

My phone beeped from a message, so I took that as a chance to avoid his question.

[I am here in front of your building. It is almost 5pm why aren’t you coming down?] It was Kane.

Oh my gosh! I forgot about him. I stood up and walks away from Russel. I know it is rude to leave him like that. But I do not know what to say to him.

I tap Kane’s shoulder to get his attention. He was looking intently on his phone before he averted his gaze to me.

“What are you doing up there?” He said with a frown on his face

“Nothing” I said nervously. I know he will be mad at for keeping things from him, but I do not really have the guts to tell him right now. Not with that frown on his face.

“Let’s go” He said then took my books. I smiled. When you looked at us, we really looked like a couple. But that is only in my imagination. And all of that faded away when Chel’s story on her social media.