
Truant Of The CEO's Pregnant Wife

You're hiding something too, Dunice," Alex said, his voice low and husky, as he kissed her again, deeper this time. "We're both guilty of secrets and lies." Dunice's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and desire, but she didn't deny it. "We'll talk about it later," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, as she opened the door to the nearby bedroom and pushed Alex onto the bed. She climbed on top of him, her body pinning him down, her eyes blazing with a fierce intensity. _________ After divorcing her contract husband, Dunice Jasper finds herself face-to-face with him again, digging up painful memories from the past. Unsure whether to give him a second chance or use him as he used her, Dunice battles with conflicting emotions as she navigates the complexities of trust, forgiveness, and self-preservation.

Teemah_arty · Urban
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75 Chs

I am your Daddy

Alex clenched his fists as he heard the question. He never treated her right when she was with him and she left him for good. But even when he was not with her he still caused her pain. He felt so mad at himself.

Alex's voice wavered with emotion as he inquired, "Did you remarry?" The question's weight lingered in the air, echoing the unresolved tension between them.

Wiping tears away, Dunice countered, "Why ask me that now? You never treated me right, leaving scars that still linger."

Suppressing his anger, Alex clenched his fist. "Tell me, Dunice. Are you with another man now?"

Avoiding his gaze, Dunice hesitated before replying, "If I had remarried, it's none of your business."

Frustration boiling over, Alex demanded, "I saw a child who looks exactly like me. Is she mine?"

Tears streamed down Dunice's face. "I had no choice but to keep it a secret. You treated me like trash, and I endured so much suffering raising her alone."

Realizing the impact of his actions, Alex pulled her into a reluctant embrace. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just needed to know."

In his embrace, Dunice admitted, "I never thought you'd look for us after I left. You never bothered to find me, Alex."

His tone softened, "I did look for you two years ago. My men couldn't find any traces of you. I asked them to locate you, but you were gone."

Nightmares haunted Alex two years after their divorce, leading him to search for Dunice.

The revelation of her pregnancy and the subsequent disappearance of her and her family left him in shock.

"I didn't know," he confessed, trembling. "I didn't know I was a father."

Dunice pulled away, looking up at him.

"Can we talk in a secluded place? I have an appointment tomorrow for my daughter with the doctor.

"Come in the afternoon," she said, handing him her business card.

Stunned, he processed the information. "You're the CEO of NICE Cosmetics?"

NICE Cosmetics is one of the biggest in the country and he was. The face of the business was not yet revealed so he couldn't have known that Dunice was the CEO.

Dunice nodded, leaving Alex contemplating the unexpected twists their lives had taken and the chance for a conversation that might finally bring closure to their tangled past.

That night, Dunice returned home, thoughts consumed by her upcoming appointment with Alex the next day. A conflicted smile played on her lips, a mixture of anticipation and lingering pain. She scolded herself for finding solace in the prospect, a reminder of the hurt he had caused. Despite the inner turmoil, she resolved to push aside the emotions, forcing herself to retire for the night.

The next morning….

"Hello, doctor" Alex greeted the doctor immediately after he got to the hospital.

"How may I help you?" The doctor asked politely.

"Uhm, I'm here to see the little girl involved in the accident yesterday" Alex replied.

"But you aren't her guardian," the doctor said.

"Yes, I know but I just want to know if she's okay now so I can be at peace." Alex said.

"Ok, follow me" the doctor said and Alex trailed behind him.

The doctor led Alex down the hallway and into a small, private room.

Inside, a young girl was lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to several machines. She had a few bandages on her arms and legs, and she looked a little dazed, but overall she seemed to be doing okay.

"Hi there, young lady," the doctor said with a smile. "My name is Dr. Smith, and I'm going to take a look at you to make sure you're doing okay."

Alix nodded and Alex stood in the corner of the room, relieved that she seemed to be alright.

Immediately after the doctor was done with the check-up dunice came rushing into the room.

"Hello doctor, how's my daughter now?" Dunice asked worriedly.

She is doing well so far. She should be discharged by tomorrow, the doctor said with a reassuring smile.

"Excuse me," the doctor said and he excused himself from the ward.

Alex stared at Dunice who was standing at the door and God! She was breathtaking.

Dunice was dressed in a sleek, black trouser suit.

The trousers were tailored to perfection, and the jacket was nipped in at the waist, accentuating her figure. The outfit was simple, but it exuded class and elegance. Her hair was styled in a sleek, low ponytail, and she had a pair of understated pearl earrings in her ears. And she completed her look with matte red lipstick.

She looked every bit like a successful businesswoman, and she exuded confidence and authority. 

Feeling Alex's gaze on her, Dunice walked to the bed where Alix was lying and sat on the edge of it. She raised her hands to remove a strand that had come to fall on her face. She was just the replica of Alex. 

"What's her name?" Alex asked, his voice soft and curious.

"Alix," Dunice replied.

"It's a lovely name," Alex said, a smile spreading across his face. "It sounds a lot like my name, too."

Dunice smiled back at him. "I guess I couldn't think of a better name for her than the female version of yours," she said.

Alex was touched by her words, and he felt a rush of affection for this woman who had given him a daughter. He knew he didn't deserve such kindness, but he was grateful for it all.

Just then, Alix stirred, her eyes fluttering open because she dozed off again.

"Momma, where am I?" she asked in a small voice.

"You're at the hospital, sweetie," Dunice replied, her voice gentle and reassuring.

"Are you hungry?" she asked, concern evident in her tone.

"No, momma," the little girl replied. "I feel full."

Dunice looked up at Alex, gesturing for him to come closer. Alex approached them, and he looked down at Alix, who looked up at him with wide, curious eyes.

"Hello," Alex said, smiling at the little girl.

She looked at him for a moment, as if trying to figure out who he was.

"Hi" she finally replied, her voice soft and hesitant.

"I'm your daddy," Alex said, his voice gentle. The little girl's eyes widened in surprise.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yes, really," Alex replied, nodding.

Alix looked up at Dunice as if seeking confirmation.

"It's true, honey," Dunice said, smiling at her daughter. "He's your daddy.

Alix had always longed for a father figure. She watched her friends at school be picked up by their dads, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. She wished that she could have someone to call "Daddy," someone who would love her and take care of her apart from her mother.

She didn't know if it was a lie but she knew her mother would never lie to her. Alix wondered where her father had been all this while the news of her having a dad came as a shock to her but she's still happy about it.

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