
Troublemaker of Magical Girl's World

Randy is an ordinary High School student. One day he was given a gift by his father. The give was a watch looks like a talisman. After he wears it. He gained the power to see an invisible time that would be called 'Time Fracture'. During the Time Fracture, the Valkyries and Justiciar will fight for a key that hides in the monsters that appear at that time. They collect it to reach their own goal. In the midst of their fight. Randy had to get used to being a troublemaker or their mediator. Tell me how good or bad my writting in this novel. English is my second languange, I want to improve my skill in english by write this novel.

Kepo_Emp · Fantasy
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40 Chs

18. Deviant Valkyrie

"Randy! Randy! Randy!" A soft voice called out to the boy from ears.

Randy who had been fall unconscious finally woke up. When he opened his eyes, a beautiful girl with shoulder-length short black hair was right in front of his face.

He strangely automatically unleashes mimicry magic to hide his appearance from the J's and V's. What happened when before he is unconscious, he did not remember at all.

"Ira?" Randy called the girl's name in confusion. "What is going on?" He said as he disables his mimicry magic.

"Don't worry, they're gone, and the situation become lot worse. They're chasing that girl!"

"That... Girl?"

Randy was clearly puzzled what Ira meant, moreover, he just woke up from his consciousness.

"The Deviant Valkyrie, Dian Pitaloka Mandasari!" Ira mentions an unfamiliar name.

But Randy felt he had heard that name before, but where? He clearly knew that name.

"What do you mean by deviant? Did she have conflict with the Valkyries, and join at the justiciar's side?"

Randy asked as he tried to get up from his bed. The blood on his clothes can be seen clearly.

Ira lowered her head, her face looking sad when see the blood on his clothes.

"No, they instead attacked both sides and tried to take the keys from the monsters for themselves."

"They?" Randy was aware of the word.

"Hmm(nodding), not only one girl who become the deviant. Even a justiciar already have that kind of traitor in their side. Luckily, they always move on by self, they even attack each other if they meet. They just want The World File as their own self."

"The girl you mentioned earlier... Dian Pitaloka Mandasari. What's her power? If you are specialty at elemental magic, Hannah is at support magic, and Celicia is at buff magic. Then, for Dian Pitaloka Mandasari? What is her specialty?"

Ira stared at the infirmary's door, her eyes pierced into outside. "Magic sealing power. She can make both Valkyries and Justiciars lose their magic for a while. She seals any magic that was in her territory or the territory she makes." She explained it flatly.

"So that's why Celicia and her ally thought it was her doing?" Randy asked again.

Ira did not answer in a voice, but with a nod of her head.

"How dangerous is that girl?!" Randy got out of his bed and tidy up his clothe. He also tried to clean the dirt on his clothes. "Clean!" The blood on his clothes disappeared immediately after the magic was used.

"Where are you going?! She's very dangerous, you know!" Ira warn her beloved.

"Calm down, I'll move at behind the scenes! I'll leave that to you, Ira!" Randy put a warm smile as he stares at his girlfriend.

Ira, who was looking seriously at her stubborn lover, suddenly turned into a blush.

"I-if you ask, then it can't' help! Do-don't get a wrong idea! I did this not because I wanted to, but because I was forced by you!" Said Ira using her tsundere tone.

'What happening to this girl? Is her brain got damaged?' (Randy)

Randy just smiled when he saw Ira's expression. For some reason, at this moment he really wants to touch her. Slowly he moved closer to Ira who was still blushing.

Noticing Randy's arrival, Ira opened her eyes in surprise. "What are you doing?!" She's been thinking a pervert thing.

Ira closed her eyes while blushing as Randy approached her.

"Eh?" Her face looks disappointed.

What Randy did, did not live up to her expectations. Randy who she thought would do the dirty thing, instead just played with her cheeks.

"Wuwhy ywou dwo twhis?" Ira asked, her voice became distorted because her cheeks was pinched.

"No, just want to..." Randy smiled as he's playing with his girlfriend on the cheek.

"Uhmmm!" Ira was upset. "Be aware at the next scene!" Unable to resist, Ira just groan with a cute sound and face.

They have forgotten what time is this. Even forget their mission and the other humans' existence.

"Ehm!" A sound that heard like clear throat voice was heard at the door of the infirmary.

"Ah!" Ira and Randy were shocked and let go of their grip.

They don't do weird things, okay!

Hannah was lean at the door with an annoyed look at this couple.

"Please, I know both of you are having a good time. But remember, now is the Time Fracture. I hope you don't forget that!"

"Sorry, we forgot our task, ah ha hahahha!" Randy scratched his hair like a fool, but he really was a fool right now.

"Sorry for being rude, Randy. But, what are we going to fight this time?" Hannah asked.

"No, I think it is better not bring Justiciar this time."

"Why?" (Hannah)

Hannah just come, so she doesn't know what happen.

"This is a fight between Valkyries, if there is a Justiciar was involved, then it will definitely become a world war." Randy explained the situation.

"Alright then, I'll go to Farida to look for the monsters. Right now, she looks depressed, I hope she's okay. Bye bye!"

Her eyes look pitiful because she was worried about her leader condition.

"What happening to Farida?!" Randy reflexively asked.

"I don't know, maybe she was in shock when she heard the news about you?"

'Again I make people worry...' Randy slightly clenched his hands.

He already makes a lot of people worries about him. Maybe he needs to apologize to Farida to calm her a little.

"And the last one!" (Hannah)

Randy immediately looked at the girl who was standing at the door.

"Even if you get hurt, work is work. You forgot to come today!" Hannah stared menacingly at the boy.

Her eyes that glowed in the front of the red sky, it gives an eerie feeling to anyone who watch her right now.

"Because of you, I'm late to read the rest of the story. Fate between them is already decided, and all opposition is already giving up!"

Hannah looks very emotional, even it just for a BL novel.

"But damn it! There is no continuation! At least one volume, just let me read one more volume! Gyahhh, I really got carried away!" Hannah really looked upset when she said it.

It is true, when reading a story and meet the 'to be continued' in the climax, there will be a feel of annoyance that follows up, like 'Why did they end the volume in climax part?' Or 'why they cut it?'

What Hannah felt was just a normal thing in human nature.

Randy and Ira just stared silently at Hannah who was babbling at the door.

"Randy! Remember, yes! If you still forget tomorrow! I will punish you!" Hannah said it in a high tone as she showed her palm to Randy.

That way, Hannah left the room and went to see Farida who she said was looking frustrated.

"Randy, is it okay to let her go?"(Ira)

"Calm down, bad thing will happen to her if she joins in."(Randy)

"That's right..." (Ira)

"So, now what's your plan?"(Ira)

"If they are now fighting against Dian Pitaloka Mandasari like you said. Then this would also be a good opportunity as well to free Windy."(Randy)

Of all the Valkyries, Randy instead tries to free the most dangerous one first.

"Why, isn't there something easier like Celicia or Naura?" Ira was surprised.

"If so, they will return to their true behavior, but Windy will be even more suspicious and aggressive to our movement!"

Randy explained his reasoning in choosing the target.

"So freeing Windy will make it easier for you to save the others?"

"Hmm (nodding), returning Naura and Celicia back to their true behavior is easy, what makes it difficult is just Windy's existence. Therefore, we must make Windy on our side first."

Not to mention, she would have acted very rashly about this.


The scar that had healed on his forehead was touch by him for a while. The pain of the wound was indeed gone, but the feeling of fear was still embedded in his memory.

"Alright, then lets fly!" Ira gently touched Randy's shoulder.

Together, they stared at the Red Sky.



"Dian!" Celicia swung her sword to the girl.


The sound of snapping fingers was made by Dian.

Celicia's sword instantly shattered into dust the moment after.

A strong opponent, will face her last day as a Valkyrie there.

She didn't notice it at all. She instead let out her smile by looking down at them, the Valkyries who were following that stupid Goddess mission.