
Troublesome friends

21th century four thief who are together from there childhood without any family they make each other there family they all known as troublesome friend the one who mess with them they alway make there life a living hell. one day running away from police there car got in accident and they all thought that it's there end but ... . . . . . . "huh what is this why can't I speak why there is, to many people staring at me ain't I supposed to dead" think violet. "what is happening why I'm in a baby body" Rose complain. "I'm speechless" sigh lily. "why me god you send me in this baby body it will be better if other are here" whine cherry . . . . . . . Violet: i'm a villianes. Rose: I'm a side character and supposed to die. lily: I'm male lead sister who never show in novel. cherry: I'm not saying anything I just want to know that why god had give me the role of thief I mean I was a thief in my past now again. sign

Bhoomi_Mehra · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Master Nine.

<p>"how do you know about us" they were guarded against him they don't know why this only man want to be their master but they know that they can't afford to let other know about there physics.<br/><br/>"the question is not that the question is whether I will tell anyone about it or not but if you accept to be my discipline then not only hide about you I will also help you four" everyone know that he is not asking them but threatening them with there secrets.<br/><br/>"let us think about it we can't make decision right now we need to discuss with each other" the old man left from there they all head back toward the east kingdom they all stay in the empty lim valley while thinking about the offer given to them by the old man.<br/><br/>"what do you think about him " yun ask<br/><br/>"he's an old man" feng'er hit the back of lim head <br/><br/>"ouch it's hurt" she grumble while rubbing her head.<br/><br/>"suit you" feng'er scold her.<br/><br/>"just the fact that he can see through our physics just by looking at is its sure that he is someone very powerful" leigong frown while thinking about it.<br/><br/>"hmm I agree with that but why us I mean why he want us I don't think so that the cause is our unique physics there is something else" yun head has start hurting whike thinking about this question. <br/><br/>"you all know what I'm going to accept him as my master I will let him see it's not easy to be our master I will irritate him till he will leave his own self who's with me" feng'er ask everyone.<br/><br/>"I'm in girl we will show him" lim clinch her fish in the air with a determined look on her face.<br/><br/>"I'm in too I mean it's not like he is gona hurt us even if he try to do it we will surely not let him bully us" yun spoke while looking at both lim and feng'er now only leigong was left to make decision but they didn't rush her.<br/><br/>"leigong you can tell us your decision in the morning okay now I'm going to sleep for the past fifteen days I had not rest well look dark circles has form under my eyes it's not good for my beauty to have dark cirlcles okay so I'm going bye" lim walk to take her beauty sleep.<br/><br/>"ignore her leigong I know you are having hard time after all this kind of bloodline is never heard of before but even we three are not normal you need to consider it carefully goodnight" with that feng'er also bid her farewell.<br/><br/>"you don't need to be feel pressured you can take whatever decision you want to but it's nice to be around you" with that yun also leave only leigong was left behind to make her decision after thinking about it sometime she decided to go with flow and she also head to her room to sleep after all she was also tired by the fifteen days continuously traveling.<br/><br/>old man look at the small courtyard in some distance he look at the sky and start calculating with his finger after he was done he open his eyes the young man beside him saw that his master has open his eyes he look at him .<br/><br/>"the heaven has blocked there fate with heaven will I can't see there future I can only hope that they will decide to come or else I don't know what will happen to this world" he sign the young man who silently there finally open his mouth.<br/><br/>"master if they came then what will do till you will train them" the young man ask his master the old man look at him and spoke<br/>"although I can't see there future I can see your, your fate is very simple you are not suitable to be burden with this responsibility so you can go and live your life happily marry a women and live a happy life"<br/><br/>"master how can I do that" the young boy whole body stiffened he look at his master after seeing that he has no intention of stopping he take a deep breath and give the old man deep bow before leaving from the area " I will be alway grateful to master kindness" with that his body disappear from the dark night that night was special dark with no moonlight or star in the sky it was totally dark.<br/><br/>when the sun raise the darkness vanish like it was never their the old man take step inside the lim valley with heavy heart he don't know what is there decision but he still enter the courtyard when he reach there the girls was already waiting for him when they saw him coming they quickly surround him.<br/><br/>"master do you want me to serve you tea"<br/><br/>"master should I fan you it too hot here" the old man was speechless while both yun and leigone was sulking in a corner cause they are not good in flattering cause it was always people who flatter them so this time when the table has turn they don't even know what to say while the old man was embarrassed cause of their flattery but atleast his tense nerve has calm down.<br/><br/>"you little brats really know how to talk huh" he laugh whole heartly the wrinkles on his face was visible cause of the bright smile on his face although he look he is in very much good spirit now hearing these little girls calling him master he was very happy.<br/><br/>'cough cough' he cough twice to remind them the tea serving ceremoney in which the discipline has to serve tea to there master yun was aware about this so she already has told lim to prepare best tea she had leigong quickly bring the tea set and put it on the table rather then yun who is a princess no one else know how to make tea so so after she has make the tea other only pour the tea into cup<br/><br/>the old man also drink the tea in only one gulp now the both party has done the ceremony they can be consider as true master disciplines the old man take out four space ring and hand to them each ring.<br/><br/>"this is gift to the discipline by the master" everyone cup there hand together in form of thanking him they take the space ring but they don't check in front of him.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>