


/"Those guys are.../"

/"Stupid?/" Nicole offered, finishing Asher's thoughts for him as he had started to trail off, not being able to find the right word.

Asher chuckled. /"I'd go for strange./" He glanced at her and grinned softly.

/"How so?/" she quirked an eyebrow at which Asher shrugged at.

/"I don't know,/" he tilted his head in thought. /"I mean, they seem nice but then you all argue so much. At the same time, they care about you. It's confusing./"

/"Care about me?/" Nicole shook her head, scoffing. She was surprised he thought that and found it a little funny. /"Please, that's the last thing they'd do./"

/"No, I'm pretty sure they do./" Asher nodded.

/"And why would you say that?/" She inquired, narrowing her eyes lightly. She didn't understand what would make him think that because she didn't buy it for a second.