
True Dragon Reincarnation

This is a revision of my previous story, "A New Tempest". I making making lots of different changes here. Changes such as events taking place earlier than it is supposed to.

Astra178 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Meeting my Sister

(The reaction chapter will be the next chapter instead. As I am not sure how to set it up. I have it started but don't know how to progress it. So that chapter will be next instead.)

So far the development of our kingdom has been going smoothly. It has been roughly 5 days since I fought Milim.

And during that time, guess what?

I have reached my full magicule capacity! It is the greatest feeling in my life. I have yet to actually look at what it is, all I know is that Raphael has said I reached it.

'Alright, Raphael show me my stats'


Name: Velzura Tempest

Race: True Dragon

Protection: Destructive Crest

Magicule Count: 93,649,194

Ultimate Skills:

Lord of Wisdom Raphael:

-Thought Acceleration

-Analytical Appraisal

-Chant Annulment

-All of Creation

-Parallel Processing



Unique Skills:













-Eyes of Destruction


Nihility Generator:

Intrinsic Skills:

-Dragon Spirit Haki

-Universal Sense

-Universal Shapeshift


-Physical Attack Nullification

-Natural Effects Nullification

-Abnormal Condition Nullification

-Spiritual Attack Nullification

-Holy-Demonic Attack Resistance}

Hahahahaha! If I recall, Veldoras is roughly 88 million. That means I have the highest magicule count of the True Dragons. Well.... Alive that is.

Oh! Raphael has also been able to fully comprehend and analyze 12 percent of this Nihility Seed. And it appears with that analytical success, she believes she is close to unlocking something else within it.

Ah, I am hoping it is something cool! Maybe a skill upgrade or another boost to my magicule capacity. Uh oh, getting a bit off track, I am just far too excited for this.

Anyways, as per her "punishment", Milim has been staying with us. Due to this we had to introduce her to the village and since they know our identities as True Dragons... we introduced her as out niece.

She may be quite the destructive little girl, but through the time she has lived here with us, I have grown much more closer to her. I came to realize that she is not all that bad. But having her around to test my strength is something beneficial. But don't think of this as me using her. I truly do care for that hurricane of destruction.

Oh and like I said earlier, the development of Tempest has been going pretty well. It has been slow at first but something weird happened a few days ago.

I guess word had gotten around through the goblin villages because two days after my fight with Milim, a total of 600 goblins showed up. I was completely stunned into silence. Apparently they showed up to work and for protection. I guess the word that spread was two True Dragons are their leaders and protectors.

So I had spent the next 12 hours naming Goblins. That is something I never want to do again, so I suggested to Raphael if she could figure out a way to like auto name them. So now we are a more like a large village rather than a the small hovel we were before. The total population before was about 100 goblins and 50 direwolves. Now we have a staggering population of roughly 750 inhabitants. It may not be alot but it is a starting ground for our soon to be kingdom.

But I currently, what am I doing you ask? It is quite simple. For a good 20 minutes I have been sensing what may be another True Dragon. And I believe they sensed me. That is because wherever I move, they moved.

They were like a heat seeking missile, locked onto me wherever I went.

During this time, I have not seen Veldora at all, but I can sense him. Milim on the other hand was sitting right next to me, eating one of these meat kabobs. And she was devouring them left and right. It was like she never had good food before.

Far away, a lone dragonewt sneezes.

This presence was now getting exceedingly closer.

"Hey Milim?" I asked her.

"Yes uncle?" She asked still eating and chewing her kabob.

"Do you know who that is?" I said as I point in the direction I sensed them coming from.

"Oh! That is aunt Velzard!" Milim said as she hurried up and finished her Kabobs and stood up. She seems excited.

"So it was you." A voice was heard from my left. I was so caught up in Milims act I completely dropped my guard. I turned to see a very pretty white haired girl. She just looked like a palette swapped and more mature Milim. She had hair as white as snow and eyes as blue as the ocean. I could not help but be allured by her staggering beauty even though she is the True Dragon I was sensing. Hm, it is good to know that we have good genes.

"Are you speaking to me?" I asked a bit nervous. This is my first time meeting her, so why wouldn't I be nervous?

"You are a newborn True Dragon." She said abruptly as she landed from her hovering position onto the ground. She began to walk over to me.

"I... um... that is...." As she was still walking towards me, I only got progressively worse with all this stuttering. But then she just.... Hugged me.... Very abruptly.

"Hehehe, I have a new sibling." She was.... Excited. I guess that is the right response.

"And I did sense that other one here." She said as she looked up from the hug she was giving me.

"You mean Veldora?" I asked. That could be who she was referring to.

"Yes. Have you met him?" She had asked.

"Yes, I am the one who broke his seal." I simply stated with a proud smile. As I looked up from my position, I could see both Milim and Velzard looking at me with a shocked expression.

"NANI!" That was all Milim had to say. I fought her and was at least matching her for a bit. So why is she surprised?

"You... A newborn.... Broke his seal?" Velzard had asked.

"Indeed!" I answered with the brightest smile so far.

"I was even fighting evenly against Milim." I added onto my list of feats performed.

"Milim.... Is that true?" Velzard had looked over towards the still awestruck Milim for an answer. Soon she broke from her trance and answered.

"Yes! Although I was not going all out and I am sure he wasn't either... we were at a stalemate." Hahaha! Thank you my awesome niece.

"Oh, it seems my little brother is quite powerful."She proceeded to smirk with a hint of happiness.

"But it is a good thing I kept you away from that demon."

Hm? Demon?

Could the person she is talking about be a demon lord? If so, why should I not meet them? I mean they can't be any different from Milim. But I will let it go, I have no interest in meeting another demon lord right now.

{I have analyzed thirteen percent of the Nihility Seed. I have unlocked something within.} Out of nowhere Raphael spoke.

Hahaha! She just gave me wonderful news. Is that so?

'Great job! Please tell what has been gained.' I could barely maintain my excitement.

{Understood. I have managed to upgrade your unique skill [Gluttony] into the Ultimate Skill [Beelzebuth, Lord of Gluttony].} 

Oho, another Ultimate Skill? That sounds amazing. I mean going by video game logic, an Ultimate Skill should be the highest grade of a skill. So by standards it should be quite rare. And yet I have two of them.

{I expect to gain more improvements from this seed.} Raphael added.

'Great. You great at analyzing this seed. So, keep up the good work partner.' I praised her.


Hm? I think she got flustered a bit. But.... I think. It had seemed like she panicked for a second. I guess I will leave that alone for now.

"Velzura?" Coming back to reality, I heard Velzard calling me.

"Y-Yes!" I shouted in a panic, I am not sure if she was calling me for awhile. But she did look a bit annoyed and irritated.

"Why were you zoned out?" She asked, still with her irritated expression.

"I-I was just thinking about something." Yeah, yeah thats right. I was simply thinking about something. I will in no way reveal what I got that easily!

"Alright. But what are you doing in this forest?" She asked with a curious expression as she looked around, observing the forests surroundings.

"I... I intend to build a monster kingdom. With the True Dragons as the leaders." I had answered. However her expression became one of surprise. Milim however looked excited.

"A MONSTER KINGDOM! CAN I HELP?! CAN I?! CAN I?!" Milim began to beg for me to let her help. I guess since we are family, she would be considered royalty here too.

"Yes, Yes. You can help." To my answer she punched the air in pure excitement.

"A monster kingdom? That may cure my boredom. At least for the time. Do you mind if I help?" Velzard had asked. But her answer could not have been better. I was hoping to rule altogether with the other Dragons anyway. It is great that she offered.

"You can definitely help!" I said as I lunged towards her with a hug. Completely catching her by surprise.

"Ara, my little brother appears to be quite clingy." Velzard had said with a smirk. However she did hug me back. During that, I could see what appeared to be a happy and grateful smile on her face through the corner of my eye.

After about ten seconds, I released her.

"Hehe, just leave everything to your big sister." She exclaimed quite proudly I must say.

With Veldora:

It was best that I left. I sensed sister Velzard coming and did not want to draw her wrath towards me. But during this time I can do something that will benefit us.

During our time here, I sensed what can only be described as an army of orcs headed in this direction.

That may prove to be bad for the village, But Velzura and I can repel them easily. And with Velzard here that would just make the massacre even more of a massacre.

But they should not rely on us all the time. So we would need what can only be said as our own army.

And what race would be better than the mercenary race known as ogres.

Throughout the forest, their race would definitely be among the top three or five strongest races within the forest of jura.

But this village I am headed to is in the path of where the army of orcs are headed.

Normally Orcs are typically much weaker than Ogres. But the circumstances for that are different. Against an army of roughly 200,000 orcs, the ogres would die without putting up much of a fight.

So I can kill two birds with one stone. Saving the ogres from their soon to be destruction and obtaining more followers for us.

Hah..... but I will inevitably have to see Sister Velzard.

Never mind that for now I guess.....

I am now approaching their village. In front of the entrance there are two guards both with spears and aiming them right at me.

I ignored this and kept walking towards them before stopping right in front of them.

"HALT! What is a mere human doing here?!" The first guard questioned.

'I could tell them that I am the storm dragon. But would that cause more problems for us? Then again, we are making a kingdom centered around us, so it would not cause that much trouble right.' So I came to my conclusion.

"Kuhahaha! I am the Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest! I have come to save you feeble ogres!" I gave them my true intentions. However they merely looked at me with disgust.

"How dare you?! Veldora-sama is a dragon god! How dare a mere human try to impersonate him?!"


It appears that they still don't believe me. But their yelling has caused quite the ruckus. Behind them I could see many other ogres looking in our direction.

Even out if this important looking small building, out came three ogres. A female with pink hair and two men with red hair.


Are they perhaps the rulers of this village?

'This will prove great. I will train them greatly!' I had thought to myself with an excited grin.

"I am not impersonating. I am the Storm Dragon." I simply said once again. But it seems like I riled them up. The two guards in front of me were gritting their teeth.

I noticed everyone behind them were giving me quite the hostile look. Especially one of the red headed men.

I could see the other/older looking red haired ogre nod towards the younger one.

In a moment the younger one unsheathed his blade and charged straight for me.

It was just a simple attack from an ogre, there is no need to dodge something so feeble. But under my guidance..... perhaps you will be able to damage me in the future.

Anyways, in a moment he appeared right in front of me. Sword raised high and ready to bring down onto me.


A simple and expected result.

His sword shattered completely. Of course, it would never be able to penetrate my skin! Kuhahaha!

"That was a valiant effort. It takes a lot of bravery to try and fight the storm dragon." I said naturally. But, I doubt that would be enough to persuade them.

So, I release roughly three percent of my haki.

An air of complete suffocation and domination was filling the area. Everyone in the village was looking towards me with fear.

'This should be enough to convince them.' I thought. But I felt something else happen. It appears that someone is watching the scene. I don't sense Velzura, Velzard or Milim nearby. Knowing this new info, I sealed my Haki and called out to them.

"Who is there?" I turned around to the tree-line and spoke. Then something proceeded to occur. A human sized plant immediately sprouted from the ground directly in front of me.

Even more weeds and plants continued to sprout from this spot, covering the original plant as if forming so sort of body.

After a few seconds, the plants bloomed. Revealing a dryad.

"Hoh, a dryad. What do you want?" I asked. In front of me the proceeded to kneel.

"Veldora-sama. I have come to congratulate you on your return. I am Treyni the dryad." The introduced themselves.

"Kuhahaha, well I thank you for coming all the way out here to congratulate me!"

"I had also planned to bring you some unfortunate news, but it appears you are already aware of it." Treyni explained.

"Of course! I am sure my Brother, Sister and Niece has sensed it too." To my statement, Treyni seemed a bit confused.

"Brother? Sister? Niece? Who are they?" She proceeded to ask a question.

"My brother is simply a newborn True Dragon. He is the one who broke my seal. Kuhahaha! Impressive Right? Kuhahahaha!" I looked down at her while she was still kneeling and could see sweat dripping from her face. I also turned around to see the ogres reactions. They were also dumbfounded. I guess they heard her address me as Veldora. And since she is a Dryad, the believe her words even if this is their first time meeting her.

Well then, time to secure the allies of ours.

"Now then! I assume you all heard her address me as Veldora. So I can assure you that I am the storm dragon. Now follow me, for I have an offer to give you. Directly from is True Dragons!"