
Troublemaker of Magical Girl's World

Randy is an ordinary High School student. One day he was given a gift by his father. The give was a watch looks like a talisman. After he wears it. He gained the power to see an invisible time that would be called 'Time Fracture'. During the Time Fracture, the Valkyries and Justiciar will fight for a key that hides in the monsters that appear at that time. They collect it to reach their own goal. In the midst of their fight. Randy had to get used to being a troublemaker or their mediator. Tell me how good or bad my writting in this novel. English is my second languange, I want to improve my skill in english by write this novel.

Kepo_Emp · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

17. The Student Council pt.2

"First, why were you there?" Celicia started give a questioning to Randy.

Randy began to catch his breath. He should not look doubtful when he says his lie Innocence should be heared in every line that come from his mouth.

"Ehmm (clears his throat)... Why I was there? Because... That's my way home!" Randy didn't lie about it.

The four of them gave the same surprised expression. But Celicia quickly returned her face and continued her question.

"And why~ you stop at the rice field?" Celicia asked a strange question, it was a trap question.

Randy who was ready to make a thousand lies just used to be silent. He wasn't sure what he heard was true. Celicia asked something that was too easy to come up with an alibi.

'Is this a trap?' But still, Randy must not let his guard down.

"Seeing Ira and Hannah at there while they stare each other with hostility in the middle of the rice fields... Will I just to be silent when I see that happen?!" Randy gave a fake explanation.

"Yes, Ira is your girlfriend. But why... Why does Hannah look worried too when it happens?" Celicia started asking tricky questions.

'It's already started, huh? A tricky question. If I get the wrong answer and say Hannah is Ira's friend, it's gonna be bad. Their friendship is clearly known only by the V and J.'

Randy began to be careful when answering.

"Don't know, maybe because Hannah is Farida's friend?" Randy answered accordingly life beyond time Fracture.

If he was not mistake, their friendship may only be known to J and V, but with Randy's status as Farida's best friend. He could use that excuse to parry Celicia's tricky question.

"Hmm..." Celicia nod her head.

Randy had to pretend he didn't understand what was happening. He tried to gawk at them.

"We-well... What exactly is this? Why do you ask me so much question?" Randy raised one of his hand stupidly.

The Valkyries were immediately startled, seemingly unaware that they were asking too much strange questions. Especially to a man who clearly does not understand what is the Time Fracture is.

'Are they foolishness is just pretending? Or are they just not good at asking questions like this?' Randy blink stupidly at them.

He was disappointed with them.

"Ehmm...!" Naura cleared her throat to signify she would be taking over this Q & A session.

"S-so Randy, when you were there, and before you fainted. What did you feel in your body at that moment?" Naura tried to ask something logical first.

"At that time, I just felt like my body was suddenly numb." Randy shrugs to indicate that the pain was not felt, and he suddenly lost his consciousness.

It can occur if the pain in the body exceeds normal limits, then the wound would give signal to the brain to relax their mind, so that wound does not feel the pain anymore.

"Well, then, the next question... what happened when you collapsed in that morgue?" Naura asked something dangerous.

Randy's spine immediately began poured by cold sweat. He didn't have to lie how terrible the darkness was. Perhaps because of Dalor's help, so he lost his fear against that dark and hollow vision.

"I-I don't remember anything, but I heard someone say. 'You better get away as soon as possible!' I don't know what that means." Randy held his chin as he's trying to think a little, even though it was all just an acting.

Naura immediately felt bad after saying that, but she really surprises when hearing his lie.

"You better get away as soon as possible?"Naura repeated that line.

"It looks like that person is trying to warn you of something." Celicia takes over again.

The sentence was obviously just a lie, but Randy seemed to realize that it would cause him to any trouble at the future.

"That means... Randy!" Celicia give a piercing look at the boy. "You better stay out of any-" (Her line was interrupted by Windy.)

"Celicia~... Naura~... and Ira~... are you fool or just brainless?" Windy looked at them with a grinning smile.

"There was a lot of holes in the Randy's story!" (Windy)

"A hole?!" Ira began to ask to protect Randy.

"First, Randy's bike wasn't there at the time." Windy stared intently at that liar.

"My bike?! At that time I clearly brought it!" Randy tried to lie further.

"Then if you brought it, why is it still in the parking lot?" Windy widened her eyes.

"Huh?" Randy pretended to be shocked.

"That's enough, Windy!" Celicia stopped before Windy did further.

"Randy, I apologize because Windy's behavior! She's always been like this." Naura looked sorry at Randy.

"Calm down, it's okay. I'm already commonly suspected." Randy waved his hand as he says not feeling hurt to that line.

Their suspicions are reduced, what Randy means by 'already commonly suspected' is how he always has items like amulets and other shamanic tools. Even his teacher once called Randy's father to come to school because of that.

"Tch, are you all fool?!" Windy began straighten her standing position.

She clenched her hands into fists and looked at Randy annoyed.

"Fine, I'll make him talk!"

Windy walked closer to the boy.


She grips Randy's collar and lift his body. Randy who was sitting impossibly lifted up, his leg are hovering from the floor.

"W-why are you so strong?! You're just an idol, rig-" Randy broke his words.

He can't say anything that makes him found out.


A hard blow was struck by Ira to Windy.

The lifted Randy instantly fell down and smash the glass table that was near him. Randy's head hits the table and breaks it.



Just as yesterday as he faced death, now this time, he had to experience it again. Fortunately, the wound from broken glass is not much. Randy was more worried about the price of the table than himself.

"Randy?!" Celicia and Naura were shocked and worried about Randy condition.

Blood was all over his face. However, the pain of a glass scratch is not too painful, but it can thrust quite deeply when not be careful.

"Calm down, I'm fine," said the poor boy who now looked dazed.

"Fool, you're hurt pretty bad!" Celicia quickly picked up the first aid box that attached to the wall behind Celicia's desk.

"Randy~?! Randy~?!" Naura's voice was buzzing in the boy's ear.

"Yes, what is it-"


He lost his consciousness before he can reply.

Ira and Windy who was fight are suddenly distracted by Randy who faints. His heavily wounded in face made Ira immediately give the boy her lap.

"Randy! I-I'm sorry! I was too emotional and suddenly forgot about you!" Ira tears make her cheeks wet.

Unlike the others, Windy simply crossed her arms and stared towards the exit door.

"Windy? You know what's gonna happen, right?" Celicia glared at that idol.

"Yes, yes, I know I know... I have to do it, right?" Windy is indifferent to her president.

Windy walked closer to Randy who was unconscious. She tried to cast her magic to heal the boy.

"Dark Heal!" She stared down while doing it.




.......... Nothing happened.

"Heh?!" Windy surprised and looked at both of her own palms.

The strangeness happened, she could not unleash her magic.

"Why you just keep stared at him? Are you try to making fun of me?!" Celicia scold the idol.

"I've tried to do my job! But as you can see, I can't cast my magic!" Windy screamed back at the president.

Suddenly they were all surprised.

"I-it must have been him!" Windy pointing suspiciously at Randy.

"Hey! I told you! Why do you always say for the impossible?! Even if Randy could see that world, he would have been die due to the circumstances!" Celicia chides Windy.

"CAN YOU GIRLS SHUT UP?!" Ira shouted loudly.

Windy and Celicia silently looked at the Ira who was crying all the time. Their fight will not solve anything. They should've known that.

"We'd better take him to infirmary first!" Naura gave a suggestion.

Fortunately, it is already 2 pm, the students will not be lingering at school anymore because of the exam. The school looks so empty, there are only students who do not have the burden of life who are still here.


In the infirmary, the Valkyries try to cure Randy with manual medicines.

"Tch! We will be in trouble if someone see this!" Celicia muttered to herself.

"Calm down, I'll block the door!" Naura held the door using her body.

"Gi-girls...?!" Windy tried to cast her healing magic once again.

This time the magic was successfully unleashed, and without waiting any longer. Windy throws her Dark Heal magic at the dying Randy.


The wound on Randy's face was gone, but the magic did not remove the blood that had come out.

"It's so strange, why I can't unleash it there?" Windy looked at her own palm.

"But because of this, we already know clearly that Randy is not a person who can see that world, right?" Ira looked intently at Windy.

"Hmm (nodding)... I'll apologize to him later." Windy, who looked impudent, suddenly turned calm and accepted to apologize to the man... Later.

"Then... We're being sabotaged! And the culprit is must be..."Celicia looked intently at the ceiling of the infirmary.

Looks like Randy made the misunderstanding go further. Whatever it is, he should be able to solve it invisibly.