


/"How'd the tutoring go?/"

/"We made progress,/" Nicole shrugged. She was not in the mood to talk about Jason or any of his friends.

/"That's good,/" Chase nodded, giving her a small smile.

Nicole and Chase leaned against some lockers, waiting for the warning bell to ring so they could head to class.

/"Hey Chase!/" A voice called out. Chase and Nicole both glanced over to see a guy jogging over to them before he greeted Chase. /"Are you coming out with the team tonight?/"

/"Uh, I was actually going t-/"

Chase was cut off by the guy. /"You can bring your girlfriend along, I'm pretty sure some of the other guys are bringing their girls too./" He was beaming, smiling and in an ecstatic mood.

Nicole's cheeks heated up at the comment, causing her to look down at her feet to avoid both their gazes.