
Chapter 18


I wonder what's up with her, she has been pouting non stop, she's ostensibly wearing a frown and at the same time pouting like a kid in kindergarten.

"Do you want to talk". I asked her as she picked up her phone.

"Ira, I'm bored and you aren't helping out, thanks to you I'm not sleepy anymore, Jesus, you are a pain in the head". Win said pouting more.

Jeez, what's with this lady and pouting. "What do you suggest we do?, its only 1:00am.

"I don't know, hurry and think of something". She said going through her phone with all seriousness, I wonder what she's checking for.

I have an idea, I ran up the stairs leaving Win with whatever she is up to. I took out the booklet Chan gave me, as I got hold of this booklet,

I raced down the stairs.

"Win join me, let's read the content together". I suggested as I flipped through the pages.