


/"Why doesn't Chuck just say it?/" Drew groaned. /"This is stupid./"

Nicole rolled her eyes at her brother. /"I think its cute,/"

/"You're a girl, obviously you do./"

/"You're sexist,/" Nicole chuckled.

/"You've watched this show like three times,/" Drew mumbled. /"Why again?/"

/"Because I want you to watch it,/" Nicole answered smugly.

/"Whatever,/" Drew shook his head as he changed the channel putting on Family Feud.

/"Hey Drew,/" Nicole mumbled, looking over at him. /"What does it mean when a guy is trying to avoid you?/"

/"Why do you ask?/" Drew narrowed his eye as he sat up straighter, taking his legs out of Nicole's lap and sitting criss cross now, beside Nicole on the couch.

Nicole shrugged. /"You're a guy so you would most likely know from.... well a guys point of view, obviously./"

/"Thats true, but who is avoiding you?/"