
True Copy

After awkwardly dying in a heart attack, he found himself reincarnated as himself?! But with an additional twist! Is this the Shadow Clone Jutsu? ----- Author here! I don't own anything! Just saying!

DadhieBear · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
63 Chs


"How are you still alive?"

A goddess in the form of a small woman asked him while holding a spear that was dripping with his blood, gore, and remains painted the snow-white floor while the terrain was long since obliterated from her assault.

"What's your name Hero?"


A strike that betrayed imagination was once again thrown that not even the time itself could capture its form and essence.

Crrk… Boooom!

Like a broken record, David's head was cleanly diced again while everything beyond him was easily shattered like a piece of glass.


But like a mirage, his form only reformed as nothing happened that long since confused his attacker.

"What are you, Hero?"



It's already been an hour but their "conversation" only consists of her one-sided attack and question.

But there's also something that didn't change: the goddess in his embrace was still safe despite the carnage of the situation.

So while he uses his copy to duplicate himself to avoid her assault, David tries to put the goddess in the path of the attack.

And he notices that the enemy really did avoid the goddess in his embrace but the result still remains before he could even move a muscle the woman still burst his copy's head like a piece of watermelon.

But gradually a change will still occur as his skills and magic are in overdrive to overcome his current predicament.

Like clogs perfectly created for a perfect machine to perfect him.

Like in a mad rush, his skill Velox Discipuli forces his being to adapt from the massacre that he currently experienced.

While his magic Correxion corrected every imperfection from the abrupt change in his body, along with Perfectus to perfect it.

But what really changed the paradox of equilibrium of perfection was his skill Evolution that forcefully transcends his perfection to reach a more perfected form.

With every stab that his flesh met, his muscle changed and grew to resist it.

With every attack that was accompanied by her Arcanum forced his circuit to adapt to it.

And with every change that occurs in an infinitesimal amount of time changes not only his body but his whole being.


It was negligible at first but slightly her strikes connected on a part of his head that was not intended before she could notice it.

It's been forever since the last time she had someone to converse with and she could have tolerated his presence if not for the company in his embrace.

"I really enjoy our time hero but you shouldn't have troubled Gaia in her rest."

Like a black hole that sucks everything in its place, the tip of her spear consumes everything in the surrounding before unleashing an attack that destroys everything.

The endless floor that they are on collapses from her strike that hits nothing.

"Tsk… That's a very rude thing to do to a maiden."

David nervously peeks from behind the goddess in his embrace, thankfully he adapted enough to barely react and use Gaia as a shield, or else without a doubt he would be obliterated.

Contrary to the god that first attacked him, this goddess in black is way more powerful and overbearing, without any reason whatsoever she just goes straight to his head after meeting him.

He tried to reason again with her however like always she would interrupt him before he could even voice out and then suddenly a dangerous feeling overcame him.


And another floor or two collapsed above them.

David couldn't even spare any moment to talk as just a tiny mistake then he won't be able to survive this.

"How unmanly you are, hero."

While still "embracing" the goddess in his arm while using his skill Correxion on her, he immediately turns around to "face" the attack using his "shield".


David screams behind the goddess, he knows that he needs enough time to evolve into something to get through this but beating a goddess that strangely can use ger Arcanum freely in Genkai is beyond impossible.


The goddess in black just hum before releasing another attack, what really surprised her is his ability to adapt beyond comprehension, even if he is some sort of demigod she knows that jumping from being beaten like a watermelon to avoiding her attack is impossible so she won't repeat her earlier mistake of using him as an entertainment.

But the goddess in his arm that he uses as a shield is someone vital in her plan so her action is severely limited for someone who only relies on brute force.

"Listen to me or else I'll kill her!"

David threatens her while aiming his umbrella at her neck, he grins grimly to show that he is not joking but it was immediately destroyed before he can draw the sword in it.

Annoyed, he can only hide again in her back, thankfully his petite figure is small enough to conceal it or else just a scratch would be enough to spell his doom.

"Tell me, how did you reach this place?"

The goddess in black questioned while showering him with attack, he could have ignored her as it could just be a trap to trick him but he sees no chance to escape just by hiding behind someone like a turtle so he can only bite the bullet hoping that it would not kill him.

"I'll only tell you if you stop your attacks!"

"You know that I know that regardless of your request that you will never survive this, so unless you want a painful death, just give her to me so that I can kill you."


David can only curse in his breath, her eyes that are as cold as ice told him that it would be futile to do anything, as no matter what he tried to do it would be easily deterred by her.

His only condolence is her inability to move from her place, like how her feet are embedded in the floor's surface, or else her attack would not come from just one place.

While still covered by the hue of his skill Correxion that is healing the goddess in his embrace he tries to think of a way to escape, but all of his tricks can be countered by just her reach.

'What should I do‽'

Desperately he racked his brain to solve this problem but suddenly he felt a sudden change inside him.


His head burst after an attack immediately accurately struck him.

He unexpectedly leveled up after just a moment of torture from his opponent and that resulted in him growing just a few inches which cause a gap in his hiding.


And another floor was decimated.