

Melanie while in her room picked yup what she had forgotten that had made her to leave the dining table and come back to her bad room as she was running back down stairs in order to continue eating the food that she had allowed downstairs.

The food was just so amazing as it tasted so good. Melanie her self did not know why she was feeling that the food was tasting Soo good that morning.

As she began thinking that maybe she thinks that the food tastes so good because she is very hungry and had not eaten any thing since the previous day as she hurriedly went down stairs so that she could continue to eat her food peacefully with out her father bothering her with useless questions.

Once back on the dining table, Melanie instantly continued with her food as she was digging in to it with out hesitating eating with out stopping. There was nothing she could ever be ashamed of while eating the food because she was in her house so she was feeling free.

There was the need for her to make sure that there was nothing to be ashamed of and continue eating her food with so much life and passion that she had for the food.

How ever, her father seeing that was so amazed and so happy looking at his daughter being in such a mood. It was one of the best things that had ever happened to him.

" Hahahaha....... "

Melanie's father laughed out loud with out hesitating as him looking at the manner in which Melanie was eating was Makin him to be so amazed and happy. He could not stop laughing.

The joy he was feeling in him was just so stunning as it could not be held. There was no way that he could ever hold such a laughter seeing his daughter eating in such a very funny way.

" Hahahahaha...... "

Mr Carter continued laughing as he increased the sound of his voice as well as his laughter so that every one in the house that day could listen to it.

Melanie hearing the manner in which her father was laughing with out stopping. She was also very confused as it has never occured before. She had never ever in her life seen her father laughing in such a manner. That was absolutely stunning and very amazing to listen to.

That was the ever best song that Melanie had ever heard in her life. The sound and the loudness of her father's voice while Shouting was the ever best sound that she had ever heard in her life. There was the need for her to know what her father was doing. As we as what was Makin him to laugh so heavily as she finally decided finally talk to her father by asking him a question.

" Father.... "

Melanie asked with a very cold voice as it was being so weird that her father was just laughing any how on the dining table for no reason. She was so ignorant about why her father was laughing so hard as she was so curious to know about why her father was laughing so hard.

The curiousity she was having mounted even more when she was continuously seeing her father laughing but she was not getting to identify the main reason why her father was laughing at her.

There was the great need for her to know why her father was laughing at her so hard because it was no longer funny for her as she stopped eating for a while and kept on observing and looking at her father closely to see how insane he had become over a blink of an eye.

How ever, there was the need for her to discover why her father was shouting and laughing as well so hard as she could not still get to figure out what insect had just bitten her father that could make him laugh like a fool on the dining table like never before.

What even kept on angering Melanie was that , when she was calling on her father, he was not responding to her calls and worse still , Melanie is the type who hates to be ignored by any one. That was one of the things that she has always hated ever since she was still a very little girl till presently.

" Father..... "

Melanie said as she kept on calling on her father with out stopping with the aim of making sure that he finally gets to answer her when it was time. There was the need of making sure that her father finally gets to answer her if not by normal ways then by force.

As she shouted from the top of her voice so that if in case her father has not been hearing her calls from the first time that she had been calling her, then he will be able to hear her call now that she is shouting from the top of her voice. That was one of the worse thing that she had ever loved to do because Shouting makes her go crazy.

" Yes Melanie, Hahaha....... "

Melanie's father said as finally decided to answer Melanie's call for him. He could not still stop laughing as the issue about the way Melanie was eating was still very funny to him that he could not still get to stop laughing like a fool.

He was just so happy and so excited at the same time. Every thing was just so funny for him at that moment. As the situation at hand made him to also forget all the problems they he was facing at that particular time as we as the kind of bad day that he had already started having just from the beginning.

" Why are you laughing father ? "

Melanie asked with a very moderate voice as she tried to soften her voice a little bit so that her father could really see that she wanted to know what was happening. She put her downer lip in to her mouth as she started biting it waiting on her father so that he could finally tell her the main reason why he was laughing at her at that particular moment.

Every thing was being so dramatic as to Melanie, she started thinking right deep in side get that her father was being so dramatic as well as couple with fact they she had no idea about why her father was laughing so hard.

After asking her father the question, Melanie noticed that her father was still sitting down there opposite her and laughing endlessly. She was still shouting and making her father to know the rate at which she was serious on knowing what was going on.

Since she had noticed that her father did not have any idea about the gravity of her seriousness. There was the need for him to know how serious Melanie was so that he will stop laughing a little bit for the moment and answer her questions instead of getting her more angry.

How ever, her father after laughing for over quite some time now as well as seeing the rate at which Melanie was serious, Mr Carter now decided to answer his daughter's numerous questions as he did not want her to be angry for any any reason.

But still yet, even if Melanie could have gotten angry at that particular point in time, it could have never made him to stop laughing because, there was a very great need for him to release out his anger and feel free a little bit for some time now. And that was exactly what he was doing at that particular moment.

" Ok, ok , Melanie I am going to tell you why I am laughing. "

Mr Carter said with a very moderate voice as he was trying so hard to stop laughing gradually and be serious and focus with what he had to say at that particular time to his daughter so that she could now be happy and not get angry at that particular time.

" Yes father...... I am listening to what you have to say. Go on. "

Melanie said with a very moderate voice as well as she decided to sit quiet and brought her ears closer to listen to what her father had to tell her at that particular moment concerning what he was laughing about.

" Ok. You know Melanie, it has been a very long time that I have ever gotten to laugh so hard like this or even smile. "

Mr Carter said as she just started talking to his daughter trying to explain why he was being so weird in front of her at that particular moment. He had already started to put on a very serious face as he was beginning to be serious as well. There was no way for him to explain why he was laughing but any way, he had to do that because he had no choice.

" Yes father, so what ? Why were you no longer laughing so hard just like the way you just did ? What was actually stopping you from doing that just like the way you have just did now ? "

Melanie asked with a Very moderate and subdued voice as she was giving all her maximum attention to what her father wanted to tell her at that particular moment as her ears were wide open to hear every single information about what he had to say to her.

" You know Melanie, before I got married to your mother, we were being so happy, laughing all the time and then, she had this zealous behavior of always having what she wanted and not having it in a small way but always having it in a very grand style. "

Mr Carter said as he continued answering to his daughter's question. At that particular moment, Mr Carter had become very serious since he was remembering every single thing about what had been happening to him in the past. It was not just a very good remembrance for him but there was a very great need for him to explain every thing that had happened to his child.

There was the high need that she gets to know all of those things since she already a big girl as well as a full grown up woman. The manner in which she was already grown could tell that her mind was also a very grown up and matured mind as her father Mr Carter had already bore in his mind that Melanie could already thinking big and reason like a big person. To Mr Carter, there was the great need that Melanie should no longer be treated like a little girl.

There was the maximum need that Melanie Shou be treated like a very grown up woman that she is to a greater extend. But to another extend, there was the need that Melanie should be treated with a lot of care just as if she was still avoid because, most often, she had to be corrected for the errors that she commits.

But as we all know, no one is perfect so we should be able to treat every one equally just the same way that we all want to be treated.

" All these problems started the moment I allowed your mother to join politics. "

Mr Carter said with a very calm voice as he was being very serious and bent on every single word that he was saying to his child at that particular moment.

The issue had become so deep that it was very difficult for him to end it up and make his wife to come back to his normal senses. There was the full need for him to get to explain every thing that had been going to his child so that she should have a little bit of idea about why things have been moving on in that house just like the way it has been moving.

" When your mother had just given birth to you , she came up to me when you should six months old and told me that she wanted to join politics just like me. "

Mr Carter said with a very cold and calm voice as she did not want that any other person should get to listen the conversation that he was having with his daughter since the conversation had already become so intimate. They were already diving in to family issues that needed some privacies as well as only both of them were authorised and allowed to know what was going on in their family and no one else.

" I have always loved your mother from the since from the unset and my love for her had always kept on growing even if she was being so arrogant some times and happened to be changing with time just like a carmeleon will do. I have never ever seized to love her for a single second. Not to even talk of thinking about it. "

Mr Carter continued talking as he said with a very calm and moderate voice being so frustrated as the whole situation made him to be so frustrated as he could not even get to concentrate on what so ever he was doing because he kept on thinking about the different characters and new behaviors that his wife was introducing all the time.

" Your mother pleased with me that I should allow her to join politics when you will become about two years old. "

Mr Carter said as he was being so severe while saying what he had to say at that particular moment. Tears were already gathering inside his eyes as he did not even have the energy to continue talking because he was already so hurt due to every thing had happened before to him as well as every thing that was still happening to him at that particular time.

He was already getting so weak and weary just to think about what had happened to him in the past that was still continuing to happen in the present.

" At the beginning when I heard that she wanted to join politics regardless if the fact that she had just given birth to our first child, I was so angry and did not want to listen to any thing that she had to say concentrate that. I was totally against what she had said concerning What she had just said to him at that particular moment. "

Mr Carter said with a very cold voice as he kept on riding with the same rhythm that he had started talking to his daughter since from the time that he had started talking to her trying to explain to her some certain things that she had not yet known before concerning both her father and her mother as well as why things have been moving on in that house the way they have been moving. There was actually the need for her to know every single thing about what is happening and what is not happening in her house.

That is why her father was there to talk to her as well as he had already put it upon him self to tell her every single thing about why he had chosed to tell her but that particular day and not before.

" I was completely against the fact that your mother was about to leave you in the house with a house help or a nanny just to go and follow politics and even have a very big political status. "

Mr Carter continued talking as he was so disappointed and so angry coupled with the fact that he cared a lot for his child and did not want that any thing bad to happen to her if she was ever been left in to the hands of a strange.

That was a very bad thing for her to think about couple with the fact that she was being self centered as she was thinking only about her self forgetting about other people's feeling.

She was not thinking about how other people might feel if she takes some certain decisions or what were all the impacts that followed each and every decision that she had taken in her life.

That was a very bad thing for her to do as she was being so bad. He had already started to put on a very serious face as he was beginning to be serious as well. There was no way for him to explain why he was laughing but any way, he had to do that because he had no choice.

There was actually the need for her to know every single thing about what is happening and what is not happening in her house.

That is why her father was there to talk to her as well as he had already put it upon him self to tell her every single thing about why he had chosed to tell her but that particular day and not before.

Mr Carter said with a very cold voice as he kept on riding with the same rhythm that he had started talking to his daughter since from the time that he had started talking to her trying to explain to her some certain things that she had not yet known before concerning both her father and her mother as well as why things have been moving on in that house the way they have been moving.

That is why her father was there to talk to her as well as he had already put it upon him self to tell her every single thing about why he had chosed to tell her but that particular day and not before.