

How ever, it was just annoying for Melanie to know that the only time that her mother could really have to actually really spend time with her, she turns it down for a meeting that she had claimed to be just so important to her and worse still when she said it meant every thing to her.

That was just so unbelievable as Melanie could never be the same in her life after that incident that had just happened. She just wished like she could just die so that her mother will be very happy a d she will now have all the time to be with her job which was now considered as her only child as well as her favorite child.

How ever, that same attitude continued and still persisted till date. It has not been a very easy thing for her to be in that particular house for over a very long time living under the same roof with her biological mother.

But since she was Still very little and things happened to be the way they all were, there was the need for her to just continue being the good girl and stay in the house as well as follow orders as instructed to her by both her mother and father all the time.

How ever, Melanie had learned how to cope with every thing that was happening to her. She was just so contented with the kind of parents that she had presently because she can not change their characters and even worse still she can never change them.

It was not an easy thing to do but she had to accept what life had given her even though at every moment she found her self not being happy with her parents as well as every thing that were happening close to her.

How ever , it was not an easy thing for her to accept from the beginning and it has not still been a very easy thing for her to accept till now.

Once she was done sipping the chocolate tea that her nanny had given her, she was just so fine at that moment as it helped in making her to be so relieved as well as being just so happy.

It was a very good thing for her to be so happy all the time because beIN happy at all times helps people a lot.

Immediately as Melanie was about dropping the tea cup on the floor, her nanny waking up rapidly from what so ever place that she sitting to pick up the tea cup before it happens to fall down and gets broken. It might end up hurting Melanie if in case it was broken.

Melanie's nanny considering and acknowledging where she found her self had to be Maximum vigilant and careful with what so ever she was doing with Melanie especially when it concerned Melanie for any reason. Even if it was some thing that did not make any sense. So far as Melanie was involved, there was automatically the need for her to be very careful with every thing that she was doing.

How ever, that was exactly what she was trying to do with out any doubt. She had to make sure that she treated Melanie just like an egg and more still just like the princess that she is.

There was no case that her nanny Should ever tell her parents about the reason why she was hurt. Because, Melanie's parents will never buy such an idea from her. They will never believe such things coming from her nanny. As well as they might end up sacking her and that is not what she wants.

How ever, that was just the gospel truth about Melanie's parents. it was either you take it the way you see it or you take it the way you see it. No more, no less. There was no need for them to be making some sort of things that might make her loose the job that she cherished so much with all her heart.

" Melanie, just drop it down there. I will collect it right away. " said her nanny with a very calm and soft voice speaking so politely to Melanie just like she had always been doing since when she was still little till now that she has grown up to a very big young lady of about 20 years old.

As she wanted to avoid any form of disorder there. She did not want that some thing to happen to Melanie at that point in time. She prefered that she should be hurt than that Melanie Shou be hurt for any reason. Be it important o not, she did not want that some thing like that should ever happen to Melanie no matter what.

As she was just so the perfect thing that had ever happened in Melanie's life because she could understand her. she was just the best thing that could ever happen to Melanie.

" You need some rest. Lay down on your bed a little bit and sleep. Ok ? " Her nanny said with a very cold and soft voice as she was just so calm. She was making her to be so comfortable in her own house.

Melanie in her heart only wished that her own biological mother could try at least even if it was for a minute to be like her nanny. Her nanny was just a typical example of how every single woman should be. She has all the different good qualities and virtues that every other woman should ever process in her.

How ever, it could only be considered when the woman is ready to render her self completely and totally selfless. As well as if the woman is ready to forgo every thing for her child including her fame and position.

But with the kind of woman that her mother is,

she can never do that. She can never even try to attempt to forgo one minute of her time just to be with her not to talk about a lot of time to be forgone just because of Melanie. Before she starts thinking about forgoing a her fame and position just to make sure that Melanie was fine.

That was basically and literally impossible because it can never and will never happen considering again the kind of mother that Melanie was having who had worked very hard to become who she is now as well as to become who she was at that time.

She could not just accept it for any reason. But how ever, there was the need for her to do that.

" Go have a shower first of all, before you go to bed ok ? " Melanie's nanny said with a very cold, soft and subdued voice that was just so touching to the soul and just so comfortable for one to hear it.

Her Nanny's voice has always been the sweetest voice that she had ever gotten to hear in all her life as the voice alone made her to forget about all her problems.

" Good night Melanie. " her nanny said with a very cold and soft voice as she was wishing her a very sweet and comfortable night.

" See you tomorrow ok ? " her nanny continued with a very broad smile on her face that was extending from mollars to mollars.

The smile on her face was too clear that even a blind person could see it. The smile was so amazing and so touching that just for Melanie to see the smile on her face, it was Makin her to be just so happy to a point that she could no longer control it.

" Good night nanny. Sleep tight. " She answered her nanny back giving her back a very sweet and broad smile that could clearly be seen as well by every one that was present at that particular time.

How ever, her nanny now left her bed room as she was done with doing every thing that she had to do there in Melanie's bed room.

Once her nanny was out, she sat on her bed as she turned her head facing towards the right direction of her bed room so that she could see the portrait that was found on the wall.

The portrayed constituted of her, her mother and father. They were all so happy while taking that picture. And that was a picture of about so many years back.

Sitting on her very soft bed, she was taking all her time and thinking about the day that they all had that picture as a family. Apart from the times when they had pictures as one family, it was not even for a long time.

As it was always a period of less than five seconds then immediately as the family pictures were taken, her parents will just leave her there alone with her body guards as they will all start bringing up excuses in order to make sure that they were going to be on time to where so ever they were going to.

But how ever, Melanie had already learn how to understand that no matter how many times that she will be crying because her tears did not mean any thing to her parents as well as it will never change any thing In their lives.

Even though it hurts her parents to know and see that their daughter is crying every single minute and second because of them and due to their in ability to creat maximum time for her, there was nothing they both could do as they could not make things right for her no matter how hard she cried and no matter how far she has been hurt by them.

Not once, not twice has she ever been hurt by them. She has been hurt by her own parents since that she was still very little and that was not a new thing. She wonder for how long her parents will be doing that to her.

She had also wondered as well which day her parents will ever decide to change for her sake and make her happy even if it was once in her life . so that she could at least know that they both got her in mind no matter how they have been ignoring her for years.

At least, all she had wanted was to feel at least loved by her parents for once in her life. She wanted to feel the love that they both had for her even if it was a little bit. But since they were the way the are, the politicians who have always wanted to keep up with their social status and continue maintaining it or even going more higher that they were at that particular time, they were both ready to do any thing for a more higher and bigger position than the present one that they had just acquired.

No matter how big the position that they both had in the society, they were still fighting for more. Till the point of putting their only daughter's happiness in the game to their own detriment as they both had no time for her as In not even a little time kept aside for their lovely and only daughter.

The only that she has been asking from her parents and is still asking is a little bit of attention from her parents even if it meant that it should be for at least just give minutes of feeling free and chatting with her parents normally like every other child will ever and always do with his or her parents.

All these thoughts were running through out her mind while she was still sitting on the bed thinking about her past experiences with her parents.

As instantly, she started crying back again. But it was very evident that crying will never and will not solve any problem. So the best thing was for her to take things the way they had decided to show up in front of her with out any complain.

She needed to be very strong and act as well as if nothing was going wrong with her. She did not really have to show our her problems to the Public for every one to know that she had family issues and personal problems with her biological mother and father simply because, they both have refused to at least creat a little bit of time for her and make her feel at ease with them as well as making her very hall and comfortable.

The first step for her to take was to accept what life had chosed to offer to her as gospel truth with out any questioning. She was just supposed to take every thing she was seeing Just like that. Just like every other human being on earth will do.

But how ever, the deed has been done, and she is now found in between two parents who do not really care about her feelings. All they care about what the money that they we're working and stock piling for Melanie for future use.

This explains why each time Melanie was asking her parents on why they were behaving towards her in such an unpleasant manner that was just so alarming to the soul as well as just so aching to every one that was beside them.

As so many people have walked up to her parents and talked to the about how they were treating Melanie. Especially to her mother.

But her mother Always be like, " She is my daughter and I know how to treat her right as well as I know what is best for her. Do not tell me how to raise my daughter. Because I do not tell you how to raise yours. So be careful with me. If you want to keep our friendship, you should not talk about my family. Because, my family is my privacy and not a public some thing. "

When Melanie's mother says such things especially when she is right in front of her, it makes her grow so crazy that she feels like just exploding. As her answer just immediately die down the kind of feelings, hopes and thoughts that her mother could one day change.

That was basically and actually not the truth as the truth and fact about the whole issue was that, her mother was never ready to change as she valued her social status and class stratification more than the way she valued her marriage, her family as well as her only daughter who is supposed to mean every thing to her as well as was supposed to be the first most important thing in her life.

That was just so heartless and so bad for a mother to ever be reacting like that. she did not want that people to know about her life again. Melanie at this point had decided finally that, she will just be on her own and keep any thing that concerns her family to her family as well as keeping all her problems to her self.

She had made up her mind already and that was final as she was doing other things and making other researches that could make her to be at least very busy so that she won't be able to be having irrelevant classes with her parents that could not add any thing to her life nor make her feel any better but only add more problems to her.

She was willing to be more of her self now than ever. She was ready not to be the crying type any more. She just wanted to be her and only her.

After thinking about all these, she was already feeling so tired and dizzy She was already so weary that she could no longer believe what her eyes were seeing as they were becoming so tight and dizzy that they could no longer move.

There was the need for her to have some rest. But before doing that, she had to have her bath first as she needed to be very fresh before going to bed as she was willing to do so and become very light as usual.

As immediately, she stood up and started undressing her self as she rapidly went in to the bath room and starred taking her bath. That day, she had a very warm bath that was just so nice to her.

The bath was so warm that no one could ever think. it was so relaxing as it made her to start thinking in another dimension. As the warm bath that she was having at that time did her a lot of good in her life that evening as it helped her to feel more relieved as well as it opened her pores.

The whole issue was just so amazing and so enchanting as the warm bath had taken her to the sky already. She felt so relax and so happy due to how she was feeling at that particular moment. As at least the warm bath that she was having that evening made her to feel so good that she could no longer explain it.

How ever, it was a very nice and amazing moment having a very warm and sweet bath in a very cold environment left alone. Where you could think alone perfectly..

The cold breeze from the window of the toilet was just so nice as it mixed with the kind of heat that were coming out from her pores due to the warm bath that she having at that particular moment.

It was a very exciting thing to do as we as a very good thing for her to do as she now has the feeling that she will always continue to take warm baths no matter what.