
Chapter four


I told Ernie I was going to meet my mum. I was so excited it has been so long! I wonder if my parents will reconcile.

Amanda's P. O. V

My mom finished buying all the stuff she needed for my 'revenge plan'. Turns out Mr Brown and Danny took an unexpected trip to New York. Why would they leave their beloved home in Florida to go go New York.

I told my mum about the detour and we packed up and headed to New York too.

Chloe's P. O. V

"Speak of the devil, that was Mr. Brown he's coming over with Danny." I heard Steph say. I didn't know what to say considering the clueless look on her face.

A few hours later they arrived and it was chaos!

"You left me with your kid Steph! With no child support whatsoever and you expect me to be happy? Every time he asked me where you were I couldn't just tell him 'she went to live her life without you' no could I?" Mr. Brown shouted. "I only left because of you, you and your concubines and the fact that I also saw you sober once, on our wedding day. Trust me I regret leaving my precious baby boy with a fool like you every single day! Everyday I cried because I wasn't a part of his life and know I think it's too late for me." Steph said angrily. "Well now's your chance, you can keep your precious boy I don't want him." Mr. Brown said leaving.

The poor kid just pulled out his phone and walked away.

Danny's P. O. V

I guess this is a great time to clear my head. I don't think I'll have a stable home til I'm 20.

I think it's time to explain to Amanda why i broke up with her in the first place since I have nothing else to do.


Amanda's P. O. V

"Some body help, Danny are you okay?" Danny had just gotten hit by a huge truck. My mum was already talking to the truck driver but no one was calling 911. The truck driver walked up to us, "I didn't see you coming kid, don't worry I'll take you to the hospital."

Danny was bruised pretty bad on his legs, and he was unconscious. "Danny? Amanda?" Chloe came as fast as she could from her balcony, she looked really sick.

"Hey Chloe, you don't look so good are you okay?" "Can we not worry about me right now, we have to help Danny." she said looking as paler as ever.

We heard a car drive away, it was Mr Brown he had just left his son alone on the side of my road.

Danny's P.O.V

I woke up inside of a huge truck, I asked the man what happened and he told me everything. This was all because my parents couldn't get along and my dad didn't want me.

Chloe's P. O. V

I told Amanda about my cancer and she was angry at first then she realised she doesn't have a lot of time with me.

Amanda's P.O.V

My mom and I decided to go home because the plan wasn't gonna work out with all the commotion around. We stopped at a Gas Station to get some snacks. I couldn't eat I was just realizing how my world is crumbling before my eyes.


Chloe's P.O.V

"Everything is fine, his legs were badly injured might need to go for physical therapy but that's not so critical. We'll be allowing visitors later in the day." that was Danny's doctor, we looked so confident in what he was saying. We decided to wait for the visiting hours because Steph was worried sick.

"Phew. Well I'm headed to met Amanda." "Be careful I know you." Sammy said.

Amanda's P. O. V

"Hey Chloe, how are you dong no fever or anything no pain? Have you-" I kept asking like I was some kind of of personal robot or something. "Calm down Amanda, I'm good I feel better no pain that's for sure." she said weakly. I know she was just saying that so I could stop asking. I knew she was scared.

*Visiting hours.*

"Amanda and I will go last. Chloe and the rest can go now. I know you know Danny better than any of us." my mum said.

My mom excused her self to the washrooms and said I could go in with out her. That left Ernie and I only, we were too nervous to talk.


Chloe's P. O. V

//In other news, the son of well known tech genius, Mr Brown has recently passed away in the Birmingham Hospital. The doctors have confirmed it was a murder, because his case wasn't as critical. The main suspect is Amanda Johnson, the ex girlfriend of the deceased.//

"Danny's dead, Amanda's going to jail, what a memorable funeral for me at least daddy's still coming."

Amanda's P. O. V

"Don't get too comfy in the slammer kiddo I'm gonna get you out soon." my mom said as she was dropping me off at the police station.

A few hours later I was out. I wondered what my mom did to get me out so easily I wonder who she framed.

"I killed him, you rat me out and trust me I'll kill you myself." my mom said during dinner. "I'll do what you want, but I really need to go for Chloe's funeral tomorrow." "No, you need to keep a low profile and tomorrow we have a new target."

That night I cried because Chloe was dying but at least as she dies my humanity will go with her.