

Melanie after hearing all what her father had told her about her mother, she was so upset with her mother at that particular moment as she did not even know what to say again. The kind of hatred that Melanie had started nursing for her mother this time around could not be explained.

As Melanie's father now decided to conclude all what he was saying to her by telling her finally why he has been laughing endlessly with out stopping ever since Melanie had started eating. Since Melanie was being so cool while eating.

It was a very good moment for Melanie's father to be able to spend with her father so being so happy. As her presence there on the dining table with her father just so amazing.

That was one of the best moments that Mr Carter had ever get to have in his whole entire life. He was being so happy that he could not even explain the kind of joy that he had in him at that particular me. He was just so happy at that particular moment.

" Like I said before, it has been quite a very long time that I have never ever laughed like this. I have literally never been this happy for quite a very long time now. "

Mr Carter said with a very moderate voice at that particular moment as he wanted to let his only daughter Know that she is the source of his happiness. And that the joy that she gives him no one has ever given him for quite a very long time now.

" And the main reason why I have been laughing here endlessly is because of the manner in which you were eating. Your eating style today is just so stunning. "

Mr Carter said with a very normal voice as he started laughing back just like the way he had started laughing before. It was not an easy thing for him to stop laughing because the scene where his daughter was eating in such a manner was just so amazing.

It was just so normal as in it was just her. She was not faking any thing that she was doing. The things that Melanie was doing that day in front of her father were just so amazing to Mr Carter.

It was not actually what Melanie had expected to happen at that particular moment because she was just eating out of the so much hunger that she was feeling at that particular moment. There was no way that she could control the kind of hunger that was found in her as well the rate at which she was willing to dig in to the food that she wanted to eat at that particular moment.

How ever, Melanie was so happy that at least, she could make her father to be very hall very early that morning. As well as she was very happy that we father had promised her that morning while they both were on the dining table that he is ready to change for her.

As Mr Carter wanted to take her out for a stroll later that day as well. Mr Carter had told her to finish having her break fast at that moment then she goes up stairs to her bed room, have some rest, chill, relax so that all the food that she had just eaten that particular moment will have some time to digest so well because very soon he will be able to take her out later in the day.

" Melanie..... "

Mr Carter said with a very cold and moderate voice as his voice was not that too loud nor was it too low for Melanie to listen to every single thing that he was saying at that moment. As she called on Melanie's name with a very soft voice and putting on a very faint smile that could be seen by Melanie while being still being on the dining table.

Melanie hearing her father calling her name now decided to answer her father's call as she turned her head facing her father.

" Yes father. "

Melanie answered with a very faint voice too as she was trying to follow her father's lead. She wanted to sound the same way that her father was sounding.

Just like the tone of her father's voice, she did not want that her voice should neither surpass her father's voice nor even be lower than her father's voice. Melanin wanted that their tones should be the same. No more , no less.

Any way, Melanie was putting on a very serious countenance as she did not even want that such things should be able to disturb her father in any way. As she now lifted her head up once more from the direction of her food and was looking at the direction where her father was sitting.

As she could clearly see the smile that her father was putting on at that particular moment no matter how faint the smile was. It was kind of very nice for her to see her father in such a very good mood that day. She wished her father could always be like that with her.

As Melanie kept on looking at her father giving her a very faint smile on his facial expression as it was portraying so clearly. Melanie was waiting endlessly to hear what her father was wanting to say at that particular time as she kept on looking at him right in to his eyes so that she could clearly pay attention to every thing that he had to say to her at that particular moment.

Melanie's two ears were wide open as well to hear every thing that her father had to tell her at that point in time. As she was very vigilant and did not want that any single word nor letter that will come out from her father's mouth will not escape from her ears.

As her father now decided to talk to her and tell her the reason why he had called her name at that particular point in time.

" Hmmmmmm...... Thank you so much Melanie "

Mr Carter said with a very moderate voice as he was thanking his daughter so much. Mr Carter while thanking his daughter was doing that directly from his heart as he actually really meant every single word of what was coming out from his mouth.

Every thing was just so magical as Melanie hearing her father thanking her in such a manner was just so overwhelming to her as that has never ever happened before in all her existence on this earth.

Melanie could not still get to believe all what her ears were hearing at that particular moment. She needed a replay of what her father had just said to her some few seconds back.

That has never ever happened before and that was being so amazing and at the same time so weird as she felt that her father was not supposed to be thanking her. The numerous things her father had been doing to her ever since she was brought to this earth could not be counted.

And she felt like her father is not supposed to be doing that to her. She felt like it is instead her job to be thanking her father for all what he has been doing for her since from the first day that she was brought in to this world.

How ever, she understood her father so well even if her father was barely having time for her or to spend with her as well, she could understand perfectly that it was his job that was making him to barely have time for her and that if in case he had ever had the time to spend with his only daughter as well as his lovely wife, he will do that with out hesitating even a little bit.

That was due to the rate at which he love his wife so much as well as he loves his only daughter even more and is very ready to do any thing for her. There was the need for him to know what was happening to his daughter at all times and that was totally the character of a true father who really loves his daughter so much as he was ready to do any thing in order to make Melanie to be very happy.

That was totally the contrary of Melanie's mother as she cared less about her daughter and all she wanted was money as when she says she care about Melanie, she does not even show it at all. As she kept on making Melanie to be very up set with her at all times as well as she kept on giving Melanie enough and numerous reasons why she should always be very angry at her.

And that was not just any thing to do at that They both had always made Melanie to feel their absence at every second of their lives. They were being so mean to her to a fault. The rate at which her parents were being so heartless to her could not be explained as they had always found reasons to make her feel bad at all times.

Melanie was being literally so frustrated almost all the time as she is always alone. Being bored having no one to talk to , just there in her own . If she is not in school, then she is at home being locked up in her bed room. Either watching TV, sleeping, studying , reading books, or even Just sitting like that for nothing In her bed room. She had learned how to be alone for a very long time that she was already very use to it.

It has been part of her as she was already very use to and fine with the kind of situation that she was facing at that particular moment.

Nothing was moving her again. Apart from what she wanted to do and she could do it.

It was a very nice thing to do as we as it could be seen every where.

Every thing started to go from worst to worse as things were not doing just fine again even a little bit. Every thing was just so annoying to each other as every thing for they both was problem .

Both Mr Carter and his wife were no longer having peace of mind when ever they were close to each other. The joy and the peace of mind as well that they both had always had before was taken away from them in a speed of light. As one day, things were no longer going on well between the both of them.

They both were thinking if divorce on so many occasions but have never ever come to a conclusion to divorce because of the fact that they both had a very little and beautiful daughter who needed a lot of care and attention.

Just for them to think about divorcing when their daughter was still very little and needed some one as well to take care of her was some thing that they could never find them selves doin it. They were all being so frustrated as well as they were both being stuck with each other since they could not be together and worse still they could neither be separated from each other.

There was the need for they both to know what know what was good as well as what was bad at that particular time in order not to end up taking the wrong decision which might end up leading to some thing else.

The joy and the peace of mind as well that they both had always had before was taken away from them in a speed of light. As one day, things were no longer going on well between the both of them.

There was the need for they both to know what know what was good as well as what was bad at that particular time in order not to end up taking the wrong decision which might end up leading to some thing else.

The kind of decision that they both could have taken could have fallen heavily on their only daughter because the kind if decision they both were about to take was to their only daughter's own detriment and not to their detriment.

How ever, it was good thing for they to do what she had to do because if they do not make sure that they both take the right decision, they might end up loosing every thing they want. It was a very good thing they had done to stay with each other and not leaving their daughter behind because it could have been a very bad thing to do as well as it could have had several side effects that could not be good to be seen by any one.

They both were thinking if divorce on so many occasions but have never ever come to a conclusion to divorce because of the fact that they both had a very little and beautiful daughter who needed a lot of care and attention.

Just for them to think about divorcing when their daughter was still very little and needed some one as well to take care of her was some thing that they could never find them selves doin it. They were all being so frustrated as well as they were both being stuck with each other since they could not be together and worse still they could neither be separated from each other.

How ever, Melanie was so happy that at least, she could make her father to be very hall very early that morning. As well as she was very happy that we father had promised her that morning while they both were on the dining table that he is ready to change for her.

As Mr Carter wanted to take her out for a stroll later that day as well. Mr Carter had told her to finish having her break fast at that moment then she goes up stairs to her bed room, have some rest, chill, relax so that all the food that she had just eaten that particular moment will have some time to digest so well because very soon he will be able to take her out later in the day.

" Melanie..... "

Mr Carter said with a very cold and moderate voice as his voice was not that too loud nor was it too low for Melanie to listen to every single thing that he was saying at that moment. As she called on Melanie's name with a very soft voice and putting on a very faint smile that could be seen by Melanie while being still being on the dining table.

Melanie hearing her father calling her name now decided to answer her father's call as she turned her head facing her father.

" Yes father. "

Melanie answered with a very faint voice too as she was trying to follow her father's lead. She wanted to sound the same way that her father was sounding.

Just like the tone of her father's voice, she did not want that her voice should neither surpass her father's voice nor even be lower than her father's voice. Melanin wanted that their tones should be the same. No more , no less.

Any way, Melanie was putting on a very serious countenance as she did not even want that such things should be able to disturb her father in any way. As she now lifted her head up once more from the direction of her food and was looking at the direction where her father was sitting.

As she could clearly see the smile that her father was putting on at that particular moment no matter how faint the smile was. It was kind of very nice for her to see her father in such a very good mood that day. She wished her father could always be like that with her.

As Melanie kept on looking at her father giving her a very faint smile on his facial expression as it was portraying so clearly. Melanie was waiting endlessly to hear what her father was wanting to say at that particular time as she kept on looking at him right in to his eyes so that she could clearly pay attention to every thing that he had to say to her at that particular moment.

Melanie's two ears were wide open as well to hear every thing that her father had to tell her at that point in time. As she was very vigilant and did not want that any single word nor letter that will come out from her father's mouth will not escape from her ears.

As her father now decided to talk to her and tell her the reason why he had called her name at that particular point in time.

Mr Carter said with a very moderate voice as he was thanking his daughter so much. Mr Carter while thanking his daughter was doing that directly from his heart as he actually really meant every single word of what was coming out from his mouth.

Every thing was just so magical as Melanie hearing her father thanking her in such a manner was just so overwhelming to her as that has never ever happened before in all her existence on this earth.

Melanie could not still get to believe all what her ears were hearing at that particular moment. She needed a replay of what her father had just said to her some few seconds back.

That has never ever happened before and that was being so amazing and at the same time so weird as she felt that her father was not supposed to be thanking her.