
True Alpha : awakened

I was once human, ignorant like the everybody else of what lurked around us, the world is not as you think there are creature who live among us they are the supernaturals vampires, werewolf's witches and everything inbetween and not only have i discovered about them but i have become one of them and a target at that because of the potential power i possess. I must get stronger to protect myself and loved ones i must Evolve and Awaken the True Alpha in me.

Relic1k · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The discussion 01

Isaac yawned as he got up from bed; he slept pretty late yesterday due to all the texting,

"I feel so tired I wonder what time it is" Isaac said as he picked up his phone "what is already a few minutes after nine (9)

Well I still have some time by the way what's that smell, macaroni and chicken sauce isn't that a bit much for breakfast either way I am starving"

Isaac went down stairs to meet his grandma who was still in the kitchen

"Rise and shine Isaac so you finally decided to get up" Mary Isaac's grandma said in a mocking tone

"Morning to you too, grandma" Isaac said Grabbing an apple from the kitchen counter as he went on to the living room

Isaac decided to check if Isabel received his and text logging in to his social media account he could see two messages one from mike and the other was from Isabel

'So where are we meeting up and time, I hope it's a brief discussion by the way' [Mike]

'Don't worry I'll be there' [Isabel]

"I almost forgot" replying to Isaac

'The town's library and the time is two o'clock I'll come over once am ready' [Isaac]

"Isaac breakfasts ready" Mary said dishing out the meal on two plates…

Isaac kept on checking on the time as he took is time to enjoy the delicious meal

"Why do you keep checking the time? Are you going somewhere?"

"Yes, am actually meeting up with a few friends from school for a project discussion" Isaac said

"hmmm you really have changed a few months ago you'd do nothing but stay in all and press your phone, but look at you now, you dyed your hair, going out with friends and all"

"I just hope it's for the good"

"Don't worry grandma I've got everything under control" Isaac said

"And before you go please do your laundry and clean up your room it's the weekend after all"

"Okay I'll get to that then" Isaac said as he finished his meal taking the dishes to the kitchen

"Hmm it's going to eleven at this pace I might not be able to do my quests, well I better get to cleaning"

It was a tedious task for Isaac as who was actually cleaning the room for the first time he first cleared out the cobwebs and started packing out his dirty clothes which most of them where in a basketlike bin the rest were everywhere Isaac was almost done with cleaning but he was yet to touch under his bed, which he was at right now, raising up his bed spread which were covering the side of his bed it was quite dark but Isaac was no ordinary human to be hindered by the dark, his eyes instantly changed from light blue to golden yellow everything under the bed became clear as day, that's when his eye's fell upon a forgotten item which he had kept there for safekeeping it was a silver gauntlet which had sharp claw like shape at the tips it also had a small crystal embedded in it

"Whoa I can't believe I totally forgot about this"

"It's been awhile I used this skill" Isaac said


Gauntlet of sires


+5 damage

Special stats

+Bonus exp

"Wait seriously thank Goodness I kept it, this is like a total boost in power +5 damage would probably change the tides in a fight right? "

"so am guessing this must be an artifact, I remember amber saying there were artifacts stored at the secret room in the library maybe I should take it along ask her about it"

"What is the time by the way; what after twelve, oh my gosh clean up really did take up a lot of my time but I guess it wasn't a waste after all"

Isaac hurriedly prepared and in less than 30 minutes he was done and now at mikes house ringing the doorbell, he was wearing blue pants and a black hooded jacket

When the door opened he was greeted by a familiar face which he had seen a bunch of times before it was Emmy mike's sister, she stood at the door wearing a gray sweat pant and a black tank top it was obvious she was exercising due to all the sweat that was dripping from her body, this made her look kind of hot making Isaac gulp down a mouthful of spit

"Oh Isaac right what brings you over, come on in" she said while she cleaned her sweat with a towel

"Follow me I'll show you to his room" she offered

Isaac could only nod as he followed behind her as the climbed up the stairs the view was epic from behind, Isaac could not just resist it after all he was just a young boy and a virgin at that.


"What is it Emily?" mike's voice could be heard from the other side of the door

"I told you to stop calling me that in front of people, by the way you have a guest" Emmy said turning to leave

"What is wrong with Emily I prefer it to Emmy" Isaac finally spoke up

"Really" Emily asked a bit flushed, if so fine you can call me Emily" Emily said with a red flush on her cheeks as she hurriedly left just before Mike opened up the door

"Oh I have been expecting you for some time, come in" Mike opening the door wide for Isaac

It was the first time Isaac got to see mike's room the room was average in size but what made it stand out from Isaac's was the accessories everywhere there were posters of different movies and games on all four corners of the walls, then his bed cover had an image of a famous battle royal game Players unknown battle ground and the windows were totally shut the only lights that illuminated the room was a line of rainbow lights at the ceiling, his room seemed kind of cool compared to Isaac whose rooming was nothing but basic since he never taught of renovating it when he came

"So what do you think" Mike asked waiting for Isaac's reply

Isaac was still looking round the room completely amazed although he was always someone who just preferred simple things

"Well am wowed, it's awesome" Isaac answered astonished

"I know you came here to drag my ass off to the discussion, you said it was by two right? We still have some time left

Why don't we have a go" mike said pointing at a console which was beside the television stand it had two controllers attached to it"

"You may be stronger and faster, but let's see what you're truly made of" mike said with a smirk

I guess it's been awhile" Isaac said in reply to his challenge