


/"So, I guess the plan is off?/" Chase asked Nicole as the two of them walked out of the classroom.

Nicole sighed, frowning. /"I hate what took its place but yes. I do need to get my grades up in this class if I want to graduate./"

Chase nodded, sending Nicole a sheepish smile. He knew how her and Jason didn't get along so he knew it wasn't ideal for her to study with him. /"How about you sit with me at lunch?/" He offered. /"It'll make up for the Taco Bell we would have gotten after school anyways. Plus, I don't think you'd want to sit with Serena after your fight with her earlier./" Chase bit his lip as he waited for answer, making sure he didn't say anything wrong.

Nicole thought for a moment before nodding, /"Sure, that sounds good./"

/"Good,/" Chase grinned.