
Troublesome friends

21th century four thief who are together from there childhood without any family they make each other there family they all known as troublesome friend the one who mess with them they alway make there life a living hell. one day running away from police there car got in accident and they all thought that it's there end but ... . . . . . . "huh what is this why can't I speak why there is, to many people staring at me ain't I supposed to dead" think violet. "what is happening why I'm in a baby body" Rose complain. "I'm speechless" sigh lily. "why me god you send me in this baby body it will be better if other are here" whine cherry . . . . . . . Violet: i'm a villianes. Rose: I'm a side character and supposed to die. lily: I'm male lead sister who never show in novel. cherry: I'm not saying anything I just want to know that why god had give me the role of thief I mean I was a thief in my past now again. sign

Bhoomi_Mehra · Fantasy
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117 Chs


after that incident miss quin didn't came again to search her saving her from any other trouble. soon the bantique start every one was eating, drinking, laughing and talking with each other while feng-yan was just seating in a corner enjoying her food.

At the moment everyone attention was drawn toward the figure caming in the hall it was none other then the king hinself only one step away was his son the crown prince. he was the main male lead of the novel his look was perfect pair of black eyes, long nose, sharp jawline, white jade like skin, his eyelashes was longer then a girl.

just one look at him and you will not able to remove your eyes from him and the fact that he is just eleven year old and already had reach the soul wandering level five he can consider as genius among genius.

according to rumor outside he only take a week to broke the qi gathering to foundation rank but it was nothing campare ti feng-yan who reach the peak of qi gathering in just one night if people get to know about it they will be scared to death if he can consider as genius then she can consider as a monster.

no one can campare with her if she find a way to cultivate without the help of blood when this thought cross over her mind she lost her interest to check out the crown prince she vecame irritated with this thought since she can't do anythimg might as well she take out her anger on the food with that she start munchung on the food furiously like the food is her enemy.

while she was busy munching on the food she notice pair of eyes on her but she was to busy with her food to pay any attention to it soon when he saw the way she was eating like she had never eaten in her whole life he retreat his gaze he was none other then crown prince as for feng-yan she was only thinkung about a way to let her spirit beast grow or there no way she will able to survive her death flag which was going to happen in eight year.

the king along with the crown prince stand on the high stage he look at the people like he is looking down at them but he had gentle smile on his face.

"my dear third brother you have came back to the country with great contribution you deafeat the enemy and protect the lives of citizens living here with you on the border i'm very relaxed from the fear that someone will attach our country and-----------"

after his long speech he give lot of gold and jewelry to third prince and announce that he will give them a give the soldier some holidays afterall they had risk there life for them as for the dead soilder he announce that they will receive two thousand gold taels for nobels it was nothing but a small some of gold coin but for the commencer it was a huge amount lot of cheer intrupt in the air.

At this moment third prince who was silent for the whole time spoke.

"I thank his highness for the award that they had given to me and my soilder but there is also someone who deserve this award more then me your highness"

"Oh who is this person and what had he done for you to speak so highly for himĺ

with that third prince tell everyone about feng-yan and what she had done at this moment everyone was admiring her courage to go border alone and saving lot of people.

"you are right third brother about this well where is feng-yan"

third prince start looking for her after some min he saw a lottle figure in the corner of the table munching on the dessert he could not help but scold her in his heart with great strike he reach her and grab her hand dragging her infront of the king.

while she was in daze she wad enjoying her food when someone drag her her cheek was stuffed with food causing them look cute she blink her eyes in confusion at first she look at third prince then at the king she quickly kneel on her knees and spoke.

"greeting to his highness may you live for thousand year" since her mouth was filled with her word was unclear but they sound very cute couple with her appearance she was wearing a white skirt with rose pattern on the sleeves her hair was tide into a two bun making her look more cute.

"raise" with his command feng-yan stand up on her knees since she had came in this world she had not kneel in front of anyone so it was very uncomfortable.

"feng-yan you had contribute to the country that by I reward you with ten thousand gold trals and ten low grade spirit stone every month as award" it was not much surprise to see that she had gotten wealth as reward but spirit stone are something precious for commencer even noble don't dare to use spirit stone causally and she is getting ten low grade spirit stone every month this something that they had not accept.

"your highness feng-yan is still a kid but in the future she can became a master alchemist ssoi think recommending her into central kingdom school will be a good decision"

"you are right she will became an alchemist sending her in central kingdom school will be good for her" with that he order some people to bring paper and brush and write a recommendation for her.

"feng-yan receive the recommendation" with that she receive the piece of paper which can change her life totally she will not have to work for the fake heroine.

she leave the bantique after mid night she was tired but happy at the same time she can't wait to attent the central kingdom school but before that she need to take care of her pregnant mother