
Chapter 116

Kevin felt hot tears stinging his eyes. ??I just have to see for myself that he??s all right. I know I won??t ever be his again, but???? The tears welled over his lower lids and trickled down his cheeks.

??It??s okay, I??ll take you,?? Terry said, rubbing Kevin??s back.

Leaning into his friend, Kevin gave him a hug.

* * * *

As he was being driven to the hospital, Kevin??s mind whirled with scenarios as to what he would find when he got there. Part of him didn??t want to arrive. Joey had hurt him badly; he didn??t think he could ever trust him or anyone ever again with his heart. Another thought warred within Kevin??s head, and wouldn??t be silenced. Joey was the only true love of his life, and Kevin hated the thought he??d been injured. That above all else prevented Kevin from asking Terry to turn the car around.