


The rest of the school day passed by slowly for Nicole, maybe because there was so much in her mind that time seemed to tick by slower by the second.

Nicole trudged her way out of the school at the end of the day. All she wanted to do was go home, eat brownies and watch movies. Which is what she was going to do - up until Seth came face to face with her out in the parking lot.

Nicole raised an eyebrow watching a smirk grow on his face.

/"My place, at six./" He said before walking off, not leaving room for her to say anything.

Nicole looked at him walk off, confused. Why would the guy that has hated her for who knows how long, need her to be at his place? Questions filled her mind but she sighed, getting into her car knowing that it wouldn't matter.

/"What was that?/" Jason asked when Seth walked over to the guys after talking to - well saying four words, to Nicole.