
True Explosion [MHA]

A genius born with unforeseen powers. Living life as he sees fit, he holds no care for any set of norms. QUIRK: Destruction. DISCLAIMER!! This story is something new... I'm going to do my best to make it one of the best things you guys have ever read but don't hold me accountable if you hate it. After all, not everyone shares the same opinion- It'd be best if you kept your negative ones to yourself though. NO HAREM! Might not even have romance, so if that's something you're looking for, sorry. There's a 50/50 chance.

3Point · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Rebirth [1]

Columbia. 2025, April 6th.

It was a sunny day, barely any clouds to cover the earthly scene. A slight breeze invited many to enjoy the outside environment- either with friends, family or even by themselves.

There was something for everyone today.

Though, not every activity was enjoyable.




"Ugh!" Groaning, a teenage boy around the age of seventeen spat out blood that pooled in his mouth. It splattered on the cold concrete ground his knees were kneeling on.

Chains rattled as his arms were held back, his long black hair hanging over his face.

Standing in front of him was a rather old man, seeming to be in his late fifties. With a neatly trimmed gray goatee, black slicked back hair that was beginning to bloom with old age as well and a suit that screamed deep pockets-

He was sophisticated to say the least.

"Why do you all have to be so stubborn? The last Simon I hunted was just as worse if not a little more bearable than you… It's getting on my nerves." His voice was deep and burly, like he had mucus build up but he refused to clear his throat.

The chained boy chuckled.

"Guess it just runs in the family. Though… I guess you do too." His comment earned him a chuckle as well as a spiked whip to the back.

Biting his lip hard enough to draw blood, the boy refused to give his captor the satisfaction of hearing his screams. Even as a good chunk of skin and muscle was ripped straight off his back, revealing a bit of rib cage as blood began to pour.

'At this rate, I'm going to die regardless if I give up the password or not. What's his plan…' Still able to form coherent thoughts even on the verge of death, Dion Trivani smiled a bloody smile.

"Y-You know… I don't think you're very good at t-this torture thing." The man frowned and his jaw clenched. He was well aware of that fact.

"Stop acting tough. You might be able to survive still if you just hand. It. over." Approaching Dion as he spoke, he kneeled down and lifted the boy's face by his chin.

Looking directly into his amber eyes.

Dion chuckled, licking his teeth weakly before spitting on his captors face. "Fuck you. Eat a dick." Chuckling uncontrollably, Dion enjoyed seeing the frustrated frown on the man's face.

"Fucking bastard… Fine. You still have a sister. Kill him." Standing up, the man turned around and left through a metal door, leaving a duo of goons behind to do his dirty work.

Dion sighed, "Still a pussy… Can't even finish what he started." Lifting his head weakly, he inspected the two men approaching him with a sharp machete and the other with a gun.

"...And fuck you guys too." With a swift rise of the gun and a twitch of a finger, a bullet pierced Dion's brain. Killing him instantly while leaving his soulless body to get chopped into pieces and thrown in the ocean.



Just as quick as his life ended and his eyes closed forever, they opened again and his natural instinct to breathe overwhelmed him.

Waking up gasping for air like a hungry hippo opening its mouth for a melon, Dion sat up straight, his hand on his chest with his eyes wide.

"Holy shit you scared me!" A loud complaint slammed into his ears from behind him, causing him to roll forward to create some distance between him and his could-be enemy.

Yet, that didn't stop him from inspecting his new environment. 'What in the… Where am I? Was that life really the matrix or something?' He mused, looking at the white domain he was trapped in.

His eyes, however, drifted over to the owner of the mysterious voice. A giant four winged purple haired woman sitting on a wooden stool stared at him with giant round ruby eyes.

"What are you doing? Are you preparing to fight someone?" Dion relaxed a bit hearing that, but his confusion remained strong. "Who are you? Where am I? Is this the matrix hub?"

To his slew of questions the woman groaned quietly, already beginning to hate her job. 'First day on and I want to kill myself…' She complained mentally.

"Uh- Okay first of all, I am your Guardian Random Omnipotent Being. Aka, Trish." Dion for some reason cringed at the name, feeling his spine tingle.

His reaction didn't go unnoticed but Trish was too fed up to even care. "Second, you died, this is the soul hub. Basically a main menu for you mortals."

That was what did it for Dion. His mind was blown. At this point his guard had lowered considerably- After all, he doesn't doubt that he died and if this… Trish was actually a Random Omnipotent Being, then he stood no chance in hell against her.

'...A hub? So the matrix would be a pretty good reference point for the people still alive. But if this is a hub, how come I'm the only one here?' His questions didn't go unnoticed, but Trish would rather avoid answering them.

So she feigned being unable to read minds for the moment.

"And no this isn't the matrix, this is real. Anything else, donkey?" Dion blinked blankly. "..Donkey? Aren't you a God? Why're you treating me like this?" Though his words seemed serious, his tone was light. Giving off the impression that he was joking.

Trish shrugged, "So what if I'm a God, boy. I can do what I want. Now, let's move on because the faster this goes the quicker I get out of here." Dion shook his head.

"Wait this is all happening really fast, what the hell is even happening next? I literally JUST died…" Dion was never a serious person- even in his life of crime in his old life, he just could keep a straight face.

Hence, why he was taking this so lightly.

Trish chuckled. "What? Do you need time to cope or something? I don't care, kid, I'm on a schedule. But I'll do you the honor of informing you of what's about to happen to you next, capiche? Capiche."

"Sure, that's fine." Dion replied, spreading his legs as he crossed his arms, closing his eyes and focusing his hearing on his personal God's voice. Trish looked lost at his new stance but kept her opinion to herself.

"Okay… You died, the first order of business is getting you a gift from the random gacha wheel True God had set up for us phonies to use when dealing with reincarnated souls. Said gift can either be a weapon, a power, a change in physiology or a literal gift. An ancient divine artifact that looks nice." Dion nodded.

"So life really is a game…" He muttered, smiling slightly at the humorous thought.

"After that, you will be reincarnated in a different world- Unlucky for you, you never indulged in the world of fantasy much, so you'll be at a disadvantage compared to the other reincarnators."

At that, Dion groaned. "Fuck the foreknowledge, will there be other reincarnators I'll come across?" The thought might not sound so bad to others, but he would rather avoid coming across people that could possibly know him.

After all, within his profession, he sent a lot of people to meet their personal Omnipotent Beings.

Trish shook her head. "That shouldn't be the case. The omniverse is huge. The chance of a reincarnator coming across another is almost impossible." Dion let out a sigh of relief a bit too early.

"But that doesn't mean it can't happen. There are rules in place for if that happens though, so you shouldn't worry about it." Dion hummed, a slight frown adorning his face.

"Okay. Let's get to it then. Spin my Gacha wheel." Fixing his posture, Dion slipped his hands into his pockets and opened his eyes. Trish scoffed slightly, snapping her fingers and manifesting a tiny human height wheel with millions of tiny options.

Without wasting a moment's time, Dion spun it with all his casual strength.

The wheel clicked multiple times as the arrow indicating his granted gift, ran over a bunch of abilities.

Eventually it came to a grinding halt.


Dion squinted, sparing a glance over towards his God of a babysitter. Sitting there on her wooden stool with her jaw practically on the floor. "W-What the fuck kind of luck is that…" She muttered.

"Oh~ So it's good? Amazing, now tell me what it does please." Dion requested with a fake smile. Trish closed her mouth and swallowed her saliva, taking a breath as she did so.

"It's the trait of unlimited growth and potential. It's a subtrait of Omnipotence. An Almighty level trait belonging to the True God." Now it was Dion's turn to have his jaw collapse to the ground.

"Well, I think I deserve it if we're being honest." Dion commented, regaining his composure. Trish stared at him blankly, wanting him to continue to get a grasp on his way of thought in the moment.

"What? I got tortured for months- literally had chunks of meat ripped off my very body with NO pain nullification. Not to mention I went starving and dehydrated for weeks at a time." Dion shrugged.

"I'm the most deserving of something this powerful." Trish hummed. "Interesting." In return, Dion did the same.

Clapping his hands together, he spun on his heel and faced his God. "Kay, send me on to the next life. I'm kind of getting excited to experience this one, with a trait like that, I'm gonna be something to keep an eye on." Winking, he slipped his hands back in his pockets.

Trish nodded slowly, Spinning on her own wooden stool as she snapped her fingers. "Your world will be powered. You'll get a piece of that power system too, though with Ultipotence it will be… Well, you'll see." Dion chuckled slightly.

Trish gave a thin lipped smile as he began to dissipate. "Have fun, Donkey."