
The plan

After a period of fourteen months, Dr Wilfred announced she was medically fit to walk and informed them that she needs a traumatic experience to regain her legs fully.

Luke thanked him and had a discussion with his family.

" I think we should talk to her about it" suggested Stella

" She won't listen. She might have adrenaline rush and lock me out of her life again. I can't risk that" he blatantly refused

" I know Audrey, she's the see and believing type. We need a plan and a good one at that" said Lucas thinking of what to do.

" I have an idea . " Said granny whispering to them.

" Will she fall for it? Asked Hugh aware of her nonchalant behavior since the accident

" Then let's put her to the test " said Granny grinning.

" Shouldn't we have invited her friends over? Asked Bobby amused

" No. We need their participation. Let the game begin" said hugh .