dual-fold, but the opportunity to learn from a Transformation Realm expert is not one to be dismissed lightly. It transcends the immediate benefits of the academy."

The hall fell into a contemplative silence as students weighed the pros and cons of Alaric's proposition. The offer had the allure of potential power and knowledge, but it demanded sacrifices.

Ayumi leaned back, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Transformation Realm insights would indeed be invaluable. But I won't make a decision without knowing the full extent of what's at stake."

Varian, the advisor from the shadows, observed this exchange with interest. The dynamics within the Celestial Academy seemed to be shifting, driven by the choices and considerations of its students.

Alaric maintained a composed demeanor despite the challenges to his proposal. "Take your time to decide. This is not a decision to be made lightly, and I won't force anyone into it. But remember, opportunities like these are rare, and sometimes sacrifices pave the path to greater heights."

As the echoes of Alaric's words lingered in the hall, the students faced a crossroads. The Celestial Academy, initially a stepping stone for their cultivation journeys, now presented a choice that could shape not only their individual destinies but also the unfolding narrative of the Spirit Forge Domain.

The air in the hall hung heavy with anticipation as each student grappled with the weight of their decision.

Ayumi however, looked at the lone figure standing boredly at the entrance of the hall. Seeing his expression, she smiled and looked at Zenith who also wore a knowing smile.

Kaito who had been observing for a while now suddenly sighed as his presence immediately vanished. Anyone who had been paying attention to him would find that he had long gone.

Noticing this, Ayumi and Zenith, both of the same mind, knew that taking whatever offers Alaric offered would be more detrimental that advantageous to their futures

Firstly was the fact that both their cultivation techniques were created by Kaito, second was the fact that he had never really been one to care about others opinions, and thirdly was the fact that he was a lone wolf.

And he would always say... Predators don't move in groups. Only Prey do.

And with kaito's talent. Doesn't that mean he'd be able to create a force of his own?

One would have to know that neither Ayumi nor Zenith had any talent of note. All their achievements today were all a result of Kaito's insights.