
Troublemaker of Magical Girl's World

Randy is an ordinary High School student. One day he was given a gift by his father. The give was a watch looks like a talisman. After he wears it. He gained the power to see an invisible time that would be called 'Time Fracture'. During the Time Fracture, the Valkyries and Justiciar will fight for a key that hides in the monsters that appear at that time. They collect it to reach their own goal. In the midst of their fight. Randy had to get used to being a troublemaker or their mediator. Tell me how good or bad my writting in this novel. English is my second languange, I want to improve my skill in english by write this novel.

Kepo_Emp · Fantasy
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40 Chs

39. Last Day of the Exam

Many things are still become a mystery and left unsolved. Until Time Fracture ends, no one can answer the mystery.

At Farida's house, right in her room. The unconscious Rena was still lie on her bed.

Farida didn't know what to do to tell her parents about that girl.

Does she have to say that this girl is just a friend who wants to stay overnight, or something else? But it's impossible for them to believe that kind of childish reason like that. And the impossibility is increased because her friend even had slept well even before the room owner do.

"What must I do?" Farida held her forehead. "I told them I was going to take care of her, but after I think for a while, there's no way I can told this to my parents!"

Farida, who now lives alone with the Sleeping Beauty, does not know what to do. The other who had been visiting had also back to their respective home.


Someone knocks the bedroom's door.

"Farida? Who are you talking to? Why are you yelling in the young night?" Her mother was worried.

It seems Farida's scream earlier made people on the house surprised and shock. Farida's parents would have been very worried about her daughter. Not surprisingly, she is the only child they have if calculated with logic in real world and their mind.

Farida's parents did not realize that their youngest son was dead. Something sort of Magic had made them forget the boy's existence.

Even so, the traces left by Farida's little brother still remain until now. From his room to his belongings still left at home. Sometimes his mother screamed indistinctly like a possessed person whenever she entering and see that vacant room.

And as a result of that, Farida's father wanted to seal the room with logs, but Farida insisted on persuading him to not do that. Anything had she done to prevent it, but the sanity of her parents could not be allowed to decrease any further, and the room ended up sealed by her father and there was no way anyone could get in again and forever. It took a powerful force just to forcefully break into the room at this time.

Back to the problem.

"I-it's nothing, just talking to friends!" Farida call behind the closed door.

"Friends?" Her mother opened the door without permission.

It is a common thing for parents have the full right to see what their children hide.

Her mother immediately looked at the sleeping girl in bewilderment. "Who is she, Ayunda?" She asked her son.

"Ayunda's friend, she said she wanted to stay overnight for a while." Farida looked at her mother flatly.

With that look, her mother could only give up at her daughter's request and let her daughter's friend to stay. She didn't mind if her friend wanted to stay. But if she's problem child, then there's no any bullshits to let her stay.

"If Ayunda don't mind, then it can't be helped, but remember! Don't let her get us into trouble." Her mother pointed at the sleep beauty.

"Yes Mother..." Farida nodded like an innocent princess.


Her mother came out and closed the door softly.

Yes, it is soft... In her estimation.

"Huh..." A sigh of relief came out of the girl's lungs.

She didn't expect that she would get away so easily by taking advantage of her status. But a feeling of sadness also followed her, again she remembered her forgotten brother.

"But I can't be complacent, tomorrow is the last day of the exam." She clenched her hands tightly. "I will get a perfect score!" Optimism came from her face.

She went straight to the table and try to learn everything that will come out tomorrow. Hoping she can be as perfect as Celicia, so she's gonna burn her head tonight.


1 hour later


Smoke already comes out from her head and could not hold on much longer. She has to stop or she would run out of energy just to understand that one subject.

"Shit... Thinking about what happened tonight really got my mind going to other place."

Tonight's events really made things become foggy. Even Farida's head, which was supposed to be used for tomorrow's exam, was made to think hard about the incident.




Randy walked with Ilham. As usual, those two walked towards the bulletin board.

What they do there is clear. It's like a daily activity to do before an exam. The question is to look at the list of teachers who will watch on their exam.

Their morale will be good or bad just from the name of the teacher who will be watching the exam. If the teacher is strict, then their morale will be low. Even smart students are sometimes also got pressure just from stare directly at the teacher's eyes. Otherwise, if the teacher is soft, then their morale will be high. Even students with the lowest grades can sometimes turn their score to green.

"Who is he or she?" Randy asked Ilham who was staring up at the list of teachers of this school.

"Hold on, Class 3-B... Class 3-B... Got it!" Ilham's face showed no expression of joy or disappointment.

He looked so flat when he saw the teacher's name.

"Who?" Ask Randy once again, but now more excited.

"Mr. Randy..." He looks at Randy (the protagonist) with a dead fish eye look. "Our homeroom teacher..."

"Ah, is he?" Randy went from straight to flabby after hearing the teacher's name.

Not only was his name being same as his, but he was also the most ordinary teacher among the ordinary. Even in class, there is no joy or fear every time he is teach the class. As if the teacher had no way of life and just went with the flow. All that he matters is money, and he doesn't care anymore than that.

"Let's go to class..." Ilham tried to walk ahead.

"Wait!" Randy stopped it.

Maybe because that person's name is decided as their watcher on exam, they feel ordinary and bored to the point of forgetting something.

"Farida hasn't arrived yet, right?"

Hearing that name, Ilham that had withered was now refreshed back.

"Oh, yeah, yeah... I forgot her, we haven't seen her yet!" He said while looking around but did not find anything that related to her.

Not long after, they found her. Farida whose head was burnt and let out smoke come out from inside.

"What's wrong with you?" Ilham looked at the stupid slave of the exam's scores.

"Just thinking too much..." She said while unable to bear the weight of her own body.


She collapsed and fell on Ilham's chest.

"Oh, my god! You're dead?!" Ilham joked.

"Randy, Ilham... Take me to class..." She said with a cute smile.

They are already immune to it, and will not fall into the same pit.

"Take her to infirmary..." Randy suggested.

Ilham just nodded in agreement without resistance.

"Hey, wait! Don't take me there! Or my efforts will go waste!"

Despite being scolded, those two men still forced the girl to take a break.

Shortly after they brought Farida to infirmary. Randy advised the girl to take the exam at the second wave , that's better than not attempt it.

After leaving the infirmary, both Randy and Ilham walked into the classroom without thinking about Farida any further. They know that girls don't like if someone think about her too much.


Exam Results


Sub Mathematics score (Minimum Score: 70):

Randy Aditya: 42 (failed)

Farida Ayu Putri (Wave 2): 90 (passed)

Ilham Darmono: 70 (passed)

Hannah Kumila Dzakri: 70 (passed)

Ira Mana Sari: 64 (failed)

Celicia Ambarwati: 100 (Passed)

Windy Renata Maulydia: 68 (failed)

Naura Batu Langit Tak Mungkin Itu: 50 (failed)

Dian Pitaloka Mandasari: 88 (passed)

By this way, the exams are over. And their classes at the next week will be back to normal.

For students who fail then they have to follow the remedial to patch the grades.

"It doesn't feel if this week feel so long."

There are still many things ahead of them.

Much remains to be unsolved about the Time Fracture.

The presence of the Goddesses will obviously be an obstacle for Randy to free the Justiciars and Valkyries.

But he's not alone, he has friends. He will fight with them.

This is last chapter of this volume

Wait for a while till I finished my second volume on my native languange.

This will just take a day, so dont worry (∆∆)

Kepo_Empcreators' thoughts