


/"Mom, is dad going to be okay?/"

/"Nicole, he just needs our support right now./" Drew told her sadly.

/"Is he going to be alright?/" She repeated herself, talking slowly this time as she wiped her eyes.

/"I don't know honey, I really don't know./" Her mother answered quietly as she rubbed Nicole's back.

They were sitting in the waiting room, waiting for her dad to come out of surgery.

/"Nikki honey, why don't you go grab us some coffee from the canteen,/" her mother told her. Truly, she didn't even need coffee- she had already had enough, she just thought it was a good idea for Nicole to go take a walk and get some air.

Nicole nodded. Though she didn't want to leave, she didn't want to disobey her mother.

Nicole started walking to the hospitals canteen, looking down at her feet and counting the number of steps she took when she bumped into a chest.