
Chapter Three - Academic Prison

"For every pain you face, don't ever give up, pick up the challenge and just go for it". @Victor_Precious


I had a quick bath, I decided to wear my Folkloric unisex joggers and a plaid flannel button-down shirt,

I took my homburg hat from beneath my wardrobe and placed it on my tied hair,

I decided to wear my Glasses to add to my code vestimentaire(dress code). I picked up my backpack

Got on my bike and drove off in a hurry just to be on time. I entered the class some minutes late, Good news!

I beat the lecturer to class as I narrowly passed him when he was about to enter.

As he was trying to see who almost pushed him down I ran to the closest seat which is two rolls away from the door,

Panting like a dog and sniffling in my laughter, I sat on the seat and placed My head on the table still shaking from the laughter.

A familiar voice spoke which drew me out of my world. 'Do I know you, you look familiar. he said,

I jerked and sat up straight to see the person properly, I mouthed the words 'Oh my God 'and I almost screamed my lungs out but thanks to my speed hands, they covered my mouth.

In utmost embarrassment I put my head back on the table, mouthing abusive words to myself,

I received a soft pat on my back which made me sit up and this time into my environment, I turned to the familiar face and said those stupid words,

'Heyyyy, do I know you, your face looks familiar.

He held his laughter and shook his head continuously then pointed at a particular direction behind me,

That was when it dawned on me that No kidding I'm really stupid, I followed his finger and guess what !!

Mr. Yawn was right behind me and he is the person who tapped me,

'Uh---uh----hello s--sir, I stammered,

'Yeah, hello miss Irac, I suppose you are the lady who ran off yesterday and almost pushed me down some minutes ago.

I could hear the mocking laughter of the students in class, and I wish I have magical powers,

so I can place a hot knife in those mouths of theirs and make them shut up for life.

'I didn't receive your qualifications for this class, so I don't think you are meant to be here. Mr. Yawn said to me disgustedly.

'What qualifications are you referring to, Mr. Yawn?' I asked really confused.

'I should not be the one telling you 'cause everyone sitting in this class all came as newbies and were able to find their way around.”

I would like to know if you are qualified to be here or not. He said, still with that silly expression on his face.

'Okay Mr. Yawn, you will get it by tomorrow, I said, turning around and backing him.

It looks as if I've been thrown into the lion's den just like the biblical record of Daniel but to be honest, this lion knows I am not Daniel,

Mr. Yawn came directly in front of me, I looked away like I didn't notice him,

He shouted like a dog and I froze making a shiver go down my body.

'Miss Irac!' he called, 'It's Ira, Mr. Yawn', I corrected proving stubborn and the 'C' you are adding at the end is fo----re

I couldn't complete my sentence because the next minute Mr. Yawn had his hands slamming hard on the table which left me unbalanced and almost pushed my homburg hat flying, all thanks to my reflexes, I stopped it, petrified I held onto the hat as if my life depended on it.

'I don't give a damn what your name is and what the 'C' stands for, all I want is for you to leave my class until you provide the qualifications to return.

Mr. Yawn completed already pissed off and disgusted.

'Okay, fine I will, but get that look off your face before I return tomorrow. I said to him, I picked up my backpack and headed for the exit.

I could feel his eyes trailing behind me so I hurried out before he does something stupid like shaving me from behind.

I narrowly got into this school with the help of Dad and now I'm in a big hollow, I don't want to call dad because,

he warned me when I told him what I wanted.

"Everyone is about to find out the truth, that I didn't do well in my science subjects but here I am in a science school,

doing a science course, Dad had warned me about the slim chance of being caught but I Ignored him.

Next time hype the slimmest chance…puff ", I say to myself as I relaxed more on the step outside the school hall,

Only a few students were in sight.

My brain is running a marathon and I can't stop it. I was still in the middle of pulling the brain out,

when a silly guy approached me and interrupted my imaginative thoughts.

'Hey, dude, what are you doing all by yourself?' he asked like he cared a bit.

He looked young, he has this face of a flirt, 'maybe he is gay. I thought to myself,

'Will you get lost before I get you lost?', I told him, mimicking Mr. Yawn's disgusting face from earlier.

'Don't be a rude', he says, silly girl, get up and go inside or go home, and you are stopping me from passing.

I looked left and right and then back at him, 'well listen up your garbage, there is enough space to pass,

'so why don't you go in before I format your Brain with a punch'. I told him rudely, getting up and showing him my hand.

I just turned it into a fist to show him I am not scared.

Before he could say a word, a young lady wearing an ID made her presence known by altering a few words that threw me off the hook.

'Good day, Mr. Tuft, the vice chancellor would like to have a word with you. She spoke

The freak smiled at the lady and smirked at me, showing a malevolent smile as he followed the young lady.

I can't find my lips, not a single word came out of my mouth, my head is blank. Maybe that young lady doesn't know who he is,

she must have taken him to be someone else. I dust my ass, got on my bike, and rode home quietly.

Going through Iya's credentials which I came with was really stressful, but finally, I got my hands on his qualifications from high school,

he is really good, he did well in his subjects except general studies.

Iya hated attending general studies, it's a course everyone has to offer, not science or art,

everybody will do things they do not have an interest in just to check their ability in all areas but that was not for Iya.

I just stared sheepishly at the results in my hand that had good grades. I'm proud of him, but I still don't know how to get my name on this paper.

Thinking of it alone brings frustrations. I just lay on my queen size bed and looked at the ceiling like answers were going to fall.

They are indeed white but they did not help me in getting solutions to my problem.

I left my mind in search mode and it landed on someone, The familiar face I saw today, he is Walter, he attended the same school as me when I was in seventh grade. Walter has this fine British accent which fits him so well, he dresses like an old English man but he looks really cute,

All the girls in school had a crush on him, yeah, I wasn't excluded.

He is my senior, being in eighth grade and I, in seventh grade, we had general studies together,

and that was why I made it My favorite course because there I got to see Walter even though he didn't notice me,

I was fine with my feelings.

Walter has never looked at me like a girl. Instead, he joined in by calling me a dude, and although that didn't make me change dresses, I felt hurt.

Before Iya died I lived my life just like any other girl, my dad made sure I change my wardrobe every two weeks.

When Walter arrived at school early that year, I was that one good girl everyone knew and loved,

but I pushed away those who wanted to be friends with me because I hated the gathering of too many people,

it disgusts me I enjoyed my privacy like it was my Hollandia yoghurt.

When Iya died I didn't attend school for weeks and finally, when I resumed I wore Iya's clothes and everyone forgot about the part that I was once a girl.

Things changed, and people changed too but I didn't give a damn about it.

I kept my feelings for Walter a secret till now, I thought it was going to fizzle out but seeing him today is like

I drugged up my memories and began to feed on them.

My crush is in my school and we are doing the same course together? Oh, my Visions!!!

all because I decided to achieve Iya's dreams, maybe destiny drags us indirectly to where we ought to be after all.

It was then that the incident that happened earlier came fresh in my memory,

I stocked all Iya's qualifications in my backpack and got on my bike, and raced down to school.