


/"Is your head in the clouds again?/"

Seth glanced over as he looked at Logan who had an eyebrow quirked. It was first period, the two of them sat at their desks beside each other in Art which was their elective they chose which they never paid much attention in.

Seth sighed, /"Yes./"

/"Whats up?/" Logan inquired.

/"Just tired,/" Seth shrugged, not having his full attention on his friend.

/"And why is that?/" Logan asked.

/"Well, Lets say Nicole decided to commoner at five am so she could take me to some hill to watch the sunrise,/" Seth explained, sighing.

Logan pulled his eyebrows together in thought and confusion. /"Isn't that something that she should do with her boyfriend?/"

/"Thats what I said but apparently I'm her adventure buddy and he wouldn't wake up,/" Seth shrugged.

/"Maybe she's referring to the fair yo took her to.. or what ever place she took you that day,/" Logan suggested.