

Immediately as Melanie had noticed that it was her Nanny who was at the door of her bed room, she quickly jumped up from her bed as she decided to make sure that she goes to open up the door for her nanny.

Instantly, when she had opened the door, she saw her nanny standing directly in front of the door of her room very early that morning. As early as 7 am that morning. She was so confused as she did not even know what to say as she had no idea about what her nanny was doing there at that particular moment.

There was the need for her to make sure that she had not come there to bother her again once more about her parents because she will not hesitate to talk back at her as well as start keeping a very long distance away from her.

Melanie did not want to have any thing to do with her parents no matter what. She had already started putting it in her mind from the unset that she was alone in this world and that she had no father no mother.

She was saying all these as well as bearing all these in his mind because, she did not want to put in her mind that she had parents where as they do not even care about her.

Parents who care more about their own jobs and social status more than their own daughter. That was not been done any where.

It was either their jobs or their only daughter and they both chosed their jobs and their social status.

That was very bad as that made Melanie to loose all the hope that she had in them completely. There was the need for her to know what she wanted as well as what she loved and what she did not love.

It was also high time she had to do what was necessary in her life in order to make it boom and move as she has always wanted it to be from the beginning. She had to do things now in her way.

Her nanny standing there for about thirty seconds when Melanie had just opened up the door now decided to talk to her finally.

" Good morning Melanie. " Melanie's Nanny said with a very cold and calm voice as she now decided to talk to Melanie after having stood there for over some time now.

And the gap that her mother was leaving in her was no longer even hurting her because she had learned how to live on her own and not seeing her as well.

Melanie hearing her nanny talking to her and saying what she had said, she got even more angry as she now ran in to her bed room and closed the door out if anger. At that particular moment, she did not want to see any body around her again.

Melanie wanted to be left alone and when she said left alone she really mean it. As she stayed in her room alone till she fell asleep.

Her father Mr Carter on the other hand was in his bed room laying down on his bed waiting for his wife to come back from work.

It was already about 10 : 30 pm in the night that is close to 11 pm and his wife was not yet back from work. That was so disrespectful of hers because it was not supposed to be done any where.

He was the man of the house and it was high time that he took his position as the man and the right full head of the family. As well as to also make his wife to love and respect him accordingly. And also make sure that she makes him to feel his position as the head of the family.

How ever, Mr Carter had already made up his mind that come rain, come sun, he was going to make sure that his wife changes her attitude if not so there was no need for them to be together again.

Mr Carter has tried a lot in covering his wife bad characters and disrespectful behaviors towards him and Melanie. Especially when she talks to him in front of Melanie. There was no little respect in it.

How ever, every thing was supposed to have it's end that day as he was waiting endlessly. All what Mr Carter's wife was doing was just so nagging to him as it always seemed like she was trying to tease him or even tempt him.

There was the need for her to amend her ways as her bad ways did not only penalize me Carter alone but it also penalized their only daughter the most as she was not having any thing to do more than crying all the time and being hurt all the time simply because of her mother's role to make her to always feel at home as well as being so happy.

Mr Carter could no longer keep on holding and hiding his wife's vices in front of his daughter because her ways were not just pleasant for any one to hear nor see. Her vices were already enough and it was high time for him to be able wipe off those vices and replace them with virtues.

That was because, the more Mr Carter keeps on hiding and covering his wife's vices, he was instead penalizing her the more as it gave her more rooms to continue doing what she was doing as well as proceeding with all the bad acts that she was doing at that particular moment.

It was not a good thing as her vices had already taken a very huge part of her mind, her body, as well as her soul. There was a very great need for him to act fast because his wife's pride had already taken the greatest part of her whole body.

To the point that she could no longer have the consciousness that she has a family to take care of, a husband to give her attention to as well as a very beautiful daughter that she has always wanted to have to take good care of and give all her attention to her at least and make her feel like she has a very caring mother who can sit like that and remember her. Or even try to be close to her all the time.

It was a necessity for Mr Carter to carry out the act that he was thinking about while sleeping on his bed. As he was thinking about all these things, he now decided to look at the clock that was found on the wall at the left hand side of the wall. As immediately he saw that it was already 11 pm in the night and his wife was not yet at home.

He was just so shocking as he noticed that the more he keeps on considering her, the more she keeps on bringing up new things that are not being funny at all. As she breaks the record every single time that passes. The more Mr Carter allowed her to do what she wanted to do, the more she continued doing more things that were so nagging and annoying and so disrespectful to him.

What she had done that day was so absurd as that was the peak of disrespect. The level of disrespect that she had nursed in her this time was just so out spoken to the point that she allows her husband to now be coming back home very early before her.

And she does not even come back very early from work after her husband. She stayed too long as what she had done that day that it was about 11 pm already and she was not yet back home.

" That is 11 pm already and she is not yet back. Don't she know that what she is doing is so disrespectful ? " Mr Carter said with a very cold voice as he is a man of very little words. He does not speak too much.

" It is already too late and she should be back home by now. " Mr Carter said to him self in his heart as every thing he was saying could be heard by only him since he was alone in his bed room and he was talking but in his heart.

As only him knew what was going on with him in his head.

All these thoughts were running through his mind as he was sitting on his bed thinking strongly with out seizing about his wife as he did not know what to think any more. That was the ever first time that such things were ever happening.

His wife had never stated out so late till that kind of a time even though she was always use to coming back home very late, but it has never been this very late. As Mr Carter was sitting on his bed being just so worried about every thing that was happening.

" I think I should call her and ask her what she is doing that is making her to still be out till this kind of a time. " Mr Carter said with a very tensed voice as he finally spoke to him self.

As he decided to call her immediately. He started looking for his phone with out remembering where he had kept his phone. There was the need for him to find out what was going on because he had no idea of if his wife was hurt some where or she was just some where chilling while he was in the house being worried over nothing.

Once Mr Carter had seen his phone, he now took it and decided to call her with the air time that he had in his phone as he called endlessly and she was not picking up the phone.

Mr Carter had already called about ten times and still yet she was not picking any of her calls. He was just so penalized to a fault as he was not feeling so good where he was sitting at that particular moment.

The fact that Mr Carter had been calling her for over some time now made him to be so scared that he could no longer control it. The fear and tension that some thing bad must have happened to him was just so high as he did not even know what to do again.

Since Mr Carter had called his wife for over more that ten times already, it was just so annoying that she could not pick his call as he did not know what to think about what was happening at that moment.

That was because, Mr Carter had also left her a series of messages In her inbox as she had not opened nor replied to any. There was the need for him to really get enquiries about every thing that was happening as he did not even know if his wife was in good shape or not.

He was just so scared every single second that passed as he began turning all around the house like a fly looking for nothing. Mr Carter was just so disturbed bin his mind that he could no longer think very well.

Mr Carter mind was already blocked as there was nothing he was thinking about at that particular moment other than is wife. Only the fact of thinking that his wife had not yet arrived home ever since, made him to have fever as he became so tensed and so hot that his body temperature had increased to a fault.

" There is no way I am going to be fine with out seeing my wife as well as knowing that she is fine where ever she is this. " Mr Carter said with a very cold voice as he did not want people from out side to hear what he was talking about as well as he was still very trouble in his mind considering the fact that he had not yet any news from his wife ever since he had been calling endlessly with out stopping.

All Mr Carter needed at that particular time was for some one to call him and tell him that his wife was very fine where she was and that she was not hurt where ever she was. That was all what he wanted to know at that particular time. And more still if it was his wife who could called him or even decided to pick up her call and make him know that she was in a good shape and was fine.

Mr Carter had been very troubled to the point that every one was sleeping but he was not sleeping. Mr Carter was the only one that was up at that kind of an unGodly hour with the guards who were not sleeping as we but were at their various posts carrying out their different activities.

There was the need for them to be doing what they had to be doing but all he wanted was for him to know that his wife was doing just fine. And not only to know but to see as well that his wife was fine.

After sitting on his bed for over a very long time now, he now decided to lay down a bit on the bed as he immediately fell asleep with out knowing. While he was sleeping, he was snoring so hard that he forgot him self.

The rate at which he was snoring was so strong and tense that even the people from the neighboring bed room could hear every single snor that he was releasing from in side his bed room no matter how solid and thick the door to his bed room was. Any way , from the rate at which Mr Carter was snoring, one could hear and tell for certain that he was really tired.

At least, he had the right to be tired because he had had a very hard day the whole of that day. So he had all the right to be snoring in such a way with out even knowing.

While he was sleeping, there was no way he could even get any thing that was happening around him because of the rate at which he was tired at that time. Mr Carter needed a lot rest at that particular time because the tiredness he was feeling was just so much that he could no longer hold it.

After sleeping for about two more hours, he woke up from sleep and then noticed that his wife was not yet back home.

" It is already 2 am in the morning and she is not still at home ? " Mr Carter said with a very tensed and surprised voice as he could not actually really believe all what was happening at that particular time. He was just so annoyed that he did not even know what to do again.

As he tired his head facing the left side of the wall in his bed room looking at the clock that was found there then saw that the time was 2 am in the morning already.

" Indeed, she has broken the record today. " Mr Carter said to him self while clapping and nodding his head as he knew that the things that she was doing were intentional. Because she could not tell him that she was at work for all that time till it was that late

That was no longer work. That was some thing else and she was supposed to explain to her husband what a married woman will be doing out side till that kind of a time.

The moment as Mr Carter just saw that the time was 2 am , the left over sleep that was still found in his eyes just dried off from his eyes instantly. That was because he could not believe that it was already 2 am and his wife was not yet home. As a married woman again for that matter. That was not being done any where.

That was the ever first time that she was ever doing such a thing in his house. The record was just so annoying that he did not even know what to do.

Since Mr Carter was a man of little words, he decided to keep quiet and just wait for his wife to come back home because she needed a very solid and tangable explanation that could clearly justify the fact that she was not in the house for so long and worse still the fact that she slept out side.

That was not being done any where as her husband Mr Carter was just so disappointed in the house. All he wanted at that time was the truth because he had never lied to his wife about any thing so he does not expect his wife to come back home and lie to him.

How ever, it was a very bad thing that she had ever done because if it happens to arrive in the ears of other people , it will be a catastrophic not only on her side but also in my side because people will start looking at me like some one who can not run a family so well.

There was the need for her her to amend her ways as soon as possible.

Since Mr Carter was a man of little words, he decided to keep quiet and just wait for his wife to come back home because she needed a very solid and tangable explanation that could clearly justify the fact that she was not in the house for so long and worse still the fact that she slept out side.

That was the ever first time that she was ever doing such a thing in his house. The record was just so annoying that he did not even know what to do.

That was because he could not believe that it was already 2 am and his wife was not yet home. As a married woman again for that matter. That was not being done any where.