
Triplets Goddesses S2: The Unknown World

Xiandrellyn Blue, Crimson Red, and Sharlene Shine Yellow, triplets with unparalleled powers and breathtaking beauty, struggled to fit into the mundane world for seventeen years. Their destiny changed when they entered the Immortal World and found a sanctuary at Arbexuelon Academy. But fitting in wasn't easy. Isolated and unable to physically connect with others, they faced new challenges. One night, a revelation struck Sharlene, transforming the triplets and unsettling those around them. As fear turned to villainization, gods and goddesses emerged to mentor them. "You three have a greater purpose," said one deity. "You must uncover the true name of the Unknown World." As they delved deeper into the Unknown World, they unraveled the secrets of their existence, discovering an intricate tapestry woven into the fabric of creation. Each revelation brought them closer to the ultimate truth that would redefine their destinies forever. Let's Join Xiandrellyn, Crimson, and Sharlene on their incredible adventure in the Unknown World as they seek the truth about their birth and unravel the secrets of this enigmatic land.

NamhyeBlueMoon · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 98

The two women sitting on the laps of two men ran out, along with the five women who were being hugged.

"What is wrong with you all, huh?!! I told you that visitors were coming!!! What kind of behavior are you showing?!!!" The high supreme shouted angrily.

"Rebelling, I guess," said the short woman.

"Fix your appearance and introduce yourselves to them!!" the high supreme commanded.

They struggled while we stood there emotionlessly staring at them.





"Roselia," the short one introduced them.

"Ah, my dear! They are my daughters. Boys, it's your turn," the high supreme said.

"Why should we tell our names?!! You already know... Sam," one of them said.

"Velmer," the other one added.

All of them had green hair.

The high supreme looked at us, wanting us to introduce ourselves.

"Call me Sharlene or Yellow."

"Just Crimson or Red," said the other.

They didn't look at us.

It seemed like they hated us.

Well, if they hate us, we hate them too.

They looked at me as I remained silent.

Let's see who has more attitude here.

"Oh?!! Introduce yourself!" Venus shouted irritably.

"I don't want to," I replied, which made her angry.

She was about to charge at me when Ophelia stopped her.

I just stared at them.


"Just call her X or Blue," Crimson said.

They struggled.

"Ah, I'm sorry, my dear! That's just how my children are," we nodded.

"So it's true what the supreme said, you possess goddess-like beauty, hahahaa! They said you rejected her children, is that true?"

We nodded.

I didn't feel like answering her, so I just nodded.

Tsk. Tss. Annoying.

That's what we heard from them but we ignored it.

"You're triplets, right? My children will escort you to the kingdom's gate; there are many wanderers who could harm you," said the high supreme.

We just looked at her.

"It seems you're not talkative... you'll get along with my children; they're not talkative either. CHILDREN!! ACCOMPANY THEM," said the high supreme. She was about to speak again when a guard whispered something to her.

"Sorry, but I have to go," said the high supreme.

We just nodded, and they left.

Diana started walking.

"Don't be a burden," Roselia said as they passed by, even bumping into our shoulders.

Sam and Velmer also bumped into us.

What's their problem?!!

"Tsk. If they hate us, we hate them more," I said.

"Truly!! A burden?? Ha!! No way!" Crimson replied.

"Let's go, so we can reach the kingdom gate they mentioned," Sharlene said.

We walked and followed them.

Why are there so many famous people here?!! Even they are famous too.

We reached a forest area.

There were so many monsters here.

We were entering that forest.

It was silent all the time.

They prepared their weapons.

And they slaughtered every monster we passed by.

We were watching them with furrowed brows.

They were killing the monsters without them doing anything yet.

How will we know what kind of monsters they are?

"Ahh! Hide!! The monster hunters are coming," I heard a monster say.

So they are monster hunters.

The monsters moved away from them, but they still attacked.

We saw a young monster running towards Velmer.

They were about to kill it, so we three blocked them.

"That's enough," I said.

"They're not doing anything, they're already hiding," Crimson added.

"Move aside if you don't want us to decapitate you," Venus said seriously.

They were holding swords.

Crimson drew her sword from her back.

She removed its magic paper.

Looks like there will be a fight now.

The monsters hid.

Everyone was serious.

"We can take care of ourselves, the problem is the place," Sharlene said.

"Hmm, just give us the map, and we'll handle it," I said seriously.

"There is no map," Sam said seriously.

"Then make one," Crimson said.

They got angrier.

We were in front of them.

When they charged at us, we dodged all their attacks.

We observed their every move.

I drew my knife.

I cut Ophelia and Laura's hands, causing them to drop their swords.

Crimson's sword was pointed at Velmer and Sam, whose swords were broken.

Meanwhile, Venus, Diana, and Roselia were sitting on the grass.

Sharlene had drawn her whip.

"Okay enough, we'll just take you to the gate," Ophelia surrendered.

We turned our backs on them when I felt something coming towards me.

I turned around.





I kicked Ophelia.


She stabbed me, hitting my chest.

They were shocked by what Ophelia did.

"Are you okay, Xian?!!" Sharlene asked.

I signaled that I was fine.

I pulled the knife from my chest.

I looked at them coldly, making them swallow hard.

I gripped the knife tightly, causing my hand to bleed.

My chest wound disappeared.

My blood slowly dripped from my hand to the ground.

"Don't damage yourself, Xian," Crimson said.

I understood what Crimson said, so I turned the knife into ashes.

We started walking, and they followed us.

'It seems like there's something about Sam, do you notice?' telepathically asked Crimson.

We turned around and faced them.

We stared intently at Sam.


Our eyes widened when we saw a bomb in his heart.

"Remove it, Crimson," I immediately said.

Crimson pulled Sam aside.

"WAIT, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO SAM?!!!" Velmer shouted at us.

Sharlene and I blocked them from approaching.

Crimson was defusing the bomb inside.

Crimson tore Sam's shirt, surprising him.

Crimson placed her hand on Sam's chest.

Sam writhed in pain.

Velmer threw a punch at me, but I caught his fist.

They charged at us.

"Stop them," Crimson said.

"AAAHHH! IT HURTS!!" Sam screamed.

They couldn't disturb Crimson's bomb defusal, or it might explode.

'It's done,' Crimson said in our minds.

Good thing.

I didn't notice that Sharlene and I were thrown.

We didn't notice Velmer and Venus' kick.

We were thrown against a tree, causing it to break.

I knelt on one knee.

I wiped my mouth as I coughed up blood.

Someone grabbed my collar and lifted me.

It was the angry Velmer.

He punched me in the stomach, causing me to cough up blood again.

"Even if you're a woman, I'll still hit you!!" he said angrily.

Go ahead, hurt me because when I retaliate, I'll take your life.

"X, I'll help you," I heard Gholyx say.

But I shook my head.

"S-stop it, Velmer!!" Sam shouted in pain.

Velmer released me.

They ran to Sam.

Crimson and Sharlene helped me up.

"We help them, and we get blamed," Sharlene said.

"Did you remove the bomb properly?" I asked Crimson.

"Yes, I removed it properly. If I hadn't, it would have exploded by now," Crimson said.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!!" Velmer shouted, supporting Sam.

"Velmer, stop... how did you know?" Sam asked.

We didn't answer, just looked at them.

"Sam, what are you doing?!! Why aren't you angry at them?!!" Diana asked.

"They hurt you!!" Roselia said.

"Stop it!! Let me explain!!" Sam shouted.

They argued.

I held my stomach where Velmer punched me.

"Are you okay, Xian?!! Why didn't you fight back?!!" Sharlene asked.

"They didn't do anything, it's okay, I'm not dying... let them think we're weak... who knows, we might meet friends who accept our weakness," I said.

"That's why I hate helping, this is what we get... body aches!!" Sharlene said.

"Don't be blind, Sam?!! They hurt you, don't you see-----" Laura said.

"THERE WAS A BOMB IN MY HEART!!!!!" Sam shouted.

Everyone was shocked.

The five women covered their mouths.

"W-what?!!" they said.

"There was a bomb in my heart, and they helped me remove it... what's wrong with you?!!" Sam said.

"Where did you get that?!!!" Velmer asked.

"I fought James earlier, I didn't know he planted a bomb in me... and it only had 30 minutes before it would explode, but they helped me," Sam explained.

They looked at us in shock.

Crimson and Sharlene were supporting me.

"But how?!! Why did you hide it from us?!!!" Laura asked.

"There's nothing you could do!! And I didn't want you to worry about me!!!" Sam said.

"But we're your siblings, Sam!! We could have found a way!! Don't you trust us?!!" Diana asked.

"I do... I just didn't want you to worry... everything's fine now... by the way, thank you," Sam said, looking at us.

We nodded.

"Apologize to them!!" Sam said.

"Tsk. Why?!! They deserve it," Diana said irritably.

See?? We helped, and we're still the bad ones.

"I could have been dead if they hadn't removed the bomb, you know?!!" Sam said.