
Chapter 2

“Would you like to dance?” She speaks slowly and taps her chest with the fingers of her right hand. She’s also grinning. “With me?”


She sheds her jacket, laying it over the back of her chair, and extends her hand to me. Her grip is firm and warm as she supports me while I find my feet.

My pilot is a fair dancer—not great, but she’s not stepping on my toes either. The best part is that it gives me plenty of chance to press close to her, to feel her warmth and inhale her scent, and decide what I want out of this evening.

I’m almost disappointed when she says she needs to be up early and really ought to be turning in. It’s only nine o’clock and the club is just getting lively.

But as she’s plucking her jacket from the back of the chair, my mind turns to other things. Specifically, the fact that in my haste to have dinner with my pilot, I haven’t booked a room yet. But,I tell myself,this may not be a bad thing.

“Shit,” I say, as we stand there by the little table.