

It's been days since Audrey's attack. She decided to tell her friends about it thinking it's Viola. If she could find her then she'll find them too.

She went to their house while Victor trailed her.

" Girls, we have a problem" she announced piquing their interest

" What's wrong? Asked Ava worriedly sitting close to her

" I've been attacked recently.its been going on for weeks now . I was told it's a drug lord" she narrated making them terrified

" It's Viola. She's found us. We've to move. I'll get our private jet ready" announced Lola who wasn't ready to go through hell again

" I don't think so Lola. This person knows my house. Something tells me that he wants me dead. He sent two boys to kill me then a gang of shooting men after me. Viola doesn't attack randomly' she suggested as Ava listened in deep thought.