


Nicole got onto Mocha, showing Seth step by step before hopping off and helping him get onto Angel. When Seth had finally gotten on, she hopped back onto Mocha.

She taught and told him the basics with horseback riding when she chuckled seeing his expression, /"Whats wrong?/"

/"I've never done this before,/" He grumbled.

/"I know,/"She nodded. /"But trust me, as long as you don't act nervous, you'll be fine./"

/"How do you not act nervous?/" He exasperated.

Nicole sighed. /"Okay, let me rephrase. Just belive in yourself,/"

/"Great words of advice,/" Seth rolled his eyes.

/"Anyways,/" Nicole started. /"Lets go Mocha, nice and slow Angel,/" She said softly.

Seth eyes widened a bit as the horses had started walking in a slow pace. Nicole laughed. /"Don't worry, they'll stay nice and slow,/" She assured him.

Seth had calmed down a bit as got used to the horses.