


/"Nicole, hey! Where have you been all day?/" Celia asked pushily when Nicole walked into the house.

/"Uh, I was just out running some errands and stuff. Sorry, I thought you'd be at work and didn't think I'd be out too long./"

/"No, that's fine,/" Celia shook her head, biting her lip. /"I just didn't know where you went, that's all. Oh and Asher's out with Seth tonight. They have to meet with some potential business dealers over dinner so it's just us girls tonight./"

Nicole nodded, /"Okay, do you want to order out or cook?/"

/"Well I actually already cooked some lasagna so I guess we're set,/" she chuckled as the two of them made their way into the kitchen and set the table.

/"So, you never really did tell me about how your conversation with Seth went he other day,/" Celia mumbled nonchalantly as they both sat down.