

Madam Mercy, why are you crying. Please get up ,should I get you a glass of water to drink. No need for that just sit,Madam Mercy said. Why are you children here if l may ask . Am ... Madam ,we have something urgent to discuss with you and trust me that you are going to think of it as a joke. Okay go on am all ears Madam Mercy said. We're here to warn you about an attack that's is about to break out. Kids this is not funny go back to the quarters they gave you. What's your surname kids madam Mercy asked? It's August mam Chris answered. I am going through something rather unpleasant right now. Mam can I show you a video Sam asked. Okay, she replied harshly. This is it

After about 30mins of watching the video she paused it and looked at our faces. Do you mean to tell me that this video you showed me right now is a true video and nothing fake Mercy said.

Yes mam everything in that video is real Chris said. Do you have a television, we could on the television right now and check it ,because it is going viral right now. Immediately we switched on the television it was on every single station. Chris finally broke the silence in the room.

What am l going to do now that the assistant head has run away with almost every penny the school has. Madam don't worry too much about it Sam said. We now have to think of a way out of it.

Before I have something to tell you guys, because you're new here you don't know this but this an orphanage school

I think this is the most saddest chapter for Samuella and Chris

Patience_Amarteycreators' thoughts