

After Russel introduce himself and to get to know my friends, we decided to have our lunch at the school cafeteria. We are seven people, so we needed two sets table for our lunch. After we settle down and put our bags under the table, we got up to buy our meals. Russel is on my right and Andrea is on my left.

I was about to get up on my seat when he put his hand on my shoulder to stop me.

“I’ll buy you a meal. Just stay here” He said with a wide smile. I cringe a bit because of that.

“I can buy my own meal.” I said in flat tone. I am not in the mood right now.

“This is my payment for your help.” He said now with just a small smile.

“You don’t have to pay me.” I was about to stand when he pushes me back to my seat.

“If you did not let me join you, I’ll be eating alone today but you did and introduced me to your friends. This is just a thank you gift. Please accept it after this I’ll never buy you a food again” He said pleadingly.